Aug 19, 2024
WATCH: Whitmer REFUSES To Stand By Harris' Price-Gouging Ban
Prominent Democrats refused to defend Vice President Kamala Harris' proposal to ban price-gouging.
- 15 minutes
The vice president laid out some
of her economic policies this week.
Among other things,
she's proposing a ban on price gouging.
Here is what Obama administration
economist Jason Furman had to say.
He said, quote,
this is not sensible policy.
And I think the biggest hope
is that it ends up being a lot
of rhetoric and not reality.
There's no upside here
and there is some downside.
He warned, effectively that price controls
could ultimately stifle economic growth.
So do you think that's the best way
to bring down prices in Michigan?
Well, I think people are reading too much
into what has been put out there.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
really tried to avoid answering questions
during this conversation.
We're going to get back to her
in just a moment.
But first, Jake, I want to talk
about the framing of the question,
because the framing of the question
has to do with what Obama's former
economic advisor Jason Furman, has to say
about economic populist proposals.
And I just want to remind you all that
Obama's response to the housing collapse
and the economic meltdown of 2008,
I believe, got us Donald Trump.
The fact that Americans lost their homes.
Had foreclosure after foreclosure
with very little help
from the federal government.
The response by the Obama administration
to that was a complete and utter disaster
of epic proportions.
And I'm really not interested in hearing
what Obama's economic advisor has to say
about Kamala Harris's economic policies.
In fact, I would like the Democratic Party
to move as far away from the ferments
of the world as humanly possible.
- So let me just get that off my chest.
- Hey, don't scroll away.
Come back, come back.
Because before the video continues, we
just want to urge you to lend your support
to TYT, you power hour honest reporting.
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So I want to come back
to Gretchen Whitmer, too, because she
didn't support Kamala Harris's policies.
And I think that's relevant.
But we're going to come back to that.
So to your point, Anna, Jason Furman,
Timothy Geithner, and Larry Summers,
these were that's the axis of evil.
That was Obama's economic advisors.
And they said, hey,
give everything to the banks.
Give them trillions of dollars in bailouts
and have the Federal Reserve
pump endless money into the economy.
That all goes to the big corporations,
and eventually it'll trickle down
on the American people,
just like Reagan and all the Republicans.
And guess what happened?
93% of the gains in 2010,
when the economy started to recover,
went to the top 1%. 93% of the gains.
Economic inequality exploded under Obama.
It exploded under Obama.
I don't care what Furman has to say
about a goddamn thing.
No, but it's so. That's right.
But I but the reason that it's relevant is
because as we tell you on The Young Turks
all the time, when its culture war issues,
mainstream media and right wing media
will fight all the time, right?
MSNBC and Fox News, etc.
Will fight the minute its economic issues,
and a Democrat does anything
slightly populist.
All of a sudden there'll be
massive agreement with mainstream media
and right wing media.
And here it is.
So now NBC going, I don't know
about this Kamala Harris plans, right.
Oh what happened? MSNBC and NBC.
And then you go to The Washington Post.
They wrote this scathing op ed.
I'm just going to give you two
really quick notes from it.
One, they said, I can't believe
that she's turned against big business.
This is a bad idea.
And they said, oh, her economic positions.
This is all how they always
arrogantly put it.
This it's not a serious proposal.
Anything serious would be telling you
how great big business is
and how we should give all of our money
to them from corporate media.
And then the Washington Post said,
that this she's oh, this, you know,
idea of fixing price gouging
is totally unrealistic from quote
supposed corporate perpetrators.
There are no corporate perpetrators
who are trying to maximize profit.
That's in the imagination of Kamala Harris
and progressives
and so supposed corporate perpetrators.
Jumping on the.
Okay, so look, my views on Kamala
Harris's proposals are far more
nuanced because, look, in terms of the I'm
going to tackle price gouging,
she put out a vague statement like there
isn't a specific policy and everyone
is reading into that vague statement
whatever they want to read into it, right?
So I have a problem with that caveat.
There were some policies she proposed
that I think were fantastic,
especially as it pertains to housing.
Now, look, simply subsidizing Americans
who want to buy homes
is not going to solve the housing crisis.
We need to build more housing.
Giving Americans money to afford housing
is going to drive up the cost of homes,
because there is limited supply.
So I was worried when I heard at first
that that was what she proposed.
We're going to give $25,000 to first
time homebuyers because again, that is
not going to solve the housing crisis.
But then she talked about cutting
the red tape in various states to increase
and also give, you know, tax benefits
to builders so we can build more housing.
That's excellent. So that is good.
She also proposed doing something
about the corporations
and the private equity firms
that are buying up single family homes.
I think that's fantastic as well.
But when it comes to the price gouging
issue, she made a vague statement.
There is no specific policy
and everyone is reading into it
what they want to read into it.
You want to do something about,
you know, price gouging?
Honestly, some of her wealthiest donors
have their sights set on destroying
Lina Khan, who is currently the head
of the Federal Trade Commission.
The Federal Trade Commission under Lina
Khan is trying to increase competition,
which drives down prices,
especially when it comes to groceries.
Right now there are all sorts
of mega-mergers being proposed in the, you
know, grocery store sector of the economy,
which would cut down competition
and increase prices for groceries.
Yeah. So I'm worried about that.
So no, no, no.
Listen, you don't have to worry
about anything.
She's not going to do anything
about price gouging.
So let me explain why the policy is much
ado about nothing, and why the politics
of it is still really, really good.
So from a policy perspective,
number one, it's vague.
She definitely did not say price controls,
nor would I be in favor
of price controls.
I would be very much
against price controls.
Okay. But she definitely didn't say that.
Number two, there are already
rules on price gouging.
You can't price gouge
in the middle of a natural disaster.
You can't charge $200 for water after
a hurricane and there's no water left.
All she has to do is apply those laws
and she can say, hey,
this is a different kind of disaster.
ET cetera.
Or a different kind of emergency, and we
need to take action But it doesn't matter
because she's not going to do any of that.
Her proposal was vague.
That price gouging that we showed you
was happening earlier has abated already.
That doesn't mean inflation is gone,
and it doesn't mean they're
not trying to maximize profits.
They always try to maximize profits.
But the period where they were gouging
and bragging about it
to their shareholders has actually passed,
and the prices are beginning to come down.
So that's why again, it's just optics.
She's not actually going
to do anything about it.
And lastly she said it's
about grocery stores.
She has to know
it's not actually about grocery stores.
Grocery stores have the lowest margins.
It's actually about consumer good
companies like Procter and Gamble etc.,
that were driving up the price
of consumer goods, Coke, etc.
But there's a lot of those companies.
There's only a few amount
of grocery stores.
So she picked a corporate donor
that she thought wouldn't piss off
that many other corporate donors.
But it's it's it's just it's
just not going to happen.
And her proposal shows you
that it's not going to happen
based on the specifics that she
if you pay attention to the issues.
But the reason the optics are good is
because it gets all of right wing media,
corporate media, and Republicans to go.
Can you believe
she's against big business?
I can't believe she's hurting
our beloved corporations.
And now Fox News is doing a 24 over seven
Brian Kilmeade the other day he's like,
we have to defend big business.
Yes, good, good defend big business.
Because then you'll definitely lose.
Yeah, I mean that that is true.
I mean, even though the vague statements
is mostly meant for optics.
Unfortunately, unfortunately for the
Republican Party, they're taking the bait.
And now you see Donald Trump speaking
out against the same economic populist
messaging that got him elected in 2016.
So whether Kamala Harris
did that purposely as part of a strategy
or not, I don't know.
But I mean, it is incredible
how Trump has taken the bait.
Now, with that in mind,
I do want to just give you a reason
for why Jake and I agree that, you know,
setting prices or price fixing
is a bad idea by the federal government.
This is actually something that was done
previously and it led to bad results.
So during the last spike of inflation in
the 1970s, both Democratic and Republican
presidential administrations
at times imposed price controls,
which specifically limited what companies
could charge for goods and services.
They were widely blamed for creating
shortages and long lines for gas,
like there were bad consequences to it.
There are other ways to lower prices,
and competition is one
of the best ways to do that.
Avoiding or preventing these
mega mergers from happening
is a great way of doing that.
And by the way, something
that never gets talked about.
The current war in Ukraine has also led
to inflation as it pertains to, you know,
what you're paying at grocery stores.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine
lifted the cost of wheat and other grains
on the global markets.
So that caused a problem with the price
at grocery prices at grocery stores.
Now, what did Harris say?
Because we keep saying she made
a vague statement and it was vague.
There is no specific policy.
There's no detailed plan
when it comes to, price gouging.
So Harris is promising to,
during her first 100 days in office,
send Congress proposed federal limits
on price increases for food producers,
for food producers and grocers.
That measure would include
authorizing the FTC to impose large fines
on grocery stores that impose
excessive price hikes on customers.
Her campaign said yes.
So she's not saying,
I'm going to say a carrot is worth this
and a tomato is worth that.
She's saying the FTC will find you
if you do something excessive.
Right. So the FTC ain't going to do that.
It's just not.
And and to be fair, by the way,
like I said, told you earlier,
actually prices have started to come down.
And right now they are
not doing price gouging.
But they were.
They definitely were.
But they're not anymore.
So there is nothing to regulate.
So it's just for optics and and I don't
want them to get freaked out by it.
Their beloved
mainstream media attacking them.
Because when that happens, they usually
panic and go, well, I didn't mean it.
I love big business.
And that's kind of what Gretchen Whitmer
was doing in that appearance.
Okay, so I'm of two minds
with Gretchen Whitmer.
I think that there is merit
to the point you're making.
But also, I mean, look, as a politician
who clearly has her sights set on running
for president in the future and.
- Needing a lot of corporate donors.
- A lot of corporate donors, yes.
But do you want to cosign
to a vague policy that you might
not actually agree with at all?
No, no, she's doing it 100%
for the donors.
They all their policies are vague, right?
No, that's not to be fair.
That's not true.
As Anna pointed out, some of our
housing policies was not vague.
Yeah, it was not vague.
And it was clear and it was positive.
And her other economic proposals
are also good.
So Whitmer is trying
to save donor money here.
That's that's my read of it.
So let's go to the next clip and watch as
Whitmer continues to dodge the question.
Well, I think people are reading too much
into what has been put out there.
We know that Kamala Harris
is going to be focused
on building up more affordable housing.
We know that Kamala Harris has already
delivered on making sure that health
care is more accessible and affordable for
Americans, and will protect Obamacare.
That's a million people who have health
care in Michigan right now that Donald
Trump's been trying to rip away,
that only adds costs on to people's backs.
And so that's why I think this opportunity
economy that Vice President Harris is
talking about and laying the broad strokes
for I think is shows we really do.
She sees every American.
She understands
what people are struggling with.
Well, governor, I hear you saying
that folks are reading too much into it.
And yet it is what the vice
president is proposing.
You have former President Trump
calling the policies communist.
The Washington Post editorial board
called it a gimmick.
Is this plan to ban price gouging
anything more than a gimmick?
Governor So, she continued, dodging it
two more times in that same conversation.
But look, to Whitmer's credit,
she did give Kamala Harris kudos
for the housing policies, which is good.
Okay, so I agree with that.
I will allow it.
Yeah, but she did not want
to answer any questions when it came
to inflation at grocery stores.
And they might be trying
to get away from the topic
because they might already be panicking.
Oh my god.
Big corporate media criticized us.
Yeah Washington Post is their
editorial board is conservative.
I don't know if you know
that it's not just Wall Street Journal.
Washington Post editorial board is also
conservative and it's run by Jeff Bezos.
So you think he wants Kamala Harris
to attack big business?
No, no.
They love big business.
So that's why they called it gimmicky.
And they didn't just call this gimmicky.
Oh, they're beloved, beloved private
equity guys buying up all of our homes.
They're like, oh no,
protect private equity.
Big business is so great.
That's Washington Post
and Mainstream Media 101.
That's NBC ABC, CNN, all of them.
They'll all go and kiss big business ass
and go, yeah, of course they should
price gouge you whatever they like.
They should buy up all your homes,
make you all into renters,
and then charge you extra.
And if you ever dare defy it
as a Democrat, we'll say you're communist.
Look at the Kristen Welker, framing there.
Well, the Republicans
are calling her communist.
So what are the Republicans?
They call every Democrat policy,
and they call every Democrat a communist.
You don't know that, Kristen Welker.
Were you born yesterday?
Do you know anything about news?
So when she says they're calling
her a communist, what she's saying is
I'm calling her a communist.
Okay, but pause for a second,
because what is this, the 1980s?
Like we're recycling
the communist attack line?
Yeah, they.
Called Obama a communist,
and then he gave everything to the banks.
Okay. Come on, get out.
Like you don't as a I'm sorry, but as a
reporter and an anchor of Meet the Press,
if you don't know that every Republican
has called every Democratic
presidential candidate a communist,
and you just, like, just repeat that
talking point as if it's legitimate, then.
Yeah, I guess you don't know
anything about nukes, right?
Or your only other choice is.
Yeah, I like that framing because I'm
corporate media and I love corporations.
So I want to help Donald Trump frame you
as a communist when you've all she's doing
is the price gouging proposals.
They're already on the books.
You could already go after people
for price gouging in different situations,
but they're acting like, no,
our beloved big business good cry more
because every time you see media
crying about how she's trying to help
the average guy too much is a couple
of thousand more votes she picks up.
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