Aug 19, 2024
Swing State Polls Show TIGHT Race
While Vice President Kamala Harris' momentum is still growing, she still has work to do to secure the electoral college majority over former President Donald Trump.
- 7 minutes
Kamala Harris is now leading Donald Trump
by six percentage points in the latest
ABC News Washington Post Ipsos poll.
That is a dramatic turnaround.
Harris is holding a 51% to 45% lead
among likely voters nationwide.
New polling in the lead up
to the Democratic National Convention,
an event that we're currently at,
indicates that Harris is in fact
increasing her lead against Donald Trump
in the national polls,
which is a big deal.
Usually when you hear about the Democratic
contender leading, especially when it came
to Biden, he wasn't quite leading enough
in the national polls
to put Democratic voters minds at ease.
But things are starting to change now that
Kamala Harris is the Democratic nominee.
So a new ABC News Washington Post
Ipsos national poll
showed that Harris is in fact leading
by six points among likely voters.
So take a look at this.
Harris is at 51%,
whereas Donald Trump is at 45%.
Now in addition, a CBS news YouGov poll
gave Harris a three point lead nationally.
But while Harris has that lead
when it comes to the, you know,
national polling, a CBS news YouGov poll,
the same CBS News Gallup poll found that
she is, in fact tied with Donald Trump in
some of the critical battleground states.
So take a look at this.
Yeah, it's plus three nationally
for Harris.
But the fact is that while everyone's
opinion counts in the nation,
it's not the national popular vote
that decides the presidency.
It's the battleground states,
the ones that happen to be closest.
And that our estimate is,
is even state by state.
They're all close.
That's what you need to know.
So what does that mean
going into the convention, Vlad?
Let me show you this.
First and foremost,
we got here back to this even race
where Joe Biden had been trailing,
because when Harris became the nominee,
we saw a boost in enthusiasm among
Democrats, more of them starting in July
and heading into right up to now.
Keep saying they're going to vote.
What does that tell you?
It tells you part of this convention
is going to be Democrats
trying to keep that enthusiasm going.
And look, while she is pretty much tied
with Donald Trump when it comes
to the critical battleground states,
I want you all to remember how much worse
things were when Biden was the Democratic
nominee, because he was not tied.
In fact, Biden was losing
in the critical battleground states.
So, according to the CBS poll, the
percentage of Democrats saying that they
definitely will vote has actually gone
up 6% since Biden dropped out of the race.
So take a look at this.
You know, back in July, let's go back
to the previous graphic, please.
So if you look back at July 18th,
when it came to Democrats, 81% of them
said that they're very likely to vote.
That has now increased to 87%.
So that's a big deal.
You know, people were planning
on sitting out the presidential election
and not casting their ballots
because they weren't really excited.
And Harris has managed
to excite Democratic voters.
More of them are now planning to vote.
Other polls have, by the way,
found that Harris has gained a small lead
in the critical battleground states,
in fact, potentially large enough
to give her the Electoral College majority
that she needs in order to win.
And that includes advantages
that she's holding in at least four
state polls, including Arizona, Michigan,
Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
But again, it's still very close.
According to the latest FiveThirtyEight
polling averages, Trump would only need
to flip one of the three blue wall states
Michigan, Pennsylvania or Wisconsin
in order to win in November.
As long as he takes all of the states
where he is currently ahead of Harris
in polling averages.
So I give you that caveat
because it's an important caveat.
It would be a mistake
to get too confident, too cocky.
This is still going to be a close race,
and it's important to keep that in mind.
So look guys, you should
definitely be excited by these numbers
but not overly excited.
Hey don't scroll away,
come back, come back.
Because before the video continues,
we just want to urge you
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So let me explain.
Give you the full context.
So we told you Biden was down in
the national polls and that by the end it
was getting to three, 4 or 5 points.
That's disastrous.
Totally unrecoverable,
because you got to have the Democrat win
by five in the national polls.
Now, as I read you the first poll,
she's up by six.
So now we're at a bare minimum.
We're back in it. 5145.
Right at a bare minimum.
In fact, if that was if that's
definitely true, then she wins.
If the election was held today okay.
Now again, the other poll
shows you the blue wall.
These are the three states that
Democrats absolutely, positively need.
Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania
are now all in Harris's camp
by at least four points.
And those you just have
to win by one vote.
You don't need to win by five points
or anything along those lines.
I win by more than one vote.
Otherwise Trump will cry
forever and ever and ever.
So we'll like 100 million MAGA guys, etc.
But those are the three states you need.
And Arizona.
She's also leading by four,
so she's got one more than what she needs.
But is this a comfortable margin?
No, no, not at all.
Because a lot of this is
within the margin of error.
A lot of this is one poll or two polls,
not a collection of a number of polls.
And so if the election were held today,
I think Kamala Harris would squeak it out.
But I'm not at all sure Trump still has.
It's still close to 50 over 50
if it were held today.
So now the good news is momentum
is massively on Kamala Harris's side.
So we're surging and going
into the Democratic convention.
Another lots of bad news here for Trump.
So he you're supposed
to get a bounce from your convention.
But they stole his convention thunder
by Biden dropping out
72 hours after the convention.
Kamala Harris coming in that.
That's it.
There goes all their good press.
It's over now.
The press all goes to the Democrats.
Then she did smart things
to get more people back.
And in fact, now she's regained
the youth vote by about 20 points
as she's regained, the black vote
by about the same margins as Democrats
historically win the black vote.
So about ten point loss there
for Donald Trump.
These are all incredibly good signs.
The only giant note of caution.
The small one is,
hey, this thing's not over.
And even now, after all these good gains,
we're still at near 5050.
But the big note of caution
is many things can happen.
Guys including what looks
like it might be imminent.
That's why we led the show
with it earlier is a potential giant war
in the Middle East.
And so what happens
with a if that breaks out?
No one knows. I don't even know.
You know how I love to predict things,
but you need information
before you make predictions.
Otherwise it's ridiculous and silly.
We base it on information
and you can't possibly know
what's going to happen from a war.
So we'll have to see as things go along.
But there are still
significant curveballs ahead,
so this is not the time to celebrate.
It's time to double down on the energy
to make sure
that it keeps going in this direction.
Thanks for watching The Young Turks
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