Aug 19, 2024
Trump SELF-DESTRUCTS At Pennsylvania Rally
Former President Donald Trump was hyper-focused on Vice President Kamala Harris' looks during his latest rally. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks.
- 16 minutes
I don't ramble.
I'm really smart guy, you know?
Really smart.
I don't ramble, but the other day, anytime
I hit too hard, they say he was rambling,
rambling and I feel I have an obligation
to speak and speak in a certain way
and speak a little bit longer, you know.
How would you like it?
A guy's waiting with his family
for three and a half, four days.
They have a tent and the tent is set up.
They have hundreds of them, and they wait.
And then I walk in and speak
for 15 minutes and leave.
I don't know, somehow.
Would that be okay, North Carolina?
I don't think so. Right?
Well, I don't think the rambling
is the problem.
It's the content or the statements
being made
in the middle of those rambling sessions,
and it's not helping his campaign.
So he has essentially decided to ignore
the advice of his campaign staff and go
on this, you know, massive bender at both
his Pennsylvania rally and also online.
And he's continuing to make statements
that's helping Kamala Harris
increase her lead in the general election.
And that's according to the polling.
Now, the rally over the weekend
was supposed to serve as a bit of a reset
to Donald Trump's campaign.
That didn't happen.
Now, as part of the strategy,
his staff prepared this written speech
that focused heavily on economic policy.
Like, hey Trump,
go back to your greatest hits.
It's the populist messaging
that really helped you in 2016.
Go back to that.
That's what voters want to hear about.
Some Republican strategists had hoped
the former president could regain
the initiative by zeroing in on issues
which opinion polls say voters have
greater trust in Trump than the Democrats,
such as inflation.
However, Trump's having difficulty
sticking to that message.
Obviously, Kamala Harris has managed to
get under his skin and she's on his mind.
And so take a look at how he decided
to essentially go off message.
Go off that strategy
and instead attack Kamala Harris.
Let's take a look.
Who would believe this? 80 days from now,
we are going to defeat a communist
known as Kamala Harris.
She's a communist.
Most radical left person
ever to run for office.
This is not what this country needs.
We've had enough of them.
If this is communist, this is Marxist.
This is fascist.
But you know what?
It's dangerous because she's saying
that she's going to give away things
that she'll never be able to get approved.
Look, people say be nice.
Have you heard her laugh?
That is the laugh of a crazy person.
That is the laugh of a crazy.
It's a laugh of a lunatic.
Have you heard it?
You know they prohibited her.
They prohibited her for laughing.
I you know, I've been waiting for her
to laugh because as soon as she laughs,
the election is over.
You know what I was looking at
in that video wasn't Trump.
I was listening to Trump,
but I was watching his fans behind him
and how distracted and uninterested
they appear to be in what he was saying.
And I think that this is a huge misstep
by Donald Trump.
Because remember what what voters found
appealing about his message in 2016?
The reason why, honestly,
a lot of Bernie voters ended up switching
parties and voting for Trump
is because of that economic messaging.
And now here he is speaking out against
those economic policies that his voters
had previously found appealing.
Yeah, right.
Hey, don't scroll away,
come back, come back.
Because before the video continues,
we just want to urge you
to lend your support to TYT.
You power our honest reporting.
You do it at
and we love you for it.
There's a lot to respond to there.
So first off he says,
they say I'm rambling, but I don't ramble.
And then he goes on to ramble.
I mean, and epically so.
And then he did an ode to rambling.
So which one is it, brother?
Do you or don't you?
And this rambler doesn't know
when to hold him and when to fold them.
He never folds them.
He always goes on and on and on.
If you've bored your own audience,
then you know you're not doing it right.
And so he's not playing the greatest hits.
He used to do that.
He'd say, build the wall
and lock her up, etc.
You can say, hey, I don't like that.
But his fans loved it.
And he would talk to Anna's point
about economic populism.
He didn't mean it,
but at least he was savvy enough
to pretend to give you things, right?
He's totally lost the thread on that
because he just rambled his way out
of what he was actually campaigning on.
So now that Kamala Harris is taking
the economically populist positions,
Trump is defending corporations.
He's defending his owners.
That's a great way to lose.
So he's just absolutely ruining
his own campaign.
And he responds to every attack line.
You're not supposed
to do that in politics.
He's just not right.
So like when they call.
- The defense.
- Now a non stop, they called him weird.
And he's like they call me weird.
I'm not weird.
I'm not weird. You look weird doing that.
Why are you responding to them
calling you weird?
And then they call you Rambler
and you're like, I'm not a rambler.
It reinforces that you're weird
and you're a rambler.
And now the most important thing
is he's as usual.
But now he can't contain himself.
He's obsessed with himself, so he's
not talking about the people at all.
- That's a huge mistake, right?
- That's a huge misstep.
In fact, what you just watched,
it didn't end there.
Let's take a look at the next clip.
I mean, time magazine, think of this time
magazine doesn't have a picture of her.
They have
this unbelievable artist drawing her.
And I said, is that Sophia Loren?
I couldn't.
Who might that be?
Is that Elizabeth Taylor?
They say she was a beautiful woman.
Who is it? That's so beautiful drawing.
It's a drawing.
They took a lot of pictures.
It didn't work out,
so they hired a sketch artist.
I said, I'm sure.
Oh, they must be celebrating
the great life and times of
the magnificently beautiful Sophia Loren.
I mean, I read a so-called Republican
who Ronald Reagan didn't like, by the way,
and she didn't like him, but she got
credit for being this Reagan speechwriter.
She said Kamala has one big advantage.
She's a very beautiful woman.
She's a beautiful woman.
So I decided to go back
and reread the clause.
I'm not saying he's not, but I say
that I am much better looking than her.
I think I'm much better.
Much better.
I'm a better looking person than Kamala.
What? What?
Why would voters care about that?
Like, what are you.
What are you doing? What are you doing?
What are you doing? What are you like?
- What?
- Yeah.
No, this is madness.
So first of all, why did you know?
But hey, the rambler, why did you wind up
giving five minutes of your speech
to how hot Kamala Harris is?
First of all, before you even got to
how you're hotter, which is just insanity.
They're fine. Right?
Why are you talking
about our works for so long?
Is she severe? Lauren?
Is she Elizabeth Taylor?
I couldn't tell what you couldn't tell.
Elizabeth Taylor is dead.
Like, why did she go back?
And Elizabeth Taylor is very white.
Like what?
What are you talking about?
Well, this is not like. This is nonsense.
Like, this is so dumb, right?
Like I it's laughable.
Like we're talking about
a presidential election, guys.
I don't care about anyone's looks, okay?
The country is falling apart.
Like, what are we doing? Yeah.
No offense, Bernie, but we were for Bernie
Sanders, and we weren't for Bernie Sanders
because he was hot.
Yeah. Okay.
That's for people not that bright
who are like, I like shiny objects.
And that's how Trump thinks.
So that's why he thinks.
I wonder if people are voting for Kamala
Harris because she's hotter than me.
No, you idiot,
you're the one who thinks like that.
And and guys, look, even if you're MAGA,
if you didn't think that he was a lunatic
before, you really think that Donald
Trump, at 78 and 300 some odd pounds,
is better looking than Kamala Harris?
Like, I know, who cares,
but do you understand that That's detached
from goddamn reality.
Like you sound like cuckoo
for Cocoa Puffs.
Anyway, Doug Heffer is one of our members
on Twitch, and they had an interesting
theory as to why Trump said the weird
thing about how he's more attractive.
They say the reason the crowd booed Trump
when he said Kamala was an
attractive woman is because to them,
anyone of color can't be attractive.
Then when Trump says I'm more attractive,
the crowd cheered.
Not because of a conventional definition
of beauty, but rather because he's white.
They're deeply racist.
Look, I don't know
about the racist theory.
ET cetera. But it is true.
And we saw it with your own eyes.
He's talking about,
oh, she's so attractive.
And they're like, oh, grumble.
Right. And then he says, But I'm hot.
And they're like, right.
This is so this whole thing is insane.
I just, I can't I can't believe how much
he has bungled his own campaign.
Like he's totally lost.
I, I really did think, okay.
Like they've been very strategic
over at the Trump camp.
I remember being at the RNC
and actually being impressed with how how
he was sticking to the script and how he
was going along with the strategy.
And it was working.
And now it's like he's totally
discombobulated over Kamala Harris
being the Democratic nominee 100%.
He should have expected it. 100%.
He should have expected it.
And they should have strategized
and he should stick to the strategy.
But he can't help himself.
He's totally discombobulated.
And and I got to say one thing
about what you're saying.
So we're at the DNC right now,
as you can tell, right?
We were at the RNC a couple of weeks ago,
and I was shocked
that they didn't see it coming.
- Me too.
- Yeah.
I mean, we because we were there
on Thursday, word spread like wildfire
that Biden might drop out.
But I was like, but on Monday
through Wednesday, I was like,
do you guys are you not aware that there's
at least a really, really good chance
that Joe Biden is going to drop out?
I thought it was at 100% turnout.
I was right.
But a lot of people thought,
okay, maybe 70%, 50%.
Like if I thought, oh, there's a 50%, 30%
chance my opponent is going to drop out,
I would make contingency plans
and I wouldn't get caught off guard.
That entire place was caught off guard.
They couldn't believe it.
And they thought they'd already won.
In fact, let me let me just weigh
in on something.
I remember being at the RNC.
Jake had a trip planned to Europe, and I
remember Jake talking to me about, like,
Biden's going to drop out this weekend.
I think I'm going to cancel my trip.
And I thought that was a crazy idea.
But he did it.
He did cancel his trip
so he could be here to cover that story.
So you definitely expected it.
Like anyone paying close attention
to politics should have including
or and especially the Trump campaign.
Anyway, let's get back to the the story.
Because look, him saying I'm
more attractive than Kamala Harris
is obviously weird.
It is.
It's just a weird thing to say,
but it's especially weird when you
consider what Trump had to say last week.
- So let's go to that.
- Picture of her on time magazine today.
She looks like the most
beautiful actress ever to live.
It was a drawing,
and actually she looked very much
like our great first lady, Melania.
She looked. She didn't look.
She didn't look like Camilla.
That's right.
But of course, she's a beautiful woman,
so we'll leave it at that, right?
So are you saying
you're more attractive than your wife?
No, I hadn't thought
of that transitive property.
Of course, if you told him
about the transitive property,
he'd be like, I don't own that one,
so I don't know what you're talking about.
- I put my.
- Name on it.
Make money off licensing my name.
Why don't we just take out
the transitive and put it in,
And then it'll be Trump property. Okay.
So again, you know,
we covered that last week for you guys.
It's I don't know why he's imagining
Kamala Harris as his wife
in some weirdo bizarro thing
that he shouldn't be talking about at all.
Why? He's fixated on her looks.
But most importantly, guys, his inability
to to pivot is actually kind of stunning.
I look, it shouldn't be stunning to me
because you've heard me say a thousand
times how unintelligent I think he is.
But even so, he keeps using
talking points about Biden.
Yeah, so like, he'll even go to like,
how Biden was too old brother.
That was a million years ago.
You're not running against Biden anymore.
And at this point,
you're 20 years older than Kamala Harris.
You got to stop talking about age.
And by the way, a poll showed,
as you would expect,
the numbers 100% flipped from 31 Trump
having a 31 point advantage among people
who were concerned about the candidate's
age and health in a 31 point lead.
Now he has a 30 point deficit.
So if you're a Republican,
you want Trump to about age,
but he's still talking about age because
he can't get off his old talking points.
That shows total incompetence
and you just don't.
You're supposed to be attacking
Kamala Harris on her policies
like immigration crime.
I mean, I don't want to do your
job for you, but those are like those
are the obvious things to do.
If you're a Republican,
you should be 10,000 times angrier at him.
It's all right.
I mean, honestly, if he could think
straight and just get out of his feelings
for a minute, it's a bit of a layup
because think about it.
Kamala Harris is currently running on
the things that she's going to do if she
gets elected and she's in the white House,
she's in the white House now.
I know I don't I don't
even want to give them tips.
I know now a lot of people watch the show.
You've heard this advice.
I'm sure he's heard his advice.
I know his campaign managers
aren't idiots.
They've actually given him
really good advice.
He can't help himself.
And look, I actually want to admit
that I was wrong about something.
The thing that I've always
given Trump credit for
is I felt that he understood marketing.
He understood how to sell it.
And right now he is flailing
and is his messaging is so disastrous.
I'm like, man, I guess I was wrong.
Maybe he doesn't understand.
Yeah, I saw Bernie speak earlier today
and he's still totally the same Bernie
as he was before.
Age catches up with you
at different times for different people.
And so you know that I haven't thought
that Trump had an age problem
because I'm like, look, if you think
the things he's saying is crazy,
he's always been crazy, right?
And he's always been unintelligent, etc.
But now, for the first time, I'm beginning
to think it might be an age issue
because like those fantasies about
how Biden will come back into the race,
like, I don't know if you saw those, Anna,
when you were away, but he kept
talking about like, Biden could come back.
I think Biden's going to come back
and he's going to take the retake
the nomination at the DNC.
Well, not only is that cuckoo
for Cocoa Puffs, but that's like devolving
in a way that is.
That's more than I would have expected.
Like, you're not running against Biden.
This is not a complicated issue.
Like, hey, if you say he doesn't have
a good health care proposal,
of course it's a complicated issue.
He couldn't possibly have
a decent proposal for health care,
and he knows it, right?
But this is not complicated.
Running against Kamala Harris,
not Joe Biden.
And he doesn't seem to understand that.
So he is an absolute hot mess right now.
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The Young Turks: August 19, 2024
Hosts: Cenk UygurAna Kasparian
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