Aug 19, 2024
Blinken Gives DEVASTATING Update On Ceasefire Talks
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned that hope is waning for a permanent ceasefire between Hamas and Israel.
- 13 minutes
Secretary of State Anthony Blinken
has made his ninth trip to Israel
in the hopes of reaching a ceasefire deal
between Israel and Hamas.
Now, while the U.S.
Has expressed optimism that a deal can
be reached, Blinken also stated something
that I thought was really fascinating
during his meeting
with Israeli President Isaac Herzog.
So with that in mind,
let's take a look at what he has to say.
This is a decisive moment.
Probably the best may be the
last opportunity to get the hostages home,
to get a cease fire
and to put everyone on a better path
to enduring peace and security.
I'm here as part of an intensive
diplomatic effort on President Biden's
instructions to try to get this agreement
to the line and ultimately over the line.
It is time for it to get done.
It's also time to make sure
that no one takes any steps
that could derail this process.
And so we're working to make sure that
there is no escalation, that there are no
provocations, that there are no actions,
that in any way could move us away
from getting this deal over the line, or
for that matter, escalating the conflict
to other places and to greater intensity.
Now, if this is indeed the last
opportunity to forge a ceasefire deal,
we're in a lot of trouble
because there is no ceasefire deal.
And that has been made clear by Netanyahu.
So as the Biden administration continues
to give you this faux optimism, which I'm
honestly incredibly sick of hearing about
because it never really comes to fruition,
just keep in mind what you're about to
hear from Netanyahu later in this segment.
So real quick, I should note
that Israel says that 111 hostages
are still being held in Gaza.
If they genuinely cared
about returning those hostages,
they would agree to a cease fire.
But they haven't.
39 of those remaining hostages
are presumed to be dead, which honestly
shouldn't be surprising given the.
You know, bombardments
that have been going on in Gaza.
The fact that Israel has cut off food,
water, electricity.
Now, Blinken says again, now is probably
the best and maybe the last opportunity
to secure the ceasefire deal.
But why? Like what makes this different?
Blinken is also seen standing next to
Herzog in the video that you just watched.
But it's really important to also
understand the kind of rhetoric that you
hear from government officials in Israel
in regard to the Palestinian people.
Because how do you make a cease fire deal
with individuals
who see all Palestinians as terrorists?
And if you're wondering what I mean.
Take a listen to what Herzog had to say.
In the last 24 hours,
we've witnessed ongoing terror attacks
by Palestinian terrorists.
So that's a short clip.
But I think it's really important
to be precise in your language.
And when you say Palestinian terrorists
rather than Hamas terrorists.
I mean, you give the game away, right?
The bombardments that have killed 40,000
people, you know, in the Gaza Strip.
They want to make you think like,
no, no, this wasn't intentional.
We're only targeting Hamas.
40,000 people gone dead.
Yeah. Okay.
And you referred to them
as Palestinian terrorists.
As if all Palestinians are terrorists.
As if they're the ones.
All of them carried
out this attack against Israel.
- Yeah.
- So that's the problem.
What is the Israeli officials
are saying is a problem.
But the very core of the problem
is this cease fire deal
appears to be totally fake.
Right. Hey, don't scroll away.
Come back, come back.
Because before the video continues,
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And it looks like what Blinken is doing
now is just he doesn't I don't think
he's trying to get a cease fire deal.
I think he just went there
to do Israeli propaganda.
And so let me explain what I mean by that,
because earlier that wasn't the case.
Blinken and the US offered a real deal
in the beginning of July, and both Israel
and Hamas seem to accept it.
In fact, Israel seemed
to have originally drawn it up.
And so that's
what the US said for a minute.
And we told you.
Now, later, they'll fall back in line
with Israeli propaganda.
So because at the time they were trying
to pressure them to take the deal, but
Israel said, no, we don't want the deal.
And remember,
the US is never going to blame Israel.
They're always going to blame Hamas
no matter what happens,
no matter what the reality is.
But we had a brief window of truth there
from the American government where they're
like Israel, this is your deal.
Why don't you just take it right?
And so they changed the deals.
So now what I look for in this was okay,
but what are the terms?
Because if they're essentially
the same as the July terms, well then
you're going to get to a deal because they
both had already in essence said yes
before Netanyahu blew up the deal.
So when you look at the deal,
no, it's the hard line Israeli position.
So they want the Philadelphi corridor,
which is
at the the southern border of Gaza.
They want another strip
that goes right in the middle of Gaza.
So they're saying we're going
to go back to the occupation.
We're going to take land in Gaza.
We're never going to leave.
And by the way, we also no longer agree
to a permanent end to the war.
So what is what are
the Palestinians getting out of.
This cease fire? Yeah.
Well, it's interesting
how during this current war,
all of a sudden the definition
of a ceasefire completely changed.
Cease fire means you cease fire.
The war ends.
Now all of a sudden, it's like, no,
no, we'll do a two week pause, and then
phase 28 might be a six week pause.
No. Is it a cease fire
or is it not a cease fire?
Okay, this is ridiculous.
And honestly, it sets a precedent
that I'm concerned about when it comes
to future conflicts, not just between
Israel and Palestinians, but in any war.
Like, all of a sudden, the cease fire
doesn't mean ceasefire anymore.
And so let me be clear about that,
guys So we want the hostages back,
and we want peace so that the U.S.
Doesn't have to fight
anybody's war in the Middle East.
And we want Israel to be safe,
and we want Palestine to be safe.
And for all of this to come to an end,
and you can do that if you
just go back to the July deal
that both sides had originally agreed to.
But if you keep insisting on the hard line
Israeli position of we're going
to continue to occupy Gaza.
But not only that,
after the cease fire period ends,
the first one is in six weeks,
and you give us all the hostages back
and there's a second one,
and then you get more hostages,
but then all the hostages are back.
Then we're going to go back to the war.
Well, why would anybody agree to that?
And so you can say, oh,
Hamas should agree to that.
Okay, great.
I wish they would agree to that.
But they're not going to.
And in fact, I wish they would agree
to that permanent end of the war
which they have.
But I do I don't want them to agree
to giving up land in Gaza.
So Jesus,
how much more occupation do you need?
So that's saying, hey, after I killed
40,000 of you and 90,000 wounded and I've
displaced 85% of the people of Gaza.
Now I'm going to take your land
and not give you anything in return
in terms of a permanent cease fire
or end to the hostilities.
And then, of course, American.
So right now, what Blinken is doing,
that's why I'm telling you,
it's just marketing.
So that I would be shocked
if Hamas agreed to that deal.
And so, guys, the thing that that's going
to release is then Hezbollah and Iran are
going to strike back for their capitals
being bombed in Beirut and Damascus.
So when they strike back, we're going
to be in the middle of a giant war
because Israel said, no deal.
And I guarantee you go read any of
the articles on what the deal actually is,
and you will see that we're 100% correct,
and then go watch mainstream media
as they will lie to you
as a giant factory of propaganda.
They will all tell you
that Hamas said no to the peace deal,
and that is just not true.
It was Netanyahu who ruined the deal
we had in July
and now says, no, I give nothing in return
So of course he doesn't want the deal.
It would end his career. So this is sick.
So let's get into specifics because I
think it's important to understand
what both Hamas is saying
and what Netanyahu is saying.
So Hamas says suggestions of progress
are an illusion, with differences said
to include whether Israeli troops
will be required to withdraw
fully from Gaza, as Hamas insists.
Now, in a statement on Sunday,
Hamas accused Israeli Prime Minister
Netanyahu of putting obstacles
in the way of an agreement
and setting new conditions and demands
with the aim of prolonging the war,
which is what Netanyahu has been doing
from the very beginning
because it serves his political interest.
He wants to remain in power, and the best
way to do so is to prolong the war.
It added it holds him fully responsible
for thwarting mediators efforts
and obstructing an agreement.
Now, Hamas source also told Saudi media
that the proposals that they reject
include the IDF maintaining a reduced
presence along the Philadelphia Corridor.
As John had alluded to earlier,
no permanent ceasefire.
So a ceasefire deal means
you get a ceasefire.
A lack of a permanent ceasefire
means that this isn't a ceasefire deal.
The terms of the rejected deal would also
prevent the free movement of Palestinian
civilians from southern Gaza to northern
Gaza, and Hamas is like, that's untenable.
No, we're not going to accept that.
And so Axios reported today
that behind closed doors, Netanyahu is
reprimanding his own officials
for trying to reach a ceasefire deal.
Netanyahu's negotiating team briefed
him on Sunday that if he gave them more
wiggle room, a deal might be possible.
Netanyahu refused to budge
and reprimanded them for caving
to senior Israeli officials, tell Axios.
And so this has come at a massive cost
to Palestinian civilians,
to Israeli civilians.
I mean, they're living in fear because now
you have Of Iran, you know, threatening
to target Israel on their land.
There was recently an attack in Tel Aviv.
And so is this making Israelis feel safe?
I'm sure it isn't.
And then it is dragging us closer
and closer, the United States government
to a war with Iran, which would
be a complete and utter disaster.
And, it's just it's devastating
when you hear the very specific story.
So I want to give you some examples
so far, as I mentioned earlier,
more than 40,000 Palestinians
have been killed in Gaza.
One of the latest horrific examples
was an Israeli airstrike on Sunday that
killed a woman and six of her children.
Four of those six children
were quadruplets gone, wiped out,
dead in one Israeli airstrike.
Mohammed Awad Khattab,
who is the children's grandfather,
said his daughter, a school teacher, was
with her husband and their six children
when their house was struck, he said.
The children ranged in age
from 18 months to 15 years
and that four of them were quadruplets.
He told reporters outside of a hospital
that the six children
have become body parts.
They were placed in a single bag.
What did they do?
Did they kill any of the Jews?
Will this provide security to Israel?
And of course it won't,
because this isn't really about
providing security for Israel.
This is about a far right government
led by a far right prime minister
who doesn't care about anyone's safety.
He doesn't care about the hostages.
He doesn't care about Israeli civilians.
He certainly doesn't care
about Palestinian civilians.
He cares about his own power
and maintaining it.
He doesn't want to leave office.
He certainly doesn't want to stand trial
for the corruption charges
that he has been accused of.
This is all about Netanyahu
and what's best for Netanyahu.
It is disgusting and lives are
being lost as a result of it.
But he doesn't care. He doesn't care.
So look last thing I'll say on this
is because you will see wall
to wall propaganda on mainstream media.
Don't forget what Axios reported that Anna
just read his own negotiating team
told Netanyahu, we could have a deal here.
We can get the hostages back.
We can have a ceasefire.
Just need a little bit
of wiggle room and we're good.
And Netanyahu told him no.
That is two senior Israeli officials
telling Axios that story.
That's not Palestinians.
That's not human rights groups.
It's not even reporters.
It's two Israeli officials saying
we could have a deal right now.
But Netanyahu refuses to budge
because he doesn't want a deal.
So do not believe any lie.
Look, if you say to me, hey,
you should hate Hamas and you should hate
what they did on October 7th,
I hate what they're doing, what they did
on October 7th, I don't I think terrorism
is a terrible idea when Hamas does it.
I think terrorism is a terrible idea
when Israel does it.
So that's easy guys. That's easy.
But can you get to a peace deal
that actually works here?
And we had one.
And in fact, we could have one right now,
if you believe senior Israeli officials.
But instead Netanyahu says no.
And you will hear all of American media
lie in the upcoming days
and say that Hamas said no
when it was in fact Netanyahu who said no.
And so now we'll go to war,
and then you'll be forced to pay for it.
And some of you, maybe if it gets bad
enough with your lives or your kids lives,
when we could have had a deal today.
And I don't want you to forget that.
Thanks for watching The Young Turks
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