Dec 27, 2024
Trump Base GOES AFTER Elon, Vivek Over Foreign Worker Visas
Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy are taking heat from MAGA supporters after they expressed support for H-1B Visas.
- 22 minutes
Its populist, nationalist
versus elite globalist lumbers on here.
She's banned.
They're trying to ban a Gavin Wax.
You're going to be banned eventually
by the free speech absolutist.
The nerds don't take criticism.
They're kind of, you know, they're
a little bit all on the spectrum, right?
So they don't know.
They're not deep in social skills.
So it is Steve Bannon joining
into the I thought it was already going
the Civil War on the right.
But it seems to be expanding
even throughout today between like
the long time MAGA hardcore base
and then some of the the newer MAGA,
the techie billionaire MAGA.
They really disagree on a variety
of things, and it has quickly become,
it's got to the point of people being,
you know, losing their access to Twitter,
accusations of betrayals
and racist comments.
And we're going to dive into all of that.
We do want to let you know
that it seems to have basically started
when Donald Trump appointed Sriram
Krishnan to serve as senior white House
policy advisor on artificial intelligence.
Which would it happen?
Probably didn't seem like it would
cause the fissure that broke MAGA,
but that's how it's looking right now,
and we're going to get to all the details.
But Jake, what do you make of this?
So I agree with Elon and Vivek,
but I love the rebellion against him.
So I'm going to explain
why in a little bit.
And as we were talking,
Elon Musk just liked my tweet on this,
like right now on the show.
And I'm going to tell you why he liked it.
Once we get to that part of it,
even though I'm criticizing him in parts,
because what's most
interesting guys is the fissures
is the divisions within the right wing.
And that's what makes this story amazing.
- So more details.
- You'll you'll criticize in part.
I will do all of the rest of it,
because I long for a day in which we no
longer have to know that he exists.
But for now, we do.
But let's let's jump back to the
new advisor for artificial intelligence
and why it caused all of this issue.
So Krishnan is an Indian American
entrepreneur, has previously worked in
a number of different major tech companies
Microsoft and Twitter
and Yahoo and Facebook and Snap.
So I kind of all of them, I guess
he's a United States citizen, by the way,
that will be either ignored or lost
on many of the people who want
to make this immediately a race thing.
But the big issue for him
is that he supports using H-1b visas
to bring foreign workers in to work
based on certain specific skills.
They have to work in engineering,
coding, that sort of thing.
And so some of the original MAGA people,
for whom America First is not
a suggestion, it's really a command.
We're not happy about this.
So Laura Loomer is never going
to miss an opportunity to be involved
in some sort of massive racist uproar.
So she tweeted, our country was built
by white Europeans, actually,
not third world invaders from India again.
He's a United States citizen.
But anyway, you know, it was white
Europeans who created the American dream,
and we didn't create it
so that it could be exploited
by pro-open border techies like you.
Why are people in India still essing
in the water they bathe and drink from?
Because if you thought she was going to
get through a tweet without making it real
gross, no, that's not going to happen.
So anyway, she goes on to say, don't talk
to me as an American citizen about
innovation when we actually have running
water and indoor plumbing here in America.
Perhaps you need to retake
your American history class.
Do the tech billionaires
you work with in Silicon Valley
even bother teaching their third World
hires about American history anymore?
Or are you only interested in your
invader supremacist revisionist history?
And I love that's my favorite part at the
end, where she capped it off, where it's
those other people who are supremacists,
not the person insisting that we bow down
to our white forefathers
who created all of this.
But anyway,
and lots of other people jumped in.
You can see tweets like this.
Did any of you all vote
for this Indian to run America?
And look, I want your commentary,
but this is where Elon is going to get
wrapped up in this because he, like
Krishnan, supports using these H-1b visas.
He's been very clear about that
for a number of years.
He's been clearer on that than he has been
in support for Trump and for longer.
But but it's already getting really gross.
So guys, I was just going
to explain to you my position.
There's no point in reading you the tweet.
I thought until Elon liked it
in the middle of the segment.
And so the fact that he did
is an interesting indication
that is actually relevant to the story.
So let me read you the tweet
that I did before the show.
It summarizes my point of view, and then
we'll talk through all the ramifications.
I said, I agree with Elon Musk and Vivek
Ramaswamy about H-1b visas, which is
what we're going to get into in a second.
But I love the rebellion against them
because it shows
that MAGA is thinking for itself.
I said I disagree with the right wing
populist here, because I think it's
awesome that the most talented engineers
across the world want to come here.
And I think they make a stronger
because we get to take the top talent
of all the other countries.
That's the great advantage
of being America.
We shouldn't throw that away.
But this fight shows that MAGA is not
a monolith, and that's a great thing.
Vivek is right and wrong.
He's right that we should celebrate nerds.
We're going to get to that part
of the story in a second.
And people who work hard in school.
But he's wrong that we need to put
down anyone else in order to do that.
I was both an honor student and a middle
linebacker for our football team.
There's nothing wrong
with being a jock or a nerd or both.
And I said, I can't stand Laura Loomer,
and I think her comments
about Indians are awful, but I also don't
think she should be punished
for her comments blocked or unverified,
which is another part of the story
we're going to get to let
the marketplace of ideas sort this out.
The forces for good
don't need sensors to help us.
And so since Elon is being accused
of censoring Laura Loomer, the fact
that he liked that tweet is interesting.
- It might be lost on him.
- I don't know.
I don't think he's as intelligent
as people think he is.
But okay.
That's look,
everything is a possibility, right?
And so let me get to the core
of why I love all of this.
Because, guys, in the bad old days,
whether it was Mitch McConnell
as the leader of the Republican Party
or George W Bush or Dick Cheney
or Donald Trump in his first term,
they would just give an order and all
the Republicans would go, yes, sir.
And now orders are given and people go,
maybe, sir, but maybe not.
And then we get into this giant messy
fight that is way better than one person
gives an order, one person is completely
in charge and everybody is in a cult.
And they do exactly what they're told.
So this particular fight
is already instantly ugly.
And so I've been talking about left
wing populism and right wing populism
and how we agree on maybe about 40%
of stuff antiwar, anti-corruption, etc.
But there's 60% we don't agree with.
This is among the 60%
we don't agree with because there's
nothing wrong with H-1b visas.
Look again here.
I'm going to turn to Ramesh now because
Ramesh some folks are saying no, there are
there is something wrong with H-1b visas.
It's being applied wrong.
It's maybe not a bad idea overall,
but it allows people, the tech companies
to hire people for less money, etc..
- What's your take on that?
- Well, several different things.
First, very, very troubled
and something that has to be broken down.
How those driving tech have turned more
and more to the right
and to become MAGA supporters.
And I know you all have been covering
that, but there's a lot to get into there.
And second, sort of somewhat shamefully,
for me as a child of H-1b visa parents
and as someone who's South Asian
and Indian American myself,
it's sad for me to see fellow Indian
Americans embrace and cozy up to this.
To Trump,
who and the Trump administration, which
still is pretty open about its racism.
That said, the H-1b visa was one
of the major fuels by which the US economy
was able to boom because of its ability
to attract high skilled workers
from other parts of the world,
particularly parts of South Asia,
East Asia, and so on.
However, as we know quite well,
our economy is sick.
It's infected.
It's not well, it's diseased.
And so there's always going to be
this kind of clash or this tension
between people saying, wait a second,
the reason we elected you
and this is the vast majority,
I would say, or or majority
of many of people who voted for Trump
is because the economy is sick
for middle and working class people.
So I think what you know, Elon and Vivek,
I don't I'm not a big fan necessarily
of both of them on many different levels.
I think they're both recognizing that
the only way the US economy will continue
to thrive in its incredibly unequal
and unjust ways, which is behind Trump's
election, is by expanding this program.
And that's going to bring out
racist responses like
which what you had read out.
But at the end of the day,
Trump and all these folks running
this administration, Vivek, Elon, etc.
Are going to have to show whether they can
deliver for the middle and working classes
for the so-called MAGA base,
which is mainly working and middle class.
And we've seen next to no evidence
that they could do so from the first
administration, where Trump passed
the biggest tax cut for billionaires
in the history of our country.
And I don't see much evidence of this now,
even though I'm happy about
the labor secretary, though, the National
Labor Relations Board was scuttled.
So I'm just getting at the point here
that these flash points of elitism
relative to populism are showing up now
within this new emerging administration,
because really, there's
very little there's not really a better
adjective or or characterization
of people like Ramaswamy and Musk
other than the word elite.
And I'm going to briefly criticize Elon,
but then I want to give you
what Vivek is talking about,
because he gets more into sort of the
cultural side of why they think they can't
turn to American workers or don't want to.
And then we can criticize him.
I'm in a weird position where I guess,
technically I agree with him in that I
don't have any problem with H-1b visas.
I don't think we're being invaded
when talented engineers or coders
want to come and work here.
That's consistent with my view
on basically most forms of immigration.
It's not consistent, by the way,
with how Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy
talk and think about most immigrants.
They seem to acknowledge
that we can be enriched economically,
culturally, technologically
with these certain migrants,
but they don't seem to acknowledge
that at every other rung
of the economic ladder, migrants coming in
make our country stronger.
And I wish that they could be
a little more consistent about that.
I also worry that some of this
is about exploitation, that Elon Musk,
we know how he treats his workers.
He seems to despise humans
as a necessary evil.
I think he sees some of these people
that he brings in as more exploitable.
You acknowledge
that they might be able to be paid less.
They might also be able to be worked
far harder at threat of being deported.
We know how he works.
The few remaining engineers
at Twitter and all that, and he constantly
talks about it's not just that Americans
aren't talented enough.
They're not motivated enough.
They won't sleep,
you know, five nights in a row
at the Twitter headquarters or whatever.
Like maybe he wants to.
And so I have a little bit worried
that there's an undercurrent
of exploitation to this.
But I guess ostensibly we agree in any.
Let me just say two quick things
about that, John.
One, I love your defense
of immigrants overall, right?
It's not just the high paid ones,
the high skilled ones.
ET cetera.
I mean, look, if we're keeping it real
and you want to be more specific,
I would give credit to all the immigrants
from all the different nations.
But Mexican immigrants
built this country in so many ways.
And we, instead of thanking them,
we've, you know, lambasted them over
and over again and try to drive them out.
So in Latin American immigrants overall.
So but but look at this, this is
and then it put it puts the right wing
to a test in a different way,
which is I thought you said you guys said
you were against undocumented immigrants,
because now all of a sudden it looks
like you're against all immigrants
because H-1b is perfectly legal way of,
you know, getting a visa to this country.
So let's be clear about it.
You know, undocumented immigrants
is a different category.
And but documented immigrants,
I'm 100% in favor of in this country.
And I think we should have more, not less.
And but I like that they're
finally realizing, yeah,
Ellen and Vivek are part of the elites.
Now, just because you're an elite
doesn't mean you're wrong about everything
or that you're a bad person.
I just agreed with Ellen and Vivek
on the H-1b visas.
But I like that the right
wing is going, oh, right.
We have elites, too.
To which I say, of course, Ellen was
the number one donor to Donald Trump,
gave him over a quarter of $1 billion.
And he didn't do that for his health.
Yeah, but but I do want
to get into the cultural argument
that Ramaswamy is making.
And then we can discuss that.
So, and there had been a little bit
of this in what Musk was saying,
and Musk went off on this.
He agreed with this tweet,
referring to Americans as to our word
to be able to do this work.
And you can't teach them in schools
because they're the R word.
And he had no,
no issue with that whatsoever,
which I find strange and noteworthy.
But this is what Ramaswamy says.
The reason top tech companies often
hire foreign born and first generation
engineers over Native Americans.
Is it because of an
innate American IQ deficit?
A lazy and wrong explanation?
It comes down to the C word culture.
Okay, our American culture
has venerated mediocrity over excellence
for way too long, at least since the 90s,
and likely longer.
That doesn't start in college.
It starts young.
A culture that celebrates the prom queen
over the Math Olympiad champ
or the jock over the valedictorian
will not produce the best engineers.
If you grow up aspiring to normalcy,
normalcy is what you will achieve.
Now close your eyes and visualize
which families you knew in the 90s
or even now, who raised their kids
according to one model versus the other.
Be brutally honest.
This can be our Sputnik moment.
We've awakened from slumber before.
Don't say woke and we can do it again.
Trump's election hopefully marks the
beginning of a new golden era in America,
but only if our culture fully wakes up
a culture that once again prioritizes
achievement over normalcy,
excellence over mediocrity, nerdiness
over conformity, hard work over laziness,
and even on that nerdiness thing.
You see the strike back
from the other MAGA people, with Steve
Bannon implying something bad about nerds,
as if he doesn't understand
that he's just a politics nerd.
Like, what does he think? He's a jock?
In any event, the issue I have with this,
I don't even agree with some of this.
I do think that our culture has
long like we don't generally deify
worship academics, thinkers, philosophers,
scientists and all that.
But I would also say that if you're going
to be like doing a dissection
of where our culture turned away
from those sorts of heroes,
or even just accepting them, like, do
they know which party they're supporting?
Do they know what Fox News
has spent the last three decades Doing?
Do they know how implicitly
anti-intellectual Donald Trump himself is?
His circle is?
They're the ones who've demonized
not even just higher education anymore.
It started with grad school,
Turning Point USA.
Their stated mission is
to make people lose faith in college.
PragerU to make the very idea
of education a joke.
They've turned people against teachers,
convincing them that they're if they're
in higher education, they're Marxists.
If they're in lower education,
they're sexual predators.
They've turned people against doctors
and scientists, academics of all stripes.
If America no longer like, pushes its kids
to to enter into these fields,
do they get that they're cheering
on the side of the aisle
that has pushed that more than any other?
Feel free to disagree, but I kind
of feel like the anti-intellectualism
is coming from inside the house.
Yeah, there's a lot of truth to that.
So on top of that, look,
I agree with Vivek, as I said earlier,
that, hey, we don't like.
It's good to celebrate nerds
and people who don't conform.
And oftentimes in the past, although I
think American culture has really changed
on that, and it has accepted that a lot
more than it used to in the old days.
You beat up on the nerds and stuff.
I don't think people do that anymore.
I check with my kids all the time,
like, that's weird and needless.
Nobody does that anymore, right? Maybe.
But we live in LA, I don't know, right?
So yes, people who worked hard in school
should be celebrated, right?
On the other hand, you don't have
to beat up on average Americans.
I love about average Americans.
You know why?
Because they're not average.
And so what I mean by that is
that we have a genetic lottery, guys,
if we're keeping it real.
So like, the elites like to pretend
that they're they have a monopoly
on being on on wisdom
and knowing what the right thing to do is.
And golly gee,
they just happen to set the rules
on their own behalf with all their wisdom.
And they say, well,
that's the objective position.
No, it's not right in reality,
both in terms of genes for working hard
for geniuses in every way that's actually
spread out all across the population.
Okay, so that's why I love
that Scotland is part of me.
For me, the cornerstone
of Western civilization.
Scotland, started public schools.
And once they did, all of a sudden a whole
bunch of geniuses popped up in Scotland,
including Adam Smith,
who wrote about capitalism.
Because the geniuses were always there.
They just didn't have an opportunity.
And so that's why I love standing up
for the average American, because if you
give them an opportunity, you're going
to get all of those blossoming geniuses
all across the country.
By the way,
it's not just Western civilization.
China did something similar
for thousands of years where they would
find the best and brightest in the
different villages and towns
and give them an education and then
promote them up within their structure.
So there's great examples all across
the world, and we could focus on the
great positives that we have here, etc..
But guys, back to the H1-b visas and
that idea of, of a culture that is hungry
and wants to perform I. There's one thing
Ellen's right about for sure.
In a different tweet,
he analogized this to a team and and I
thought that was a pretty good analogy
because if you're in the NBA and you say,
no, I don't want the best players
from across the world,
you're going to turn out Jokic.
You're going to turn down the Greek freak.
You're going to turn out
literally the best players in the NBA.
There's also amazing
American players in the NBA.
But why would you limit
yourself and your talent.
And in the case of H-1b visas or other
immigrants that are coming in that way,
these are not just the brightest.
They're the hardest working.
In fact, we're being unfair to the rest
of the world because we're taking
their top talent and bringing them here.
But you get to be unfair like that
when you set up an awesome country
and they want to come here to take.
Now let me say to the right wing,
take the win, take the win.
If all the greatest talent
in the country is in the world is coming
here because they love this country.
That's a huge win for us.
But that doesn't mean you give up
on, on, on Americans that are here.
Let's emphasize working hard in school.
Let's emphasize achievement,
but not at the expense of others.
Ramesh. Yeah.
I want to just share one quick thing,
which is, you know, just very personal.
My parents came to the US
with H-1b visas, as I mentioned.
They came to pursue education.
And that's why we were able to grow up,
you know, relatively middle class
with the ability to be able to live
in a place with decent public schools,
the ability to afford health insurance
because of my father's employment
and so on.
Now, that is because we
had those resources, right?
My the ways in which I grew up and was
raised were raised are probably somewhat
similar to people like Vivek Ramaswamy.
But unlike Vivek and unlike most of us,
I think what what, what what we're
all talking about is that people have
to be provided the opportunity to excel,
the opportunity to achieve.
It's not like all people are just are sort
of coming in an equal way to the table.
It has to do with the opportunities
that are provided.
And I think the H-1b visas can cultivate
a lot of this kind of high skill,
high monetary kind of value
that helps these companies,
which is why corporate kind of leaders
like, like Elon are so into it.
But I do want to really share this main,
this main, main point,
which is that, what we really need,
I think more and more as a country
is to remember what the what the writing
was on the wall with this last election.
There's an economic populism
that is coming to bear.
And whoever gets on the right side
of this that uplifts all people,
uplifts the the dignity of work,
or at least economically figures out a way
to support people in this country.
That's going to be the political position
that wins at the end of the day.
But before we move on to because you
mentioned, you know, people losing
their some of their Twitter privileges,
I just want to mention, I'm sure
a lot of people have talked about this.
I just haven't seen it,
so I have to bring it up on the show.
Musk's analogy to,
well, if you have a sports team,
don't you just want the best people?
I think that, like, I don't know
if he's doing this on purpose, but it's
almost like the most perfectly ironic
metaphor to use in this case, because does
he not get that for decades and decades?
We like many people.
I'm not going to say we I wasn't
even alive then, and I wouldn't have
been a racist at that point anyway.
We didn't want all the best
people on the teams.
We wanted the best white people
on the teams, and we literally barred
the best black players, Latino players,
Asian players from playing.
We did not allow segregation there.
And I would say that, like grand tradition
in America is not totally gone.
You could be the most
badass possible gay soldier.
They want to kick your ass
out of the military.
They we as a culture have been
shooting ourselves in the foot
based on hierarchy and identity politics
as long as we've been a culture
to protect our own tiny little fiefdom,
where we've carved up all the
demographics, and this is the one I'm in,
and I'm going to put that on top.
And I don't care if we'd collectively
be better if we had, you know,
a black point guard or whatever.
I don't want him there because he's black.
Like, does he get that?
That's what our culture was
up until not that long ago.
And now we see that creeping back in.
They want to ban people
from participating,
not because we'll be stronger as a result,
but despite that, they don't care.
It's frustrating that that seems
to be lost in this.
And that's also the culture.
He grew up in Feltham
in South Africa with him.
he grew up in apartheid South Africa.
Yeah, yeah.
Look, but America did get better
and but John's right.
I mean, he's comical as there's that great
game where Kentucky plays this all black
team and they think, oh what a joke right.
And the all black team just destroys them.
And then people are like, whoa,
black people can play basketball.
It was just hilarious, right?
And so in a similar way, like,
oh, it turns out the rest of the world
has amazing engineers.
But guys, the one thing that the right
wing populists are right about is
and I have a friend who's an engineer
and started his own company, etc., went to
great schools and he said, you know what?
They lied to us.
It turns out if you want to make money,
you should have gone into finance, period.
They told us, be an engineer,
you'll make a good living and stuff,
and it's actually pretty hard to make
a really good living as an engineer.
And so wouldn't it be amazing
if we actually raised the salaries
of engineers because engineers
literally built this place?
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