Dec 27, 2024
Right-Wingers Say They've Been CENSORED On X For Criticizing Elon Musk
Right-wingers who criticized Elon Musk about his stance on H-1B visas claim they have been censored on X.
- 10 minutes
The massive Twitter fight over H-1b visas
and migrants working as engineers
has apparently already claimed
some casualties,
or at least digital casualties.
In that being the Twitter verification
of people like Laura Loomer,
as well as several other notable critics
of Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy and their
stance on bringing in skilled migrants.
So they are now alleging that some
of their, I guess, premium features
or access to monetization on Twitter
have been taken away.
And they're implying it's Strike Back
by Elon Musk as a result of the fact
that they dared to disagree with him.
So that includes, as I said, Laura Loomer,
as well as New York Young
Republican Club president Gavin Wax.
Infowars host Owen Shroyer and the
pro-Trump account conservative PAC.
Laura Loomer said Musk has removed my
blue check mark on X because I dared
to question his support for H-1b visas.
The replacement she chose that word
very specifically of American tech workers
by Indian immigrants,
and I questioned his relationship with
China has decided to retaliate by removing
my blue check and demonetizing me.
Owen Shroyer says this feels
like the beginning stages
of censorship on X. And my God,
to think that this is the beginning stages
of censorship on X, when the only things
that matter are things that happen to you.
And so obviously neither of them seems
to know or care that Ken Klippenstein
got his ass kicked off the platform
because he dared to do something
that they didn't like.
And Elon Musk has a long history of strike
back against journalists he doesn't like
and organizations he doesn't like.
The free speech stuff is a brand.
It's his eat fresh.
I don't understand
why people don't get that.
It is a defense against, you know,
people calling him a racist or whatever.
That's what free speech is about.
He didn't buy the platform
to create a utopia.
He bought a platform
so he could set up a little throne on it.
And that's what he's done the entire time.
They're just now noticing that
because it might be affecting them.
Now, we do have to acknowledge we
don't know for sure that their portrayal
of why and when they lost these features,
including the ability to have
paid subscribers and stuff, is true.
It seems accurate, and so I'm
inclined to believe them, despite the fact
that Laura Loomer is a massive liar.
But anyway, this certainly would seem
to be an escalation in the fight
if what they're presenting is true.
So first of all, I now I say
to the right wing, told you so.
They thought, oh, Elon's going to come in
and we're going
to be done with censorship.
And what did we say on the show?
We said no, it's just going
to be censorship in a different direction.
And so and that's exactly what we got.
So not only do they start censoring
some people on the left,
- Ken Klippenstein, among others.
- Yeah, other journalists too.
And journalists
that were critical of Elon Musk.
And now, if you're a right winger
and you're critical of Elon Musk, all
of a sudden now you're having issues too.
And it's not just Laura Loomer.
And yeah, no, I take everything she says
with a boulder of salt.
But it was other groups, including some
political action committees on the right
that disagreed with Elon on H-1b visas.
All of their folks
became unverified at the same time.
A great number of people.
So it was pretty convincing to me.
Now, so I'm saying that the people
that I disagree with most
are right about this unverified business,
and I think it's wrong.
Look, guys, this whole thing of like
banning people and cancel culture
that happens from the left and the right
as we're seeing here, right, is useless.
It's counterproductive, I hate it.
Right. Let the marketplace of ideas work.
I know it's a mess, and I know
in the short run there's tons of problems.
But I don't need help
in defeating Laura Loomer's ideas.
Like we're going to win that battle.
I mean, and so the guys against H-1b
visas, yeah, there's some folks there
that might be good,
folks that are misdirected, for sure.
But there's also Cernovich and Bannon
and Colter and Loomer.
Like, that's the people I disagree with
most on social issues, cultural issues.
Anyone who says
camp of the Saints is their favorite book.
I mean, look, I'm trying not
to call people racist, as you can tell.
But like, the whole point of that book
is the hero goes in and murders all
the immigrants trying to come into Europe.
If you thought that was a great book,
I mean, to say that you're an
anti-immigrant is anti-immigrant
is a massive understatement, right?
So that's a gigantic problem.
But there's no need to ban them, censor
them, or any of that crap, in my opinion.
- Ramesh, what do you think?
- Totally, totally agree.
I mean, as far as people like this,
Laura Loomer is involved.
You know, it's it's,
I'll just respond to that.
Indian people do not bathe
in their own feces.
In fact, there's there are three.
At least the last time I checked,
three of the ten wealthiest people
in the world are from India.
With an astonishing amount of wealth
that is only barely imaginable.
India faces many of the same problems
we do in terms
of gross economic inequalities as well.
So I want to set the record straight
on that and also let her and other people
know, including Vivek and Elon.
And I bet they know this that
many immigrants from South Asia
don't necessarily want to come
to the United States, because they might
make almost an equivalent amount of money
in their own country.
And that can get you a lot further.
In a country like India,
where there are quite a few people
and you can get help with cooking,
with child care, all the things
that people can't afford in this country.
Even people who are middle and in some
cases even close to upper middle class,
can't afford these things
in our own country.
Our country has more free speech
protections than most other democracies.
Democracies can be very different from one
another, especially the European Union.
And so I've always been against censorship
and the de-platforming of anybody and
everybody, including the former president.
That was a huge mistake made by Twitter
in the past when they deplatformed Trump
and it fed this populist narrative
that he's fighting against
these established forms of power.
So it's very rich when Elon realizes,
oh, yeah, I, I am a single man, mind you,
the wealthiest person in the world.
I own a platform that might have just
a few hundred million people on it,
but has profound influences on journalism,
on journalism
and journalists around the world,
because many journalists get their stories
and engage on acts like both of you.
I don't, because luckily
I can avoid it all as an academic.
But I'm just.
But my my main, my main point is
that free speech on these platforms
has everything to do with what's
viral and what's visible, and it's really,
really important for them to recognize
that if you start opening up the can of
worms of of different types of censorship,
you're going
to end up being called out as a hypocrite,
which they're already being called out as,
even though I think I think
what they missed in their narrative
about the importance of more H-1b visas,
which I do agree with,
is also how that has to be coupled with,
finally, a plan to resolve the disease
and the and the unhealthy economy that
middle and working class Americans face.
And that's what they that's
what they're going to be tested
by at the end of the day.
And I don't want anybody to get surprised
by Laura Loomer
or the other guys reactions.
I mean, they're consistently attacked
every ethnicity that minus one.
I'll let you take a while to guess
which one they don't mind.
Okay, but Laura Loomer
has attacked Muslims in the most
hideous ways over and over again.
So her terrible, awful comments
about Indians is not surprising
because, I mean, that's who she is.
I'm just going to make
a super random comment here.
I'm an enormous believer in America.
I think that especially if we're united,
we could dominate for a long, long time
because we take in the, the, the best,
the brightest, but the hungriest too,
of of the rest of the world.
But if I was going to say there's if I
was worried about one economic challenger,
it would be India.
Everybody's obsessed with China, and we
got these hostilities with Russia, etc..
But India is going to come
roaring out in the world economy.
Because they have so much kinetic energy.
It's not a centrally organized, government
like China is, which limits and stifles
creativity and individualism, etc..
I don't think it strikes
the right balance.
India India's certainly has plenty of
issues, but massive energy, a freer place.
And now, finally, some opportunity there
that could make a gigantic difference.
- So don't sleep on India.
- I would remind.
You, they're actually ahead
in many ways on green energy.
There's India has already actually
done a lot more in terms of cutting
and innovating around its carbon,
around carbon footprints and carbon
emissions than other kind of global South
countries of that of that ilk.
Much more.
And so yet at the same time,
they're wondering,
why can't we ever do anything about it?
- Yeah.
- We being the US. Yeah.
despise clean energy for some reason.
- Well, they don't believe.
- It exists, right?
- Yeah.
- By the way, super fast.
Like, I don't actually want to know
because it would involve having
to have a conversation with her.
And I aim to never have
that happen in my life.
But like, if you were Laura Loomer,
like, what if, you know, by virtue
of just chance, you had been born in India
instead of where you were born?
You know that that's
just random chance, right?
What would you do?
Like, what do you want them?
Do you just want them to lay down and die?
Like, I don't understand
the thought process like that.
But she.
But that would require
a little bit of empathy.
And I doubt she has spent seven seconds
of her life in true productive empathy,
trying to understand the life
of someone unlike her.
I will also say, just for the record,
I don't wanna get
into a conversation about it.
I disagree in some cases
about the efficacy of deplatforming,
particularly people who are, you know,
commissioning crimes and things like that,
like there was concern about Donald Trump
and possible follow ons
to the coup attempt on Twitter.
But anyway, in some cases, I disagree.
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