Dec 18, 2024
You Can't Simp HARDER For Trump Than Jesse Watters Just Did
Fox News host Jesse Watters said Donald Trump isn't able to be honey-trapped.
- 10 minutes
He's handsome.
And so you can't honeytrap him.
You know,
he's been around models his whole life.
I'm going to go ahead and say
any man can be honey trapped.
Like the hottest man on the planet
who's got a supermodel wife
can be honey trapped.
You guys are so honey. Trappable.
Okay. I'm just keeping it.
I'm not saying that I can honey trap
everyone or anyone, but super hot woman
can honey trap anybody anyway.
But that was Jesse Watters,
an arbiter of what masculinity really is.
A man who believes
that other men should not eat soup
because it makes them soy boys.
I guess it makes them look like
they're not masculine.
But at the same time, he has some very
real thoughts on how hot Donald Trump is.
Let's watch.
Trump is so unique.
Here's why he's wealthy.
So you can't bribe him.
He's handsome.
And so you can't honey trap him.
You know, he's been around models
his whole life, and he's also a celebrity,
so you can't influence him with A-listers.
He's not awestruck. He's not starstruck.
So the only way you can really charm him
is by investing in America.
And we look back at some of the donations
from some of these inaugurations.
They give a couple pennies,
usually a couple hundred grand,
and no one makes a thing out of it.
Now it's like press release,
Amazon is donating a mill.
This company is donating a mill.
Everybody wants to get on board.
And you're right, Dana,
he's so much more commercially viable now.
Everybody wants to get in on this.
Wes Moore, the governor of Maryland
Democrat, was trying to get
a picture taken with Trump at Army Navy
and was waiting outside the suite.
It was locked.
He had to stand out in the hallway
and he got his picture taken.
And now these donors.
Reed Hastings, Netflix are making
a pilgrimage to the patio in Mar-A-Lago.
Welcome to 2024, Jesse Watters.
Like, are you serious right now?
Kim Kardashian, a celebrity,
persuaded Donald Trump to sign criminal
justice reform on a federal level.
I know people have memory.
Hold that. But Trump did it.
Trump signed that bill,
and he did it because a celebrity
persuaded him to do it.
- Do you remember that, Kim Kardashian?
- I remember that.
But he doesn't care
about celebrities at all.
Like, nobody cares about celebrity
more than Donald Trump.
Like, we know that nobody
cares about celebrity more.
And this idea that Trump can't be bribed.
Has anybody ever heard of Miriam Adelson?
I mean, god damn,
we're talking about 200 mil.
You know, so she could get her
way on Israel to to to Trump
and his campaign campaign exploits.
Elon Musk where he got the Trump
don't even know this fool.
He doesn't know him.
Trump was just like, look,
I, I hated electric cars.
But then, you know, Elon Musk donated
and now he's in the fold and it's like,
oh, he's going to make government spending
policy like, this is this is nuts.
It's the opposite of Trump.
He loves the New York Times.
He loves celebrity.
He loves status. He loves the elite.
Nobody loves the elite more.
Nobody's easily more easily bought.
I'll give you another example,
another example that we just
talked about on the show yesterday.
Remember, Donald Trump
was the first United States president
who was attempting to ban TikTok.
Oh my God.
And then all of a sudden, now he wants
to prevent the banning of TikTok.
He can't be influenced.
After one of his major billionaire donors,
Jeffrey Yass,
basically told him, don't touch TikTok.
I'm invested in its parent company.
I need that return on investment,
don't ban TikTok.
And now all of a sudden,
Trump not not a fan of banning TikTok.
So it's just come on.
And then finally, really he's not honey.
Yeah, that's a tough one.
Are we really going to.
Are we going to pretend
like he's chaste or something?
Like, what do you do?
What are we doing right now?
No. What are we doing?
You know, he's just he he just sees
the most beautiful women in the world,
and he's impervious to it.
By the way, the only way Donald Trump
wouldn't be honey trap able guys
is if he was gay.
That's it. So you agree.
You agree with me that pretty much any
dude can be, honey, except for my husband.
- Of course I'll kill him.
- Of course.
Of course.
He'd have to be not into women,
in which case they'd send hot guys at him.
Like this is insane.
Not honey trap a bull.
You're crazy.
Okay, I. Forget which NFL coach it was,
but we have this sound clip of him
and he goes, anybody can be beat.
It might have been a player,
but it was hilarious.
It might have been.
Do you remember an NFL guy.
Singletary or something.
That guy he gave like a really
great speech once.
Mike Singletary has been
a great sound bite his whole career.
- Yeah, yeah.
- That guy was great.
- Anyway, that was a tangent.
- But can't do it.
Can't do it.
Can't can't can't win with him.
Can't do it.
Cannot coach with them. Can't do it.
Can't do it.
I know sports.
Yes you do and I.
Don't I don't know sports at all.
Like not even a little bit.
Except for that guy
that was married to Gisele Bundchen.
That guy Tom Brady.
I remembered his name this time.
- Nice cheekbones, nice cheekbones.
- That guy, that guy.
Well, you know, Gisele Bundchen
apparently got honey trapped
by her freaking yoga instructor.
Lord have mercy.
What a come up, Jesus go from instructing
yoga to hunted millionaire.
Lord, I know, I know.
Yoga instructor apparently is good work,
if you can find it.
My goodness. Oh my God, God bless him.
I mean, I hope they're happy.
You know,
they're about to have a child together.
- Yeah.
- So he got to work immediately on that.
He did, he did.
He didn't waste played no games.
Hey, man one one man's trash
is another man's treasure.
- God bless trash.
- I mean, one man's whatever.
One man's supermodel is just another
man's tired of my ex situation.
I'm sorry.
- Gisele Bundchen could never be trash.
- No, no.
She's beautiful. She's very.
Beautiful. Quite the opposite.
Like she's doing it right.
Like she's got money and she's.
She still looks the same. And I feel like.
- She is.
- Carrying out her her obligation to us.
I've been telling this.
I've been saying this to all of my,
you know, white collar,
upwardly mobile female cohort.
Y'all gotta understand there's only.
But so many of these good jobs,
there's only with so much of this money
going around for people to get,
if more and more women are getting those
jobs in that money, y'all got to be okay
with dating dudes that don't make as much
that's not in your class cohort, y'all.
What was this goddamn
feminism movement for?
- I mean, back when it was only.
- I totally agree.
In the corporate structure, we got chicks
that was broke, married them, put them up.
It's your turn to take the mantle,
and y'all gotta be willing.
I know, I know.
Quote unquote, you guys,
we've been doing it for centuries.
Hold on.
Hold. You gotta hold.
But I'm not okay with the trend
of you got to be the breadwinner.
You got to make that money.
You do the house like budgeting.
No. No financing. Okay.
Come home and then come home.
And by the way, this is not my situation.
I have a very wonderful husband
and all that.
But like, far too many women
are coming home to dirty houses.
Okay. Oh, yeah.
No, no support he got.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, he.
If you got that good C-suite job
and he's a bus driver and mechanic.
Yeah, he gotta learn how to cook
or learn how to do yard work or something.
He definitely gotta put some work
in like don't I agree?
Don't get it twisted.
It can't be that you making all the money
and you know you're up there with a damn
apron on every day and you busting suds.
No, we're not saying that. Good.
But, you know, ladies, be a Giselle.
Date down in your class cohort. Be happy.
Carry the financial burden
of the relationship.
Susan B Anthony
would be proud of you ladies.
I don't even see it
as dating down because.
Like, that's what they I don't see it
either, but that's what they call it.
And I'm. No I don't agree.
- With that.
- Framework.
Because let's say that you guys
have really great chemistry
and you end up getting married.
Like the the wonderful thing
about marriage
is like, you build a life together.
You improve each other's
lives together as a team.
So like, that's the way I look at marriage
and like being in a relationship.
- Money isn't everything.
- So yeah, 100% trick on your man, ladies.
Buy them nice things.
Ladies, it's your turn.
We. Listen, man.
We open the doors for y'all, man.
Y'all killing it.
Go look it up. College rates.
Women are killing it. Corporate.
All of that wage gap stuff.
The women are knocking those doors
down and making all the money.
You know, y'all making y'all.
Making all the money, okay?
All the money. Let's go.
What's going on? Was.
- I feel like there's something going on.
- I'm just.
I'm just telling because women are
just like, well, I can't date a man
who's not on my education level.
Nah. Come on, come on.
I'm at a corporate. Whatever.
I need a man who's also doing that.
That's nonsense.
We never made that a requirement.
We just. We was holding all the cards.
Hey, listen, listen. Hey, hey, listen.
I'm kidding. I swear I'm kidding.
Hey, listen.
Although I'm not a proponent
of flat asses, like, it's just, you know.
We're only human. Come on now.
True, true. All right.
Kate fills me.
Leave it at that. Kate.
Producer Kate in the studio, in the back.
She fills me.
She know what the hell I'm talking about?
This is totally gone off the rails
in the best way possible, I love it.
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