Nov 4, 2024
Republicans WEEP Over Harris' SNL Appearance
Republican commissioner on the FCC’s five-person governing body slammed NBC for having Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday Night Live.
- 8 minutes
On Saturday.
Democratic presidential candidate
Kamala Harris made a guest appearance
on Saturday Night Live, which has sparked
major concerns with the Republican base
over the FCC and equal time rules.
Now, we can't show you the clip
due to copyright, but Harris made
a brief cameo alongside Maya Rudolph
during Saturday's cold open.
You can see that here.
As you can see,
Harris played herself as the mirror image
of Rudolph's version of her.
It's nice to see you, Kamala,
Harris told Rudolph with a broad grin
she kept throughout the sketch.
And I'm just here to remind you,
you got this.
In sync, the two said supporters need
to keep Kamala and Carrie.
Onela declared that they share each
other's belief in the promise of America
and delivered the signature.
Live from New York. It's Saturday night.
According to the AP, the appearance
was only confirmed by Harris's team
moments before she went live.
The vice president arrived
at 30 Rockefeller Plaza in Manhattan,
where SNL tapes shortly after 8 p.m..
Enough time for a quick rehearsal
before the show aired live at 11:30 p.m..
It was the final SNL episode
before Election Day.
She left immediately after the opening
segment and told reporters it was fun
as she boarded her plane for Michigan.
Following the appearance,
Republican FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr
slammed NBC for the appearance,
saying NBC was attempting to give Harris
a leg up by not offering Trump
or third party candidates a similar spot.
Take a look. Yeah, look.
This appears to be a clear and blatant
effort by NBC to evade the requirements
of federal law, in particular the FCC's
equal time provision.
I mean, look, America's broadcasters
have a very special privilege.
It's a privilege they were given
originally for free, which is access
to a public resource, the airwaves.
In exchange,
they have certain obligations.
One of them is an equal time rule.
This has been on the books for decades.
If you give a candidate
for office free airtime, you have to offer
a comparable time in program
to all other legally qualified candidates.
The FCC's equal time rule.
It requires American radio and television
broadcast stations to provide equal access
to competing political candidates.
The rules do not apply to cable channels
or other video content,
including podcasts or social media.
So if Trump were to request
equal time from NBC, the broadcaster would
have to provide it before the election.
Now, Carr also went on a tweet bender
making note of Trump's 2016 guest host
spot and how it drew anger back then.
In the 2016 cycle, President Obama's
FCC chair made clear that the agency
would enforce the equal time rule.
When candidate Trump went on SNL,
NBC stations publicly filed
equal opportunity notices to ensure
that all other qualifying candidates
could obtain equal time if they sought it.
Stations did the same thing
when Clinton appeared on SNL.
Carr also made note of SNL head
Lorne Michaels saying last month,
No Trump or Harris cameos would happen
due to equal time provisions.
Just weeks ago, Lorne Michaels
said they they would not be bringing
any of the candidates on
due to election and equal time laws.
You can't bring the actual people who are
running on because of election laws and
the equal time provisions, Michaels said.
It's unclear what made
Michaels change his mind.
However, NBC did file a notice with
the FCC and did provide Trump with his
equal time in the notice filed Sunday.
NBC said Harris appeared without charge
on SNL for one minute and 30s.
The broadcaster provided
Trump airtime Sunday.
CNN's Brian Stelter reported giving
the former president an opportunity
to directly address viewers
during the NASCAR 2024 Cup playoff race.
It seems like much ado about nothing, but
still an opportunity for the right to find
something to build a grievance around.
Man, they love to cry.
All right, so first of all,
where does Bernie Sanders go to get
billions of dollars in free media coverage
that the networks robbed him of?
I saw the major party candidates
all over those networks
in 2016 and 2020, especially in 2016.
Do you know how much time ABC
spent on Bernie Sanders in 2015?
It was as he was miraculously closing
a 40 point lead that Hillary Clinton had.
They gave him seven seconds
of airtime in all of 2015.
As he's doing one of the most miraculous,
rises in American politics.
So I think these guys
are monumentally full of crap.
I don't think they ever enforce this
to anyone but the major party candidates
after they cry and complain.
The Brandon Carr is a Republican,
so all of a sudden
he's all in his emotions over it.
And so.
And how about the third party guys?
All right. Jill Stein's in the race.
Where's her two minutes on NBC? Go ahead.
I thought you said
it applied to everybody.
Where's her? Two minutes.
Here's what's going to happen.
NBC is going to go yeah, right.
Third party candidates.
You guys aren't even corporate candidates.
And Carr and all.
The FCC isn't going
to say anything about it at all.
So this is a giant fluffing
of the establishment candidates
and giving them more and more free airtime
to the detriment
of every real populist candidate.
And for the Trump guys,
they're cutting about this
to their crying election interference.
Election interference.
So how about when you got
the SNL appearance in 2016?
How come you weren't crying about it then?
How come you didn't file
any FCC complaints then?
How come it wasn't
election interference back then?
Oh, when it's done on your behalf,
you love it when it's against you all
of a sudden election interference.
And, guys, the media is
not election interference.
Mainstream media is screwed over
every progressive candidate that I
have ever supported, including myself,
including Bernie Sanders.
But we didn't say like,
oh no, we should actually win.
I should be in office,
Bernie Sanders should be president.
No mainstream media lying,
right wing media lying.
Being biased is part of the obstacle
course that we have to run through.
You don't get to say,
hey, I didn't like what the media said.
So election interference.
That's not election interference.
It's ridiculous.
Is Donald Trump
ever, ever going to stop crying.
And the answer is definitely no.
Because he is a spoiled little baby
and all he knows is how to cry.
But also the SNL thing.
In 2016, Trump hosted Hillary
just had a cameo during a skit.
So I mean, were they upset
that it was unfair to her?
Along your the point that you made
oh, it's election interference now.
Trump had an entire episode.
She just had a brief cameo.
So there's a if they're going
by minutes and seconds, which Brandon Carr
spent the weekend tweeting about.
It has to match even down to the second.
I mean, what what's what's the big deal?
Where was that then?
Why aren't you upset on Hillary's behalf?
So it's just kind of ridiculous,
especially that he's in this position
to influence the FEC, FCC.
It's just so disingenuous.
It doesn't matter.
But I did find I did find it funny
that the one minute that he got was during
a NASCAR event, just like, all right,
I mean, look, there's people I'm sure good
people on, on all sides who like NASCAR.
But are you really finding new voters
on in a NASCAR event?
But NBC put out a statement
saying that Chase Oliver will also get
two minutes in prime time,
that he's a libertarian candidate,
and Jill Stein will also get two minutes.
All right.
They put out no such statement and Brandon
Carr put out no such statement.
The FCC put out no such statement
because they're all giant liars.
Those people will not get any fair time.
Equal time.
All this is a giant scam.
Those networks love establishment
candidates and major party candidates
like Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.
So this is a big nothing burger
other than Donald Trump's tears
creating that burger for you.
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