Nov 4, 2024
LISTEN: Epstein Tapes Detail Trump's Treatment Of Women
Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was recorded talking about his relationship with former President Donald Trump.
- 14 minutes
So how do you know this is right?
He is charming.
He is able to convince people.
It's very much like Clinton.
Both Bill and Donald have the ability
to go over to a fat, ugly woman
so that you are the most
beautiful thing I've ever seen.
So he tells everybody
what they want to hear.
That is Trump.
Just days before the election,
journalist Michael Wolff released
audio that you just heard,
and it's exclusive to him that showed
Jeffrey Epstein talking about details
and his relationship with Donald Trump,
the former president.
Wolff, who wrote three books
about Donald Trump's first term in office,
said the audiotapes were, to his
recollection, recorded in 2017 while
discussing a potential Epstein Biography.
He began releasing the recordings
last Thursday, after Stacey Williams came
forward to discuss the abuse that she had
endured at the hands of Donald Trump.
Wolff says the excerpt is a mere fraction
of some 100 hours of Epstein
talking about the inner workings
of the Trump White House,
and about his long standing,
deep relationship with Donald Trump
that he claims to have.
Speaking on the podcast, Wolff said
of Trump and Epstein, Here are these
two guys, both driven by a need to do
anything they wanted with women, dominance
and submission and entertainment.
And one of them ends up
in the darkest prison in the country
and the other in the white House.
As The Daily Beast puts it,
Epstein painted a complicated portrait
of Trump on these recordings,
calling him charming and a good salesman,
but also a user and a serial cheat.
Take a look.
So just tell me about his intelligence.
With respect to real estate deals.
He's a salesman.
He knows real estate really well.
Anything else but that?
He knows nothing. So the idea that he is.
The best dirty business.
He's a construction person in New York
City as the electricians union County.
I have no idea.
He's not. He's a horrible human being.
In Jeffrey's book, he.
He does nasty things to his best friends,
his best friends, wives,
anyone who tries to gain your trust.
And then he uses it to do bad things.
- That's.
- That's how it goes.
Now, on one occasion, Epstein alleged
Trump took a woman to what he called the
Egyptian Room in an Atlantic City casino.
Epstein alleged he came out afterward
and said it was great.
It was great.
The only thing I really like to do
is blank the wives of my best friends.
That is just the best.
Additionally, Epstein alleged Trump
had very detailed and elaborate schemes to
get his friends wives to sleep with him.
He would call the men into his Trump Tower
office to ask them about their sex lives
and offer them sex with beauty
pageant contestants, the pedophile said.
He would do this while the wives were,
unbeknownst to their husbands,
listening on speakerphone so that he
could then seduce the wives on the basis
their husbands had betrayed them.
Epstein claimed Epstein then uses Wolff
and his wife Victoria as an example
to describe
how Trump goes about with this ploy.
Take a look.
- Donald Trump office is.
- You know, he made that.
He used to be on the phone
with some fake PR person.
I also find it funny, I was sitting there
listening to the guys from the post talk,
and Donald would say, you know,
yeah, he's a great guy.
You know, I loved working with him.
And I sit there like,
this is just amazing.
And he'd say, Michael,
come on, let's go to the office.
And he'd say, tell me what it's like.
What's it like to be there?
He'd say, well, you know,
do you like having sex with your wife?
How often do they say it's great?
How seriously?
How often would we have sex?
I mean, don't you want we can
unite and go upstairs or tomorrow.
Come over.
There's this girls coming in
from Los Angeles.
Part of the. Hawaiian Tropic cuts.
So come over. Peacock.
You can have a great time, I promise you.
Michael, you know, it's just me and you.
You're going to have a great time.
Be up here at 3:00 with the process.
The whole time.
Victoria has been on the phone
listening and sending it out
because he wants a story now.
Jake, there is more recordings
that we're going to get into,
but I want to bring you in here.
I mean, what do you make of this?
Is there any part of you
that even doubts what Epstein is saying?
Should we proceed with caution here?
I don't doubt what Epstein's saying there.
If that's.
Epstein, I. There is a portion of me
that doubts the story overall.
So Michael Wolf is not proven
perfectly reliable in the past.
He was considered reliable
for a long time.
But the last couple of things he did,
there were some errors
in there that that were pretty bad.
So I say grain of salt on this one.
On top of that, there's this weird thing
that he that you mentioned there where he
says he has hundreds of hours of Epstein
talking about Donald Trump's White House.
And this is just a snippet of it.
You never went through
those hundreds of hours.
You don't have more than just a snippet.
And you just did this at
the last second before the election.
You didn't take the last four years
to go through that.
You didn't go through that earlier.
You didn't go through that
when Epstein died in prison.
So that's super weird.
And so I'm just acknowledging that.
But the bottom line is, Jordan,
it doesn't really matter
because the two biggest parts of
this story are already public knowledge.
One is his close friendship
with Jeffrey Epstein.
And this tapes, he says,
you know, Donald and him
were the closest friends for ten years.
But I'm going to read to you the quote
that I've read many times now,
in case there's somebody
in the audience that hasn't seen it
because a lot of people don't know,
Donald Trump said back in 2002 that they
were really, really good friends.
And this is, you know, so you
don't need these tapes to know this.
Trump said at the time, quote,
I've known Jeff for 15 years.
Terrific guy.
He's a lot of fun to be with.
It's even said that he likes
beautiful women as much as I do.
And many of them are on the younger side.
So he knew everybody knew Trump knew
Trump and him were great friends.
Trump even knew that he liked young girls
and like an idiot, admitted it
because that's what he always does.
So the second thing we got out of these
tapes that was already public knowledge,
too, is how Donald Trump gained
her confidence and then betrays you.
What? That's what a con man does there.
It's short for confidence, man.
They gain your confidence
and then they use it to screw you over
for their own benefit.
The story of how he did that with his
friends, with the trick on the phone.
He gets the wife on the phone
on the speakerphone.
The guy doesn't know it.
He brings his friend in,
talks about having sex with girls.
The wife is outraged,
and then he tries to sleep with the wife.
That story was also known earlier,
reported earlier.
And so that's who he is.
And look, guys, if one of your
best friends did that move on you,
what would you think of him?
I mean, that's the worst guy
in the world, right?
Like the scariest,
cheesiest piece of crap you've ever seen.
You think he's your friend?
A really, really good friend.
And meanwhile, he tries
to get you to have an affair
which you weren't inclined to have.
And so that he could have sex
with your wife.
And that's really a pretty good analogy
for how he thinks of America
and especially MAGA.
He's going to gain your confidence
and then betray you for his own purposes.
Yeah, that's Trump 101.
So at the end of the day, even though it
sounds explosive and it's an October
surprise and it's right before the
election, it's not much new information.
Yeah, that was my take
when this stuff first started to come out.
And then to your point,
I don't think we should discount that.
Like, why is he sitting on this for
so long if he recorded it in 2017?
I hate that people like hold on to stuff
for a personal project later.
You know, with all respect to Bob Woodward
for his legacy and his work,
like holding on to things about Trump's
behavior during Covid or Trump's decisions
that had real, tangible harm until later
when he was going to publish his book.
I don't know.
That doesn't sit well with me.
I a lot of reporters will justify it
because that's how they make money
on the side and they need it.
Reporters aren't appreciated.
Of course, it's a dying industry,
but when it's in the public interest,
that's it starts to rub me the wrong way.
So like I said, this isn't the only thing.
He also revealed information to Wolff
that allegedly revealed the inner workings
of the Trump White House.
Take a look.
His people fight each other, right?
And then have outsiders.
He sort of poisons the well outside.
He will tell ten people.
Bannon's a scumbag
and priest is not doing a good job.
And Kelly has a big mouth.
What do you think?
Jamie Dimon says you're a problem
and I shouldn't keep you.
And I spoke to Carl Icahn.
And Carl thinks I need a new spokesperson.
So, Kelly, even though I hired
Kellyanne's husband, Kellyanne,
she's too much of a wild card.
I don't know.
And then he tells Bannon,
you know, I really want to keep you,
but Kellyanne hates you.
According to The Daily Beast,
Wolff also stated Thursday that Epstein
showed him photos of Trump with topless
young women sitting in his lap.
Unsurprisingly, the Trump campaign
rejected all claims, calling
Wolff disgraced and lacking morals.
Quote, he waited until days before the
election to make outlandish false smears,
all in an effort to engage
in blatant election interference
on behalf of Kamala Harris.
He's a failed journalist
that is resorting to lying for attention.
Jake, I mean, you mentioned earlier,
Michael Wolff has credibility issues.
Is he the right person
to report this story?
I mean, does. Does.
Does that help the Trump campaign
in this situation?
But again there's absolutely
nothing new here.
So yeah I totally.
So if this is a story that the Trump
camp says you should ignore,
that's normally I'd say get out of here.
The Trump camp is
full of crap on everything.
But not this one I get it.
Is it is it problematic to do it
a couple of days before the election?
Of course.
Is it done a couple of days
before the election?
On purpose, of course.
The Michael Wolff trying to get attention.
Yes, all those things.
But look at that so-called revelation
there about how Trump gets his own team
to fight each other and
talks crap behind the scenes
about each one of them to each other
and gets them to hate each other.
Yeah, that's another thing
that was already known.
And that is why Donald Trump
is the world's worst manager.
If you've ever been a manager,
I can't think of anything more
unproductive and counterproductive.
That is so monumentally dumb to do that.
That's why everyone was constantly
fighting inside the white House.
Everyone was constantly leaking
to try to gain an advantage.
He's a moron of epic proportions.
He's a terrible guy and he's a moron.
But we already knew that.
So the word Epstein has big cachet here,
and that's why a lot of people
are paying attention to this story.
I get it, and I wanted to make sure
you guys heard the tapes for yourselves.
But at the end of the day,
I don't think this moves things very much.
It's just like the only thing I'll say
is the same thing I've said
throughout the QAnon guys, the MAGA guys,
everybody that was so mad about Epstein,
you're right to be that mad.
He's one of the worst, you know,
child molesters in this country.
But it never bothered you
that him and Donald Trump were the, like,
the closest friends that Trump knew
that he was having sex with younger women.
And when his coconspirator Ghislaine
Maxwell was caught and imprisoned.
Donald Trump was president.
And he said they said,
what do you think about it?
She said.
I said, I like her, I wish her well.
That's after everything was.
That's after Epstein
had already killed himself.
And then we catch his coconspirator
and he's like, I wish her well.
Who says that?
So if you don't know that him
and Epstein were friends
and they did things with women together.
I mean, you're just lying to yourself.
That was already public knowledge.
That doesn't mean that Trump
did something with younger women.
We don't know that, okay?
But we do know that they partied
together and and did, you know
questionable things with women overall,
none of that is news here.
So if you didn't know now you know.
But otherwise not not as big a news story
as Michael Wolff would like to hype.
Yeah. And there's one other thing.
So you're talking about the the turmoil
and the culture within the Trump orbit,
the campaign, the white House.
I would encourage people
to read Tim Alberta's piece
in the The Atlantic from this weekend.
Not only is that, unsurprisingly,
still the way that Trump develops a
culture on his campaign, it is hysterical.
It is one of the funniest reads
I've sat down with in a while, and it's so
bad right now on that campaign that many,
many people who work on the campaign are
refusing to join the potential transition
team, or if he wins the Trump White House.
It is so unbelievably toxic.
And it's a very, very enjoyable read.
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The Young Turks: November 4, 2024
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