Sep 11, 2024
Conservatives Are EMBARRASSED By Trump's Debate Performance
Prominent conservatives blasted former President Donald Trump for his disastrous debate performance against Vice President Kamala Harris.
- 13 minutes
I asked several of his surrogates,
like what they thought, and the number
one question I asked them was, what do
you think his best answer was tonight.
None of them could come up with anything.
Donald Trump looked old tonight.
Donald Trump was foolish at times.
And then I saw my old friend
Lindsey Graham.
You know, we used to be pals in 2016.
He looked at me and he was just like,
you are right about one thing
that was a disaster.
He was unprepared.
And we should fire the debate team.
I'm going to talk about migrants
eating dogs and cats.
I mean, that's something
Saturday Night Live would do.
Why would you even bother to do that?
I didn't think I was ever going to witness
a debate as devastating as the one that
you and Dana moderated back in in June,
where Joe Biden basically tanked
his reelection campaign, I think.
Tonight was just as devastating.
Everyone you just heard from
conservatives, lifelong Republicans.
And honestly, it is nice to see
that some conservatives in the media
and some political individuals as well
still believe in objective reality.
Because honestly, I've gotten used
to a lot of people rejecting reality.
But in this case, you have conservatives
who are willing to fess up to the fact
that Donald Trump had a bad night.
It was not a good debate
against Kamala Harris.
He did terribly.
So let's begin with the man
who was eventually ousted from Fox News,
Bill O'Reilly.
Donald Trump was foolish at times.
He won the first half hour of the debate,
but then he descended, as he always does.
And I don't know
why I wrote a book on the man.
I can't tell you why I'm going to talk
about migrants eating dogs and cats.
I mean, that's something.
Saturday Night Live would do.
Why would you even bother to do that?
And to go back and try to relitigate
for the, what, 8,000th time?
Election 2020?
I mean, Miss Harris is right when she
says, hey, we need somebody to look ahead.
We got to get out of this. Is four years.
Bill O'Reilly is totally right
in what he just said, and I'm specifically
happy to hear that he's upset
that Donald Trump decided to just bring up
the Haitian migrants eating your pets.
BS. In fact, O'Reilly wasn't
the only person who was irritated by that
and saw it as a foible for Trump
during the debate.
Erick Erickson, another conservative,
says he's a little more colorful
in his language, if you will.
He says, you stupid mfers just got Trump
to repeat your lie about the pets.
Congratulations on setting
the news stories tomorrow by lying.
So Trump picks it up and says stupid crap.
I don't think that was
a strong moment for him.
And honestly, when you look at the polling
leading up to the debate,
Donald Trump could have used that
particular issue to his advantage if he
was smart about it and if he knew how to.
I guess demagogue correctly about it.
And instead he went
to the lowest common denominator.
He went to a ridiculous, insane lie
out of Springfield, Ohio,
an allegation that Haitian migrants are
stealing people's cats and eating them.
You know, it's interesting because if he
wanted to focus on Springfield, Ohio,
he could have taken some jabs
at the Biden administration
for not providing enough federal support
to Springfield in order to withstand
the high numbers of people coming in.
Because it is a small town, they didn't
have the resources, they did need help.
And that's where the resentment is
coming from when it comes to individuals
in that local community.
But he that would require honesty,
that would require strategy,
that would require, you know,
avoiding the temptation
Of going to the lowest common denominator,
and I don't know if he has that in him.
I mean, clearly last night
he showed us that he doesn't.
And so I'm happy that O'Reilly
and Erick Erickson are bringing that up
because it was a bad moment for him.
And I don't know, I could be wrong,
but I'm starting to feel like even his
most ardent supporters are kind of getting
sick of hearing about 2020 because it
makes Trump look pathetic and weak.
It makes him look like a child, a baby,
a whiner who wants to be led by a whiner,
who wants their candidate to be a crybaby.
Someone who is unable to accept reality,
unable to pick himself up
and just say, you know what?
I'm going to move forward.
I lost that one.
It's okay.
I mean, in in some of these swing states,
I barely lost, barely.
So I'm going to do what it takes
to beat Kamala Harris.
I'm going to stop whining
about what happened, you know,
three and a half years ago.
But he doesn't have it in him So then
you have Chris Wallace, who of course,
for a long time was employed by Fox News.
He's now over at CNN.
But make no mistake, Chris Wallace
has been a lifelong conservative.
He has taken some jabs at Trump in the
past where logically it makes sense to.
It's not like he's needlessly going after
Donald Trump and being unfair to him.
He has criticized Trump in the past,
where Trump deserves the criticism.
But here he is over at CNN,
making some interesting points
about how, Trump performed last night.
Let's watch.
I didn't think I was ever going
to witness a debate as devastating.
As the one that you and Dana
moderated back in in June, where Joe Biden
basically tanked his reelection campaign.
I think tonight was just as devastating.
I think that Kamala Harris pitched
a shutout, on almost every subject I can
think of, she shut Trump down on abortion.
She shut Trump down on January 6th
and democracy,
she shut him down on national security and
turned to the former president and said,
the military leaders who served with you
think that you're a disgrace.
And then, as Dana mentioned,
very powerfully at the end, made the point
that she is the candidate of change
and we need to turn the page from
a decade of division and polarization.
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I think Wallace is correct,
especially about that last part,
because I personally feel it, and I think
you guys see it in the way that I approach
some of the stories that we cover.
I'm also sick of the divisive rhetoric.
I'm sick of, you know, the constant hate
and division with the other side.
I want to find areas of common ground.
I want to find a way to move forward
in this country, right?
Find solutions for the issues
that we clearly have in this country.
And I think a lot of Americans feel the
same way, and it's impossible to get there
when you have one of the candidates
on that stage putting out lies
about migrants eating cats.
It's impossible to do that
when you have someone who's still obsessed
with the fact that he lost the 2020
presidential election and refuses
to just believe in objective reality
when it comes to that election.
You know, we had a few moments last week
where he was willing to admit,
you know, on the Lex Fridman podcast,
while speaking before the, moms
for Liberty Conference, he said, we lost.
We lost by a whisker.
And I was like, all right.
Finally he turned a page.
I mean, it took a while,
but he turned the page.
He's finally accepting the results
of the 2020 election,
but he went right back into it.
And this is the kind of garbage
that tears the country apart.
It really does.
And I'm tired of it.
I think a lot of people are tired of it.
But Wallace also weighed in
on the optics of the debate,
and I think he really nailed it here.
Let's watch the image of the debate
to me is she's there, happy, smiling,
expressive, shaking her head,
and dismay at things Trump was saying.
And Trump looked angry, scowling.
She was looking directly at the audience.
He was looking at the moderators
and arguing with them and something else.
And he was he he.
Donald Trump looked old tonight.
That Donald Trump look old tonight line
I'm sure is going
to get under Donald Trump's skin.
Now Kamala Harris, of course,
is much younger than he is.
But she had this kind of like,
energetic, vibrant demeanor.
It wasn't just about the age.
It was the way that she presented herself.
She seemed energetic.
He was scowling
throughout the entire debate.
He refused to look at her.
I mean, these are actually very similar
to some of the points that we made
during our debate coverage last night.
But optics matter more than anything
during a debate, more than the substance.
It's just the truth.
Because, look, most people aren't going
to do fact checking in real time.
So you can unfortunately,
in a lot of debates, lie or mislead
or be dishonest and get away with it
and still win the debate.
If the optics are right, if the optics are
there, but you have Kamala Harris, who
again seems confident, energetic, vibrant,
and then you have Donald Trump,
who's just like like you couldn't see his
neck for most of the debate because
he's kind of like hanging his head.
He has bad posture and he looks grumpy.
He looks like someone who needed a nap
earlier but just couldn't fall asleep and
is like irritated that he has to be there.
That's not a good look.
Those were terrible optics for him.
Finally, we go to Brit Hume,
also lifelong conservative,
pretty hardcore with his conservatism.
And he actually did complain
about the moderators somewhat.
So I want to be fair to him about that.
But he also had to make this admission.
Make no mistake about it,
Trump had a bad night.
He rose to the bait repeatedly
when she baited him, something I'm sure
his advisers had begged him not to do.
You know, in the first debate
when Biden attacked him,
he just kept his cool and kept going.
And in this debate, he rose to debating.
And we heard so many of the old grievances
that that we'd long thought that Trump
had learned were not winners politically.
And there they all were, you know,
talking about how he didn't
lose the election and all that.
I mean, so my sense is that she came
out of this in pretty good shape.
So let's talk about
a potential future debate.
So earlier I had shared with you all
that Donald Trump kind of made clear
while speaking to Fox and Friends that
he's not inclined to do another debate.
He complained about the possibility
of Fox News hosting a debate
that would be moderated by Bret Baier
and Martha MacCallum, and he doesn't think
that they should be the moderators.
They're not fair to him.
You know, more of the same. It's not fair.
It's not fair.
But really, the person
who would be better served in not doing
a second debate would be Kamala Harris.
Like Donald Trump should be like desperate
to do another debate to kind of reverse
the disaster that took place last night.
But it seems like he's trying
to skirt out of it.
While Kamala Harris's team is, you know,
goading him for another debate.
Now, if she genuinely wants to do another
debate, I mean, obviously last night she
proved that she can perform really well.
But if I were in Donald Trump's shoes,
I would definitely want another
opportunity to turn things around.
But it seems like for the moment being
and things can change.
He's kind of running away from it
and I don't think that's going
to do well for his campaigning.
So we'll see what happens.
I would not be surprised if there
isn't going to be a second debate,
but I think the results are in.
I think it's pretty clear,
based on the polling of voters,
based on what even conservative pundits
are saying in conservative media.
Donald Trump did not have a good night.
He lost that debate.
Kamala Harris did really well.
Now, of course, the second part of this is
how much of an impact will the debate have
on the overall general election.
And, you know, historically,
they haven't had that much of an impact.
There have been some outliers,
though, as we all know.
One of the outliers, of course, was the
debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
I am curious to see
how this debate is going to be, you know,
integrated in the polling moving forward
for this election and whether or not
she's going to see a bump in support.
But last night, she did a really good job
And her team.
Honestly, her campaign team
has made a lot of really great decisions.
Being ecstatic about accepting
Dick Cheney's endorsement.
Not not a good move.
I would have avoided that.
But for now, it seems to have like,
you know, barely hurt her.
But all other decisions so far
have been pretty sound pretty good.
And it seems like
she's taking this seriously.
And she came. Correct.
Like she came prepared.
He underestimated her.
She did not underestimate him.
And I love to see it.
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