Sep 11, 2024
The COLOSSAL Denial Of Right-Wingers On Trump's Awful Debate Performance
Right-wing influencers refuse to believe that former President Donald Trump lost the debate against Vice President Kamala Harris.
- 12 minutes
My aunt.
All right. Good.
So, problem about tonight already?
First of all,
this blue set is totally weird.
It looks like a fish tank.
I don't know what's going on,
but how about this?
We the people.
We the people.
Preamble to the Constitution.
Well, okay, first of all, it's slanted.
That's weird.
Is it. Is it weird?
I don't think it's that weird, but you
just heard from Newsmax host Greg Kelly,
who in the middle of the debate
between Donald Trump
and Kamala Harris last night decided to go
on some strange rant about the set
that ABC news used for the debate venue.
And he thinks that there's
something weird at play here.
So, let's hear more from Greg Kelly
on this big conspiracy.
How about this?
We the people, we the people.
Preamble to the Constitution.
Right Well, okay,
first of all, it's slanted.
That's weird.
But the other thing we the people,
some dumb New Yorker article
came out about five years ago
that said those are the most
powerful words in the English language.
The DNC took those three words DNC 2020
and made it the theme of the convention.
We the people, we the people, we
the people, we the people, we the people.
The purple chick from soccer.
All your favorite liberals.
We're on. Favorite liberals.
We the people, we the people.
And again, look at this again.
We the people.
I think it is a nod to the Democrats.
What else is new?
Got him. Got him.
What? What was that?
What was that?
I mean, this is. I don't know, Jordan.
I feel like this is the ultimate example
of coping mechanism.
Like something I need something to take
my mind off of the fact that my preferred
candidate is just getting slaughtered
on that stage right now.
Politically, obviously.
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Let me just give you
one little piece of information.
If you're wondering why the set
would have the words we the people,
it could be because of the fact
that the debate was held
at the National Constitution Center
in Philadelphia, where, you know,
we the people would make sense.
And, anyway, go ahead. Thoughts?
Well, is this his first debate?
That's what I'm wondering.
Is this the first time he's sat down
and watched a debate?
Because you can look back at 2016,
2008, you can go further.
There are frequently those types of images
in the background of debates
screen not screenshots,
but depictions of our founding documents.
That's a common theme
in presidential debates.
But I also like we can't just gloss
like we have to be fair
to the the magnitude of including
the purple woman from soccer in a video.
It's just that it is unfair to Trump.
He doesn't have purple woman
from soccer on his side.
And it's just it's an unfair advantage.
They're trying to exploit it.
We want to run a fair race.
We just have to acknowledge it.
Look, I, I do go out of my way
to understand what the other side's
arguments are, what they're talking about,
what they're saying.
I is the purple soccer girl thing.
Is that a thing?
I don't know what that is.
Is that like a story or did something
happen, like, I don't know,
like he really singled out one person.
Oh, that's who it was.
- I got it.
- Video.
Oh that's funny.
I couldn't like, see who it was I just
thought it was a random soccer player.
I'm like,
why are you picking on this person?
What's going on? That's hilarious.
So let's let's move on, because that's
not the only insane conspiracy theory for.
I can't believe that.
Like, that was bottom of the barrel.
Like you could do better than that.
Greg Kelly, I believe in you. Okay?
I think you're conspiracy brain
can come up with something better
than we the people is slanted.
That's weird.
Like, okay, but there's someone who,
you know, went a little deeper.
Okay, so a lot of right wingers
don't want to face the music
about Trump's performance.
Now, again, a lot of conservative pundits
in mainstream media
certainly admitted the truth.
It was not a good night for Trump.
But, one of Trump's advisers,
and I literally can't believe
that he hired her as an adviser.
But he did.
And maybe, maybe last night should
let him know that that was a mistake.
But Trump's adviser, Laura Loomer,
thinks that Kamala Harris
was cheating during the debate.
In fact she is alleging that Kamala Harris
was wearing an earpiece during the debate
and someone was feeding her lines.
So let's take a look at her post,
where she circles Kamala Harris's earring
and declares, interesting choice
of earrings tonight, Kamala Harris.
And then, of course,
the image also includes I used these
new smart earrings to listen to music.
They totally surprised me.
And then she, of course,
circles the earrings
worn by the woman in this other picture.
And those are supposed
to be the headphones
that allow people to speak to you.
Or you could listen to music.
Now, sadly, she is not the only bozo
that believes that Kamala Harris needed
an earpiece to have lines fed to her.
It was also shared by others
on social media.
Tara Bull, which is a great handle,
says that she's buying this as well.
Rumors are circulating that Kamala Harris
was wearing audio earrings and being fed
lines Isn't this against the debate rules?
I'm sure it is against the debate rules.
The good news is that Kamala Harris
didn't break the rules
because, she's not wearing audio earrings
and she's not having lines fed to her.
How do I know that?
Well, let's let's take a look.
As pointed out by Ian Carroll on X,
the blue arrows
that you're looking at right now point
to the model's actual pierced earrings.
And the pink arrow
is the headphones themselves.
So according to what Kamala
one of my favorite sources.
Kamala Harris is wearing
a pair of Tiffany hardware.
Oh, Tiffany hardware pair earrings
that she has actually worn
multiple times in the past.
I don't really pay that close attention
to her earrings, but I'll go ahead
and take that at face value.
So there you have it.
You see her wearing the earrings?
And, I also double checked to make sure
that Tiffany doesn't sell audio earpieces
for, you know, debate performances.
This is it's okay to admit when your
preferred candidate didn't do well.
In fact, it's actually better
if you are Trump's advisor.
It's actually better to do that because
then you can recalibrate moving forward.
But if you want to tell him
pretty little lies and make him think he
did really well, it was just that Kamala
Harris was wearing these special earrings.
Okay. Go ahead.
We'll see how that works out for you.
Well, you might remember, I'm, 2012,
the first debate between Obama and Romney.
Obama was terrible, and people,
understandably, were critical of him.
He looked rusty.
He looked cold out of it.
Romney kind of ran circles around him.
I don't know if it was
as bad as last night,
but it was a bad performance for Obama.
His team prepared
going into the second and third debates,
and they sounded he sounded a lot better.
He was better prepared.
He I think, won both of those debates
and ultimately was reelected.
Trump surrounds himself with people who
just tell him yes, who just stroke his ego
and in the case of Laura Loomer,
will spread conspiracy theories
if something is inconvenient,
if the truth is inconvenient.
Obama didn't have a team that did that,
and that's why they were able,
like you say, Anna, to recalibrate.
I say let, let let
let them continue doing this.
Let them continue to deny reality
as he goes out there and makes a fool
of himself by talking to people last night
who are casual political observers.
Maybe they lean a little left,
but don't follow it too closely.
They were confused
by things like the dog story, right?
Confused like it's that is
such a purely hyper online thing.
The average person
doesn't know what that is.
And then they see Trump saying,
they're eating your dogs.
He sounds crazy. It's so true.
It's it's insane. It's terrible.
Campaign management.
It's so true. Yes.
I said something similar
when I was covering this story
a little earlier in the show.
And by the way,
I think we're all guilty of this.
I'm certainly guilty of it.
Right where I forget, you know,
most normal people aren't
in it the way we are, right?
Like, they're not as engaged
in the everyday reporting on what's
happening in the political world.
You know, they've got jobs,
they've got families to take care of.
They have a lot going on.
People are busy,
and they might be like casual connoisseurs
of what's happening in political news.
But most people not aware, most normies
not aware of that insane allegation
about migrants eating cats and dogs.
So if they see Trump saying that
on a debate stage, you have to think,
what does a normal person
who doesn't know about that whole debacle
think when they hear a major presidential
candidate say something like that?
And now I'm connecting the dots.
Jordan, you helped me connect the dots,
because if you have Laura Loomer
of all people advising you.
It kind of makes sense that he
would fall flat during this debate.
Like it was, sir.
Surround yourself
with, like, smart people.
Try it. Try it for once.
It might work out for you,
but, you know, if he doesn't want to, I
guess it's best for the Democrats, right?
Yeah, well, he'd rather have people
who just stroke his ego
and tell him, yes, it was Laura Loomer.
It was a real just wonder team.
It was Laura Loomer and Tulsi Gabbard.
Tulsi Gabbard played the role
of Kamala Harris in their debate prep.
And there you go.
You get that. That's your benefit.
But we also to be real and jokes aside,
Democrats were going into that
with the benefit of having running against
him now for the third cycle in a row.
So they do know how to prepare.
And they had Philippe Reines,
who has played the role of Trump in debate
prep now for the third cycle in a row.
So they do know how to prepare.
And that's why I think you saw
such a good performance from Harris.
I think so, too.
And I also believe that Trump and his
campaign really did themselves no favors
by underestimating Kamala Harris,
and I think they genuinely believed
what they were saying
about her inability to debate him.
But that also set a very low expectation
among voters
when it came to that debate performance.
And so when she showed up
and she killed it, well, I mean, that made
her performance seem even better, right?
So, like, I love
that they underestimated her.
I love the fact that she did
her homework and she worked.
You could tell she worked really hard.
And you're right.
I mean, the people who are advising her
are clearly learning from the mistakes
made by the Democratic Party in the past.
And I'm really happy to see that.
I'm not happy that it took them this long
to learn the right lessons, but whatever.
I mean, they learned the right lessons
and that is certainly a good thing.
So we'll see if there's going to be
any other person coming out
and coping this pathetically.
But I will say one other thing.
I would I would have assumed that Elon
Musk would engage in this nonsense
where they're just denying reality
and trying to make it seem
like it wasn't Trump's fault or no,
actually, Trump did really well.
But no, even Elon Musk came out
and admitted that Kamala Harris did really
well because he happened to be one of
the other people who underestimated her.
So it's a common thing for a lot
of women to be underestimated.
- It's kind of a secret weapon.
- Yeah, yeah.
No, it's I mean, you can use it to your
advantage sometimes, but it definitely
speaks to the prevalence of misogyny
in our society and our culture.
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The Young Turks: September 11, 2024
Hosts: Jordan UhlAna Kasparian
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