Dec 26, 2024
Crenshaw Goes OFF On MAGA Influencers For Calling Him Out
Congressman Dan Crenshaw was triggered after MAGA “trolls” called him out for taking illegal contributions.
- 9 minutes
Donor money and you serve donors.
You guys are all crooks.
So you notice what Dan said.
He said, oh, we're going to do a pro.
I think Trump is smart enough
to do pro growth.
You know what that means?
It means tax cuts for the rich
that are all Dan's donors.
And they were Kamala Harris.
When you say
you're not a left right issue.
That's Jake right there calling out Dan
Dan Crenshaw over taking donor money
to serve his donors a few months ago.
And it seems like MAGA is finally opening
their eyes to what Jake has been saying.
Even cat turd Jake
just weigh in initially.
So as you as we talked about before,
in that same interview on piers,
the right wing populist Vinny
from Patrick David's show joined me in
criticizing Dan Crenshaw, the Republican.
So that's what realignment looks like.
It's just the beginning of it.
It's a tiny amount of it.
But now, you know, for those who are
questioning, yeah, but at the end of
the day, they're just going to go suck up
to the same politicians like Dan Crenshaw,
who's a neocon war hawk, etc.
Now, I mean, it's funny
that we have political conversations about
a guy who's handled his cat dirt, right?
But Cat turd is one
of the right wingers online.
I don't I'm sure we have massive,
massive disagreements.
But now he's going after Dan Crenshaw
because some of this establishment versus
populist stuff on the right is real.
So let's tell you the rest of that story.
So for example, on Christmas Day, quote,
Mayor of Macedonia Josh Dunlap tweeted out
the Federal Election Commission fined
Rep Dan Crenshaw campaign committee $42,
000 on Friday after finding it had
accepted hundreds of thousands of
dollars in illegal contributions.
This is the latest in a series of ethical
scandals for the second term Congressman.
The commission found that Crenshaw's
2020 reelection campaign knowingly
accepted $223,460 in apparent excessive
and prohibited contributions for the for
the 2020 primary and general elections.
Now, Crenshaw was not happy
with this claim, tweeting back lol, this
is news to me because it's a total lie.
Amazing what you bottom feeders
make up even on Christmas.
What's wrong Josh no family
to keep you company.
Also, I'm in my third term, not my second.
And then added if you sad little trolls
are going to come after me,
Christmas or not, at least have the balls
to disagree with me on real things.
But you've got nothing,
so you make up lies.
Turns out my entire record is being
a hard right Trump supporting Republican.
You just don't like that I call
you out for your dishonesty
and I'm going to keep doing it.
Voters shouldn't trust
these random click chasing accounts.
They literally sell their influence
to the highest bidder.
It's well known in politics
to clear things up.
The report is real,
but it's from December of 2022.
According to the general counsel's report,
the agency found reason to believe
that the Crenshaw campaign
and its treasurer, Paul Kilgore,
violated federal law by knowingly
accepting excessive and prohibited
corporate contributions
totaling $23,160 during the 2020 election.
The money came from 125 individuals,
two packs for corporations and three
limited liability companies, the FEC said.
According to FEC notices,
the contributions included gifts
from law firms, real estate entities
and a wealth management company,
and the campaign didn't do a good job
of returning or didn't want to return
the contributions in a timely manner.
The FEC sent the first of four notices
in October 2020,
and in December of that year the campaign
promised it would either return
or redesignate the unlawful contributions.
But the vast majority of the refunds
and redesignations, more than $207,000
worth, were returned between 100 and $15
to 612 days late, well outside the 60 day
grace period, according to the report.
As of this May.
The campaign still hadn't returned $3,200
as the report began
to circulate once again over the course
of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day,
instead of spending time with his family,
Dan went online
in a warpath against his critics.
He even went after Catturd and tweeted,
never doubt me
when I call these scumbags out.
Yeah, well, your audience
might want to start doubting you
because this is completely made up.
Knowingly spreading slander isn't
a good look, not to mention libelous.
You might want to delete.
Well, again, it is not completely
made up claim.
And that tweet did force Crenshaw to
backtrack after getting a community note
confirming the report and afraid
of the all powerful community notes.
Then Crenshaw finally says, well, to be
clear, this story was from years ago.
You're lying.
By implying we solicited
illegal contributions,
people sent in donations over the limit,
which just means we have to go through
the painstaking effort of writing
every single one of them a refund check.
It takes forever and is extremely tedious.
Happens all the time in campaigns.
When are you bottom feeders
going to find something real on me?
I'm enjoying living full time
in your empty little brain cat turd.
So that's a cat turd.
Slam down cat turd smack.
That's that.
Okay, so who's right? Who's wrong?
Well, you just saw the facts right there.
So as I look at that look, I'm biased
against Dan Crenshaw to begin with.
But yeah, brother, you did do it.
It was from, wow, a couple of years back.
That's not a lie.
To say that you did it
because you did do it.
And and he says, oh, well, you know,
we were busy working around the clock,
sending these checks back, but it took
years and years or 215 days or however
long it took to return some of the checks.
Yeah, but, brother, there's another reason
to hold on to the checks
until you have more checks that come in
and you feel perfectly safe with all
the campaign contributions you have,
then you return the ones
that were over the limit.
So once you feel more comfortable
and that's a more plausible explanation.
Now, I'm not in that office, so I don't
know exactly why they were so late in
returning it, but I do know that they were
late in returning it and and that they,
you know, and those checks initially
helped them win in the first place,
so returning them a lot later
after you've already won.
And you've already established yourself
and you've got
new campaign contributions in.
Is not exactly following the letter
of the law, right?
Let alone the spirit of the law. So, but.
To me, that's the smaller issue.
The much larger issue is look at this.
Some right wing MAGA.
Guys attacking a Republican politician.
So so people sometimes ask me,
well, so what's the difference?
Why are you now targeting
the right wing before
when you just yelled at the right wing.
Because when I went to talk to the right
wing, I would see things like this
where they were like calling out their
own politicians and people love to.
Now there are some on the left
who are saying, no, it's all fake.
They're not actually calling out those
politicians, it's just a Trump thing, etc.
And they're only calling out Dick Cheney
because Dick Cheney
supported Kamala Harris.
No, guys, they hate Dick Cheney.
They've they've hated Dick Cheney for
at least a couple of years here for sure.
For and so and look at them
fighting Dan Crenshaw who's a neocon.
So that to me is a much more
interesting trend.
And now they're calling out his
campaign donors, like so in the old days,
right wing folks would love to say,
oh, George Soros, George Soros.
You say, okay, yeah,
but what about Mitch McConnell's donors
or Dan Crenshaw's donors?
No way, no way.
Those are just good Americans,
patriotic blah, blah, blah.
Same thing on the left.
They call out Mitch McConnell when you get
to say Nancy Pelosi's donors are like,
no, no, no, Nancy's a angel and etc.
Those lines are beginning to break down.
So I know it's hilarious, but the fact
that Catturd and Dan Crenshaw are
having a fight, I think is a great sign
that there's a little bit of independent
thought breaking out over there.
Yeah, yeah, I have to agree with that.
And it's not like it's totally new.
Like you're saying about Dick Cheney,
they've been at odds for some time
and they've been, you know,
shooting each other in the face
before Cheney made that call.
So I don't know that that's
what they dislike Cheney about.
But I mean, just think about that, guys.
Right now, the overwhelming percentage
of majority of the right wing base,
the MAGA base hates Dick Cheney
because he's started too many wars.
They also didn't like
the warrantless wiretapping.
Maybe they're mixed on torture, I don't
know, I don't want to speak for them.
But but some of them certainly objected
to the torture as well.
Take the win. Take the win.
That was our that's been our position
for ever since Dick Cheney was around.
The fact that they've come
in that direction is amazing.
The fact that they're willing
to call out Dan Crenshaw and like,
we're willing to call out Dan Crenshaw
and our own side, that's a that's amazing.
And so, I don't know, I just think
that's a really positive development.
I mean, there is no purpose
to fighting for any political aim,
any political platform, if not
to eventually win the issue, convince
the populace and get that change there.
Otherwise it's literally just gamesmanship
and trying to to forever
have something to talk about.
That's certainly not the purpose
of what we do here.
It's certainly not the purpose
of what anybody that actually cares about
these things should be caring about when
they fight and advocate for these issues.
So we should hope that every issue we
care about also becomes a right wing issue
that they care about.
It ticks something off the list.
We can start fighting
for the next thing. 100%, 100%.
Let's take the win.
Okay, let's unite where it makes sense.
Fight where it makes sense.
Relatively easy concept.
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