Oct 30, 2024
Johnson BLURTS OUT Republicans' Plan To Gut Obamacare If Trump Wins
House Speaker Mike Johnson admitted that Republicans plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act if Donald Trump were to be elected.
- 9 minutes
I took a blowtorch
to the regulatory state.
I mean, these agencies have been
weaponized against the people,
and it's crushing the free market.
It's like a boot on the neck
of job creators
and entrepreneurs and risk takers.
And so health care is one of the sectors.
But we need this across the board.
And Trump's going to go big.
I mean, he's only going to have
one more term, right.
Can't run for reelection.
And so he's going
to be thinking about legacy.
And we're going to we're going
to fix these things.
- No. Obamacare.
- No. No. Yeah.
The ACA is so deeply ingrained.
We need massive reform to make this work.
And we got a lot of ideas
on how to do that.
Do you?
On Monday, House speaker Mike Johnson
promised that House Republicans will
once again try to do away with Obamacare
if Trump wins the presidential election.
Now, look, it's very likely an unwise
stance given how the electorate feels
about the Affordable Care Act.
And he's saying this
right before the election.
But notice how it
barely got any attention.
Now, 62% of adults had favorable views
of the law in April,
and that's up from 38% a decade earlier.
And that's according to KFF,
a nonprofit health policy research,
polling and news organization.
And despite the popularity of Obamacare,
Trump has in fact, crusaded against it
for just about, you know,
the entirety of his political career.
So in his first interview
after being elected as president in 2016,
he said that repeal
and replace would be done simultaneously.
He had some concepts
of replacements, except he didn't.
On his first day in office, Trump
signed an executive order proclaiming it
is the policy of my administration
to seek the prompt repeal of the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Hey, it's.
Not fair of you to remove the part of his
statement that talks about replacing it.
It wouldn't have just said
he's going to repeal it.
It just said that there was no I mean,
I think it's pretty clear that there has
been no work done on the Republican side
in regard to a different,
You know, a different option
to the Affordable Care Act
because they've never really had any
interest of repealing and replacing it.
They've just wanted to repeal it.
And just last November, Trump said this
the cost of Obamacare is out of control.
Plus, it's not good health care.
I'm seriously looking at alternatives.
We had a couple of Republican senators
who campaigned for six years against it
and then raised their hands
not to terminate it because it's popular.
That's why they realized
that there would be consequences.
It was a low point
for the Republican Party.
But we should never give up.
Yes. Keep going.
Important goals here, right?
Doing away with some of the patient
protections that were given to patients
as a result of the Affordable Care Act,
which I will admit is not perfect,
I will admit did not do enough
in order to keep health care costs
for Americans affordable and lower.
But instead of building off of it and
improving it, they just want to repeal it.
And remember, the Affordable Care Act
does come with incredibly important
patient protections.
Yeah, I love that.
That's the low point When I think back
in the last decade, the low point was when
they didn't kill a wildly popular program.
Yeah, he's he's been very clear.
The repeal the replace stuff.
It's it's like exceptions for abortion.
It's a thing you have to say
because you acknowledge
that your position is really unpopular.
You're still going to do it,
but it's unpopular.
And you would prefer not
to suffer any political backlash.
You'll notice, by the way, Mike
Johnson is like we have plenty of ideas.
Would you like to mention any of them?
I'd be very interested in some specifics,
but he doesn't want to.
And by the way,
he has things he wants to do.
I have no doubt that they will do it.
It's not about repealing and replacing.
It's about shredding.
They're going to shred the protections
that you're referencing.
That's it.
Because there's nothing else
that they want for health care.
Their goal is not better protections,
access and affordability
for regular people.
It's to free the health care industry
from the unfair shackles
that the commies put on them under Obama.
- That's all it is.
- This whole system is so broken.
I mean, even under the Affordable Care
Act, the system is broken,
but there are protections like allowing
people to remain on their parents
health care plan up to the age of 26,
ensuring that people can't be denied
health care coverage
due to a preexisting condition.
These are important.
There are price caps on how much you spend
out of pocket on health care per year.
That's an incredibly important protection.
You know, I remember when my husband had
a very serious, like, shoulder surgery.
Oh my God.
If that price cap didn't exist,
we would have been crushed.
And that's with health insurance.
And so these protections
are important guys.
It doesn't mean that our health
care system is working fantastically.
Like everything is great.
No, but we should definitely focus
on what we can do
to improve upon the Affordable Care Act,
improve the system that we currently have.
And that's not what's being offered
by the Republican Party.
And I have an issue with that.
And as you guys know, if they were
offering something that I thought sounded
good, I would be honest about it,
but they haven't offered a replacement,
so I can't even analyze what they're
offering because there is no offer.
There's just this, you know, effort
to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and I
can't back that or support that because I
think that's a horrible, horrible idea.
Yeah, yeah.
No, it reminds me of the guy
who goes in to replace Michael Scott
as manager of The Office.
And he's like, no,
I'm not going to give you the plan.
No, you give me the job
and then you'll get the plan.
I'm not going to just give it away.
No, it's it's our health
that's on the line.
It's our bank account that's on the line.
It's literally our lives.
We're not just going to put you in.
But the crazy thing is, like, Mike Johnson
knows the stuff that he wants to do,
the stuff that J.D.
Vance wants to do, the stuff
that Donald Trump will allow them to do.
I don't think he really has many thoughts
about any of this
are going to be devastating.
And not just to those damn libs.
There are so many unhealthy and aging
conservatives who will be financially
wrecked by the changes that they'll make,
and young conservatives
who will be super happy initially
at the new low priced plans that come out
once all the regulations are gone
and then, oops, it's not health care.
You have no protections whatsoever
if you actually have an emergency.
Their own voters
are going to be screwed over.
And I guess they hope that they won't
pay any price for that, that even once
conservatives realize things are way worse
than they were just a few years ago.
I guess, you know, Sean Hannity
is going to be trying to bamboozle them
into being more worried
about Colombians or something,
like they're just they're hoping
they can escape culpability for the stuff
they're planning to do right now.
So recently, Trump has slightly changed
his tune, saying in in a September debate
that he would keep the lousy law in place.
Is he not merciful?
While acknowledging he's still,
he still hopes to replace it
with something much better.
But that's specific.
Yeah, much, much better.
Yeah, I like better things.
But that's not much reassurance,
as you guys can imagine,
given his previous stance on the issue,
combined with his party's readiness
to basically do Big Pharma's bidding.
In fact, this September,
multiple high ranking Republicans
told Axios that they want to repeal
the Inflation Reduction Act,
Medicare drug price negotiations next year
if they prevail in the elections.
Really looking out
for those working class voters?
No, I'm trying to remember.
I know that between 2020 and now,
conservatives were really focused
on pharma,
but I don't remember if they suddenly
liked it a lot more or hated it more.
I guess they must have started to love it,
because they're supporting people
who are doing all of their bidding 100%.
It's so bizarre.
So Representative Buddy,
his name is buddy.
Representative Buddy Carter from Georgia
said the Inflation Reduction Act
drug pricing provisions are
the worst legislation I've ever witnessed
in ten years in Congress
and ten years in the state legislature.
And he absolutely wants to repeal them.
Other than like saying
that you think they're awful.
Okay. Well,
why can you explain why you think it's
a bad idea for the Medicare system
to simply be able to negotiate drug prices
with pharmaceutical companies to ensure
that they get the best possible price.
Because remember, the Medicare system
is funded by us, the American taxpayers.
So why are we going to be price gouged
by pharmaceutical companies?
Because there are bans
on allowing the Medicare system
to negotiate for lower drug prices.
How does that make any sense?
Well, are you being funded
by the pharma industry?
Because he might be, in which case
it does make a certain sense.
Good point.
That's a good point, by the way.
It's also worth noting that according to
Open Secrets, Mike Johnson has taken $248,
908 from the pharmaceuticals and health
products industry over the course of his
pretty short career, relatively speaking.
That's not enough money
for him to be this much of a.
- It doesn't.
- Take much.
Okay. They could be bought real cheap.
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