Oct 2, 2024
Israel’s Expanding War Breaks DEVASTATING Record
The IDF operation in Gaza has killed more more women and children in one year more than any other conflicts in the last 20 years.
- 14 minutes
There's a crowd here is from
the surviving family members
who were attacked last night
in a refugee camp. 13 people were killed.
Seven of them were children.
The bodies that you see on the ground
right here, if you count the bodies.
We said 13 of them, but seven of them.
Those are the children
who were turned into pieces
and were brought to the hospital
in in plastic bags and in coolers.
They were put all together.
So one of these body bags has the bodies
of, of 2 or 3 people right on the floor.
Israeli Defense Forces have
continued to brutalize the Gaza Strip,
while the rest of the world is just mainly
focused on the growing conflicts between
Israel and Hezbollah and Lebanon and,
of course, Israel and Iran,
which, I'm really hoping doesn't
turn into a full blown hot war.
Now, the number of dead Palestinians
has now reached gruesome highs.
Gaza's health ministry said today
that over the past 24 hours, 51 people had
been killed by the IDF in the Gaza Strip.
Israel's several targets included a school
and an orphanage in Gaza City.
Also included strikes
on a high school in central Gaza.
And the IDF, of course,
provided their usual justifications.
You guys want to all say it in unison.
We all know what it's going to be.
In separate statements,
the Army said the two schools
and the orphanage were being used
as Hamas command and control complexes
to plan and carry out operations.
You guys have been bombing
every square inch of the Gaza Strip
for nearly a year, and you're still using
the excuse of command.
Hamas command centers. Really, really.
Okay, but the death toll was highest
in a strike that was carried out
in Khan Yunis, where the IDF utilized both
airstrikes and tanks on the ground.
At least 32 people, according to reports,
were killed and dozens injured.
The city's European hospital said I want
to pause and keep this graphic up.
As you can see, Al Jazeera is the source
cited for this because it's an excerpt
from one of their reports.
But the source of information
is the city's European hospital.
I'm sure I'm going to hear that the
European hospital is controlled by Hamas,
but I'm not buying that argument.
But let me continue on
with what was said here.
The hospital records show that seven women
and 12 children as young as 22 months old,
were among those killed.
Oxfam is another organization
that's been putting out more information
about what's happening in Gaza,
and I commend them for doing so.
So they just recently reported
that more women and children have been
killed in Gaza in one year's time than in
any other conflict in the last 20 years.
Think about all the wars,
especially the wars the United States has
been involved in over the last 20 years.
Okay, just to reiterate,
the damage, the death and destruction
caused to women and children by Israel is
worse than any other conflict that we have
experienced or seen in the last 20 years.
Conservative figures, by the way.
Conservative figures show that more
than 6000 women and 11,000 children
were killed in Gaza by the Israeli
military with American bombs, of course,
over the last 12 months.
Data from 2004 to 2021 on direct conflict
deaths from the Small Arms Survey
estimates that the highest number
of women killed in a single year
was over 2600, in Iraq back in 2016.
But what about Syria?
Syria was dealing
with a crippling civil war.
Lots of innocent people
were killed as a result.
Surely, surely Bashar al Assad
caused way more damage.
Way more women and children
were killed in Syria.
No. No. Not really.
A report by the organization Oxfam.
Oh. I'm sorry.
Oxfam is reporting that a report by
the organization, Every Casualty Counts,
examined information on over 11,
000 children killed across the first two
and a half years of the Syria conflict,
an average of over 4700 deaths a year.
UN children and armed conflict reports
over the last 18 years show that no other
conflicts killed a higher number, killed
a higher number of children in one year.
Now, remember that the numbers
in Gaza are currently pretty bad,
but they're very likely worse than that.
So the record number of women
and children killed in Gaza does not
include those among the nearly 20,
000 people who are either unidentified,
missing or entombed, meaning trapped
beneath the rubble and bomb debris.
So when the rubble is cleared and when we
have a better sense of what the death toll
is, I certainly suspect that the numbers
are going to be much higher.
And for those still living inside Gaza.
The delivery of aid,
of course, has slowed down.
It wasn't great to begin with,
but it has been slowed down even further.
And this is according
to reporting from Reuters.
They say that the Israeli authorities
are scaling down food deliveries sent
by various organizations and businesses,
and they have even created a new customs
rule for UN truck convoys traveling
from Jordan to Gaza through Israel.
Under the rule, individuals from relief
organizations sending aid must
complete a form providing passport details
and accept liability
for any false information on a shipment.
People involved in getting goods
to the war torn territories said.
Now, on the surface,
that seems like it's no big deal, right?
Except it is a big deal.
I mean, the wording kind of covers up
what the real intent is here,
and the real intent is to punish any
of the aid workers who deliver aid, and
that aid ends up in the hands of Hamas.
That is what they're worried about.
Relief agencies say that they do fear
that if their workers sign the forms,
and if the aid ends up falling
into the hands of Hamas,
the workers could face legal punishment.
And we already know Israel has
accused UN workers of working with Hamas,
with being in bed with Hamas.
I mean, they've even banned
the secretary general, Antonio Gutierrez,
from ever visiting Israel again because he
had the audacity to call for a cease fire
without condemning Iran's retaliatory
attack against Israel yesterday.
It's just Iran's retaliatory strike
killed one person,
a Palestinian, in the West Bank.
You want to know how many Israelis
Israelis it killed?
I mean, and by the way,
it was a retaliatory attack.
So, like, does Israel think that it can
just go around bombing sovereign
countries, doing as it pleases with
the bombs that we make here in America and
provide them through our taxpayer money.
Do they think
they can just do all of that?
And no one is going to try to fight back?
It's just it's infuriating.
It's infuriating.
And I hate the fact that the United States
is enabling this and is behind this.
This is going to get
a lot more innocent people killed.
And I don't know what the endgame is.
The endgame has not been made
clear by Netanyahu, other than we're going
to take out all the terrorists.
Okay, cool.
Yeah, I heard the same story back in 2003.
Instead of the axis of resistance,
we had the axis of terror.
And, our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
were a complete and utter disaster.
We did not wipe out terrorism.
We wiped out a lot of civilians.
We spurred the establishment
of new terror groups.
This is just so incredibly stupid.
And what boggles my mind is we
don't learn any lessons from history,
even recent history.
But anyway, let me keep going.
So a doctor working in southern Gaza
told Reuters that lack of food
is some of the world's,
some of the worst it's been during the war
these past weeks especially.
We thought we'd been able
to get a hold on it, but it's got worse.
My clinic treats 50 children a day
for various issues, injuries and illness.
On average, 15 of those are malnourished.
Now let's talk a little bit more
about the UN and the number of UN staffers
who have been killed by the IDF.
So the war has taken a pretty heavy toll
on UN staff and their family members.
So last July, drop Site News, which is
a new publication established by wonderful
journalist Ryan Grim and Jeremy Scahill,
reported that Israel's assault on Gaza
had killed at least 172 dependents of
United Nations Staff by the end of June,
according to a confidential UN report.
In addition to 195 staff members
with impunity.
I mean, they had to do it.
They had to do it.
The Israeli government shows no
sign of ceasing this devastation.
They're ramping it up not only in Gaza,
but obviously now there's
a ground invasion in Lebanon.
Obviously, you have Netanyahu
egging on a hot war with Iran as well.
And they again, have decided
that the best course of action when it
comes to the UN is to ban their ban.
The UN secretary general, Antonio
Gutierrez, from ever visiting the country.
Now, the BBC also reports
that Israel's Foreign minister,
Israel Katz, basically declared
that Gutierrez is persona non grata
and that he lends support to terrorists.
And what did he mean
by lend support to terrorists?
He's referring to, again,
Gutierrez calling for a ceasefire,
calling for peace without simultaneously
remembering to condemn Iran.
It's also concerning
for the long term welfare of Israel.
I know that sounds crazy.
Like I've been very critical of Israel.
Jake has been very critical of Israel.
And I want to reiterate again,
our problem is not with
the Israeli civilians, Jewish people.
My beef and his beef is with the Israeli
government and how little they care
about human lives.
And in my opinion, that includes
human lives within their own country.
Now, what do I mean by that?
Well, the economy is in tatters.
I mean, Israel had a budget surplus.
I know I keep repeating that
because it's so incredible to me.
But as a country here in the United
States, where we haven't had
a budget surplus for decades, since 2001,
it's impressive when Israel
has a budget surplus in 2022.
Not no more. That's not the case anymore.
So the country has seen
its credit score downgraded and its
gross domestic product shrank sharply.
Tens of thousands of businesses
have closed and a growing number of jobs
are being moved offshore.
Israeli reservists
have put careers on hold or struggled
to juggle them with military service.
It seems like, maybe pursuing diplomatic
means of ending this multi-front war
would be beneficial for everyone,
including the Israelis.
But let me continue.
While Israel's massive hi tech industry
has remained resilient,
construction and agriculture,
which relied heavily on Palestinians
whose work permits were canceled by Israel
after October 7th, have been hit hard.
Tourism, understandably,
has plunged by more than 75%.
So again, what is the end goal here
other than Netanyahu holding on to power
for dear life, for his dear life?
Of course he doesn't care
about the lives of anyone else.
Look, in short, the continuation
of Israel's escalation is shortsighted.
Decided it is selfish when it comes
to people like Netanyahu, who does
not want to be pushed out of power,
who does not want to stand in trial
for the corruption, very real, serious
corruption charges that he is facing.
And you're also seeing headlines today
about like who?
Netanyahu was unpopular, but he looks like
he's turning things around.
I don't know if that's true.
And I don't know if the people of Israel
think that his strategy is somehow going
to make them safer in the long run,
or is somehow going to make their country
stronger and better in the long run.
But the reality is
he is causing a lot of damage.
Yes, a lot of civilians
are getting killed.
Civilians that I would venture to say
the United States and Israel
doesn't care about at all.
But what Netanyahu is inviting is terror.
And war on Israeli soil.
So if Israelis didn't appreciate
and were terrified by the various strikes
that were carried out by Iran yesterday
in retaliation for Israel's aggression,
well, there's going
to be a lot more of that.
And they really need to question
whether or not they're okay with it.
I certainly wouldn't be.
I think Israelis deserve better.
I think they deserve
way better leadership.
And the fact that we are enabling
a war criminal like Netanyahu disgusts me.
I will never forgive Biden
for destroying his legacy
with his disgusting foreign policy.
But here we are.
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Now Playing (Clips)
The Young Turks: October 2, 2024
Hosts: John IadarolaAna Kasparian
- 14 minutes
- 18 minutes
- 14 minutes
- 11 minutes
- 9 minutes
- 18 minutes
- 10 minutes