Sep 25, 2024
CNN Panelist REFUSES To Take Responsibility For Creepy Texts To Nancy Mace
Michael Eric Dyson raged against 'cancel culture' on The View.
- 11 minutes
We're living in a toxic culture
where there's a cancel culture.
We're not trying to elevate.
We're trying to eviscerate.
This woman has now depended upon,
like her inspiration,
Donald Trump, a racist trope.
The black brute
seeks the innocent white woman.
And now I'm seeking lasciviously
to approach her.
I mean, but did you try
to hit on the white woman?
Now, that was Michael Eric Dyson,
who's reeling over Republican
Congresswoman Nancy Mace calling him out
for sending her creepy texts
immediately after he implied that she's
racist on live national television.
And he did imply
that don't insult our intelligence.
Now, it's incredible how he can decry
cancel culture on one hand,
and then try to get her canceled for
allegedly using racist tropes on another.
So let's break this down,
because in case you missed the story, it
all started when Dyson and Congresswoman
Mace appeared on the same CNN panel
to discuss the presidential race.
Mais, like many Americans, struggled a bit
with Kamala Harris's name on Kamala's.
Kamala's Kamala, you had it right.
You almost got it.
I'll say it anyway that I want to know.
But Kamala.
- You mispronounced her and you also.
- Misjudged you mispronouncing her name.
That's Congresswoman to acknowledge her.
If I if I purposely one at a time,
if I purposely mispronounced your name,
that would not be appropriate policies.
Okay, so she probably shouldn't have said
I will say her name how I want,
but like, clearly she wasn't intentionally
trying to mispronounce her name.
She started with Kamala
and then she's like, wait, Kamala?
She's probably confused
because guess what?
We have heard both pronunciations for many
years now, and it's kind of frustrating
when you're trying to make a point.
A substantive point, right?
I'm sure I probably disagree
with whatever mace was supposed to say or
was trying to say, but it doesn't matter.
She's trying to get her point out
and she gets interrupted immediately
over a small error.
Now that is when Dyson stepped in
to make the obligatory point that,
you know, we've heard it before.
White woman. Bad.
Very naughty. Let's watch.
Congresswoman is a wonderful human being.
But, but, but when you disrespect
Kamala Harris by saying you will call her
whatever you want,
I know you don't intend it to be that way.
That's the history and legacy
of white disregard
for the humanity of black people.
So now you're calling me racist?
I didn't say it.
- I just said you weren't a racist.
- That is complete.
You don't have to intend racism to.
Know you are intending that
your disrespect.
- Of. Kamala Harris is part and parcel.
- Hey, don't scroll away.
Come back, come back.
Because before the video continues, we
just want to urge you to lend your support
to tweet you power our honest reporting.
You do it at
and we love you for it.
You're not racist.
You just did a racist thing. Come on now.
Kamala Harris
has a relatively unique name.
We all know this and people are going
to accidentally mispronounce it.
It's called life, and these little
squabbles over this issue are insane,
especially when commentators
like Dyson blow it out of proportion
to make it seem like it's the perpetuation
of white supremacy in America.
Give me a break.
In fact, maybe give all the Kamala
Harris supporters
you're about to hear from a break as well.
The hate campaign
against Kamala Harris has begun.
You will notice they purposefully
pronounce her name wrong.
Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris,
Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris,
Kamala Harris.
- Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris.
- People like Kamala Harris.
But as Kamala said, Kamala Harris, Kamala
and I are Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris,
Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris,
Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris's,
- Kamala Kamala Harris.
- Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris,
Kamala Harris the Kamala Harris.
Was a very good prosecutor.
Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris,
Kamala Harris, Kamala.
- Harris, Kamala.
- Harris, Kamala Harris I know her.
Kamala was first. Biden and Kamala.
Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris.
- Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris, Kamala.
- Harris, Kamala.
Harris, Kamala Harris
and to the Kamala Point, they.
Purposefully pronounce her name wrong.
They say Kamala.
They do it all the time. It is on purpose.
- Kamala Harris.
- Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris,
Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris.
Was talking about this.
- Kamala Harris.
- Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris.
A lot of people
perpetuating white supremacy in America,
including black people.
Now getting back to Dyson's tiff with mace
after he implied that she's mispronouncing
Kamala's name because she's racist.
Mace did this on the House floor.
I would like to also enter into the record
a screenshot of a text message I received
from the esteemed professor
from Vanderbilt, Michael Eric Dyson.
After my CNN interview
begged me for photos in this text,
he says, after calling me a racist on CNN,
don't tell anybody we look good together
and sent me a kissy emoji.
Without objection,
the guy says I'm gorgeous.
And all these photos.
I don't think he's that bent out of shape
on how anyone pronounces Kamala.
And if we're going to have that standard,
you gotta hold it to both sides.
- Not just one or the one or the other.
- Damn.
Now, as you can imagine,
Dyson didn't like that.
But before we get to Dyson's response to
all of this, look, Nancy Mace, to be fair,
is not innocent in all of this, okay?
And honestly, in this saga,
her biggest crime.
Those massive, tacky earrings like.
Girl, what are you doing?
What are you doing, girl?
Like, I respect your religion.
Okay, but, like,
maybe smaller cross earrings.
Why do they have to be so big? Okay.
Anyway, let's get back to Dyson.
He didn't like it,
so he wrote on X, quote.
Her white women's tears and mendacity
are all in the service
of lies and distortions.
I was wrong about one thing.
She is a bigot and racist.
No, you.
You thought that to begin with.
Let's keep it real.
Now, in an effort to defend himself,
he also took to social media to say that
he's not he's not doing anything weird.
I mean, he he writes creepy
messages to lots of women.
These are other people
that I interacted with recently.
My friends, some of them.
My friend Allison.
I said nice. You look gorgeous.
Look out, Texas!
Here she comes talking about that
nail painter, a world renowned historian,
on her Instagram I posted
after she posted about.
She's a Mary Ellen von der Heyden Fellow
in Letters of the American Academy
in Berlin.
On in public.
I said,
gorgeous and brilliant all at once.
A heart with, a heart.
A face that's smiling with hearts
and a kissy face.
Right? I said, keep up the great work.
Then there is my friend Terry,
who I was giving tickets to
for the Democratic National Convention.
I said, you know, I can if I will.
Everybody and they mama
want these tickets for today.
You look gorgeous, as always.
Then my colleague Lisa at Vanderbilt,
when we took pictures, I sent them
to her and I said, Me and Miss Gorgeous.
And then Councilwoman Mary, Sheffield,
who is a councilwoman in Detroit.
And I said, gorgeous and brilliant leader,
bless you and thank God for your courage,
strength and leadership.
And then my dear friend Susan Taylor,
a renowned editor queen.
That's what I call her.
So good to see you today.
You look gorgeous as always,
and your soul inspiring conversation
was uplifting as always.
Feel better. Love y'all.
And then finally, to Dana Bash.
Well, I congratulated her on the interview
she did with Kamala Harris and then on
another interview, saving people of color,
saying people of color are eating cats.
That's racism. I was quoting her.
I said, thank you, Dana Bash.
Besides being brilliant and courageous,
you also look gorgeous.
Wait, no.
No kissy emoji for Dana Bash.
What's going on here?
Look, obviously that's not
the defense he thinks it is.
Maybe don't send unsolicited evaluations
of women's appearance in a professional
setting, especially as a married man.
I would I would not be happy with my
husband if he's sending kissy emojis
to other women, especially at work,
and have a little grace for people
instead of immediately assuming
they're driven by hatred and racism.
But no, he just can't
get himself to do that.
So he doubled down on The View.
We're living in a toxic culture
where there's a cancel culture.
We're not trying to elevate.
We're trying to eviscerate.
So when it comes to Nancy Mace,
you see, I tried to be nice to the woman.
I said, you're a wonderful woman, I lied.
I then said, but
but I tried to be nice to her.
And then even when I pointed out to her
what the repetition of the misnaming of
Kamala Harris would do, she got defensive.
Oh, you're calling me a racist?
No. To all of these white Christians.
And she's one of them.
The Bible says, if my people who are
called by my name will humble themselves
and pray and turn their face to God
and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven,
and then I will forgive their sins,
and I will heal the land.
They have not forgiven themselves.
White Christians hate themselves
for the past wrongs that have been done.
And I'm here as a loving Christian to say,
let's grapple with that past.
the historic legacy of supremacy.
Don't deny it. Don't erase it.
Don't eviscerate it.
Don't remove it from the history books.
Confront it.
And then when you forgive yourselves,
we can go forward.
White Christians of today
are not responsible for the atrocities
that were committed by the United States
centuries ago or decades ago,
unless they were involved in perpetuating
the unequal treatment of black people
or in favor of maintaining slavery.
There's no reason for them to apologize
for the crimes committed in the past.
And I am curious, has Dyson forgiven
himself for sending unwanted messages
to women in professional settings?
You know, the Bible says
if Dyson is worried about the toxicity of
cancel culture, as he alleged on The View,
he should stop weaponizing race
for cheap political points.
And I totally agree with one of our
viewers, Ryo hand, who makes a great point
about Kamala Harris herself
because she has not made an issue
of her name being mispronounced.
I have never heard her
complain about it once.
Maybe we should follow her lead
and stop turning a small issue
into some sort of statement
about white supremacy in America.
It cheapens real instances of racism, and
it leads to a boy who cried wolf scenario
when real racism happens and people
are less likely to take it seriously
because everything is considered racist,
including an honest mistake
like mispronouncing a unique name.
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