Sep 18, 2024
Matt Walsh's Stance On Sick Days REEKS Of Desperation
Conservative podcaster Matt Walsh claims you should not be using sick days.
- 8 minutes
On the sixth day.
Thing is, and you know, this will be
unpopular, especially with younger people,
but you shouldn't be using sick days.
You should definitely be using sick days.
Do not come to work
and spread your disease and make me sick.
Okay, that's number one.
Number two,
you should probably get better.
You should.
You shouldn't be in the office. Stay home.
Don't listen to Matt Walsh.
Now, that was just a quick tease
of Matt Walsh bravely standing up for the
cause of literally showing up to work sick
and spreading your germs
to all your coworkers.
Something that I'm sure
people would not appreciate.
And we'll get to more
of Walsh's rant in a minute.
But first, some context.
So on yesterday's episode
of the aptly named Matt Walsh Show,
he discussed a recent survey showing
that many hiring managers are deeply,
deeply unimpressed with Gen Z workers.
Okay, so from Intelligent Comm,
they report that nearly two thirds
65% of hiring managers surveyed
believe that recent college graduates
are our entitled and 63%
think they get offended too easily.
I'm not saying I agree with
that last part, but I'm saying
I agree with that last part.
Additionally, more than half 55%
believe they lack a work ethic and 54% say
they don't respond well to feedback.
Similarly, 53% feel that Gen Z college
graduates are unprepared for the workforce
and believe they have
poor communication skills.
Now, those numbers clearly are pretty bad.
Not good.
But according to that same survey,
most hiring managers aren't going
to stop hiring Gen Z anytime soon.
So one quarter of hiring managers say
they would feel extremely enthusiastic
about hiring a recent college graduate
for an entry level position.
These polls are ridiculous.
Like, honestly.
Like, how do you go from saying like,
oh, Gen Z are the worst workers?
Can't stand them super entitled.
They get offended too easily, but I can't.
I am super enthused about hiring them.
Like there's always
contradictions like that in polling.
It's amazing.
But just to read the rest of it to you.
They also say 34% would
feel somewhat enthusiastic.
About 25% feel neutral,
while only 13% are somewhat hesitant
and 4% are extremely hesitant.
So that's the background.
Before we get to the rest
of what Matt Walsh has to say, but I do
want to allow you to jump in real quick.
John. Any thoughts on that?
Yeah, my overall thought is I love this
story because it perfectly encapsulates
what the point of the so-called
independent right wing media is.
It's to do exactly
what is what is in there.
It is to sell a message that if you don't
think too deeply about it, is about it's
about like manhood and being like,
tough and not being woke or whatever,
like just, you know, just go to work
if you're sick or whatever.
But what is that actually?
It's don't ever cost
your employer any money.
Exactly. Don't don't take any time off.
You be there.
Be a good drone. Bow down.
To be a man, to be an alpha.
You should never.
And so they're constantly selling
something with the wrapper of toughness
or being an alpha.
But the message is given to you
by corporate America.
It is to be a good cog in the machine.
And they they will you can see that in how
they take any opportunity to fake attack
corporations, to attack corporations
viciously in a way that does not pose
any harm whatsoever to the corporations.
Like they will rant about Dei
programs in corporations.
The corporations don't care
about their Dei programs.
They'd prefer to not have
to spend money on that.
But what does that commentator think
the corporate tax rate should be like?
Oh, they're like, we're going
to take down these corporations
and they should pay no taxes whatsoever.
And there should be
no regulations whatsoever.
But aren't they woke?
It's like selling the anti wokeness
so that you can do the bidding
of corporate America.
That is exactly right.
I mean you put it so perfectly,
I feel like it's useless
to even do the rest of the story.
But we will. We will.
So during Matt Walsh's show,
you know, he's discussing this survey,
which also found that, you know,
Gen Z workers are more likely to do
the right thing in using their sick days
Older counterparts less likely.
And so that led to this bizarre rant.
You shouldn't be using sick days. Okay.
I view sick days
maybe twice in seven years.
And in both of those cases, because I
lost my voice and I couldn't speak.
You know, you can't blame me for that.
It's impossible to do a podcast
when you can't speak.
And and even then, I still
and anyone who watches
has been watching this show for a while.
You know this I still came into the office
and recorded a video with subtitles,
when I lost my voice, if you recall.
But generally speaking, again,
I know this is unpopular,
but sick days are for children.
They're for kids in school
who are trying to stay home so they
don't have to take a test that day.
Like, with rare exception,
taking a sick day as an adult
should be pretty embarrassing for you.
Calling your boss and saying sorry,
I can't come in today.
My tummy hurts is humiliating.
You need to be at work, okay?
- Adults don't have time to be sick.
- Hey, don't scroll away.
Come back, come back.
Because before the video continues, we
just want to urge you to lend your support
to tight u power our honest reporting.
You do it at
and we love you for it.
I don't want my coworkers
blowing up the bathroom.
You have a tummy ache.
You sit your ass at home and get better.
Okay, I'm sorry I'm not looking
to get sick either,
so I don't want one of my colleagues.
I don't want Jake coming in, okay?
And spreading his spittle on me
when he's sick.
I don't want to be sick.
I want to be healthy and energetic
and enthusiastic to come into work.
This guy is insane.
Like, I'm actually very judgmental
toward people who like, oh, look at me.
I'm such a good worker.
I'm going to be super inconsiderate
of everyone else around me to, like,
pander to my boss and come into the office
when I should be at home and not
spreading my illness to everyone else.
Like it's just I love how he's turned
this into like a child
versus like, manly masculine man thing.
No, no, no, it's about being considerate
and doing the right thing.
- Stay at home.
- Yeah.
Again it's look, there's obviously the
point of the there's the reason there will
always be money for a person like a Matt
Walsh is because he is selling to people
who don't explicitly and,
like, intentionally, only want to do
what corporate America wants.
He's getting them to do
what corporate America wants.
But then also, these people are just
so broken that they would say the things
they say and not realize
that that says so much more about them
than it does about literally anyone else.
The idea that it was that kids in school
never need to take the day off.
They should just willingly get
all the other kids sick
so they can get their parents sick.
Remember, we're coming out of a pandemic
and this is the message
that he has for his audience.
The idea that you would be humiliated,
why would you have your self-worth
as a man wrapped up in, oh God,
I can never miss a single day of work?
They they're the what they think they're
selling or what their audience thinks
they're selling is strength.
But it's it's fawning, cringing,
constantly anxious.
Weakness. That's all it is.
In all cases, the ultimate man as sold
by them is constantly terrified about
what everyone is thinking about them
and the perceptions of everyone.
And that to me does not read as alpha.
It doesn't.
It doesn't even read as adult, you know.
Taking the masculinity out of it.
Free your mind of the ridiculous traps
that he would have you place yourself in.
If you are concerned
about being embarrassing.
I don't know.
I just feel like having a tummy ache.
Deciding to come into work and dropping
a nuclear bomb in the bathroom
is probably going to be more embarrassing
than just staying home and getting better.
That's my take.
I know it, you know it.
The American people know it.
Matt Walsh doesn't know it.
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