Sep 18, 2024
Both Republicans, Democrats Pull DIRTY TRICK About Kamala's Stance On Gaza
A troubling series of ads by both Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign and right-wing operatives aim to deceive voters in Michigan about her stance on the Gaza war.
- 12 minutes
I will not be silent about the scale
of human suffering in Gaza, including the
death of far too many innocent civilians.
Our common humanity compels us to act.
Allegedly, Kamala Harris is extremely
concerned about human suffering in Gaza.
At least, that's what her latest
digital ad campaign in Detroit
is trying to communicate to the large
Arab and Muslim community there.
However, as we all know, talk is cheap
and she knows her campaign
coffers will take a hit
if she actually pursues any real action in
reining in or holding Israel accountable.
Kamala has also been saying
different things to different audiences
when it comes to this particular issue.
U.S. Foreign policy toward Israel.
But look, before we dive into all of that,
more on why she's launching this ad
campaign in the first place because that's
an interesting, juicy part of the story.
It turns out that it's
a direct response to digital ads.
Republicans are running in the area,
which happened to paint Kamala Harris
as an unwavering supporter of Israel.
Vice President Harris
has chosen a side for right side.
Harris has made herself clear she
stands with Israel and the Jewish people.
She has again and again.
She understands the unbreakable bond
between the US and Israel.
So when Netanyahu came to DC,
Harris hosted the prime minister
at the white House.
And when supporters of a free Palestine
stood up for Gaza,
Harris put them in their place
and supporters of free Palestine.
They hate her with,
as Kamala Harris gets it,
we can trust she'll always support Israel.
Okay, so that ad was paid for by
the Future Coalition PAC, whose treasurer
is Republican operative Ray Zaborney.
Democrats in Michigan are understandably
incensed by this, calling the Republican
ad campaign against Kamala a dirty trick.
One Democratic operative told HuffPost
that clearly, this ad is designed
to get low information and low engagement
Arab, American and left leaning voters
to oppose Harris.
A classic rat effing operation by a PAC
that is helping a former president
that uses Palestinian as a slur.
I mean, the Republican ad is actually
pretty accurate in how they're depicting
Kamala Harris and what her real views are.
I mean, look, this the incident,
by the way, that they point to in the ad,
like the one where they're saying that,
you know, she put Palestinian supporters
in their place.
What they're specifically referring to
is that rally in Michigan,
where she actually did shut down
a group of pro-Palestinian protesters, and
she did it in not the most tactful way.
Let's watch.
He intends to surrender our fight
against the climate crisis, and he intends
to end the Affordable Care Act.
You know what?
If you want Donald Trump to win,
then say that.
Otherwise I'm speaking.
Hey, don't scroll away.
Come back, come back Because before the
video continues, we just want to urge you
to lend your support
to t t u power our honest reporting.
You do it at t
and we love you for it.
But don't get it twisted.
The angry Democratic operative
who spoke to HuffPost
is right that a Republican administration
led by Trump honestly wouldn't be
any friendlier to Palestinians,
which makes this situation
feel so hopeless.
Trump gave Israel all sorts of praises
during his first term,
including the recognition of Jerusalem
as Israel's capital.
The Trump administration
also moved the U.S.
Embassy there.
Money influences
Trump's decision making as well.
For example, Miriam Adelson,
one of Trump's biggest campaign donors,
has committed to giving Trump
$100 million during this election cycle
as long as he allows Israel
to annex the West Bank, which they appear
to already be doing as we speak.
Adelson honestly could have saved
her money because when it comes
to Democrats or Republicans,
there's really no difference
in how they would respond to Israel.
That's a fact.
But let's get back to Kamala,
who was right about one thing
that she said in her ad.
It's undeniable that there's been
a great deal of human suffering
among Palestinians in Gaza.
In fact, Gaza's health ministry
has now identified 34,344
out of the 41,000 Palestinians killed by
Israeli attacks in the territory, complete
with names, ages, gender and ID numbers.
And here's what they found.
Among those dead,
it includes 11,355 children, 2955 people
aged 60 or older and 6297 women.
So of those individuals who have been
identified, that's 20,607 Women, children,
women and elderly people.
In other words, if you just do the math.
Over 60% of those killed and identified
are either women, children or the elderly.
Obviously, there are also many civilian
men of fighting age who have been killed.
But Israel identifies all fighting age men
as militants, even if they aren't.
Israel, in fact, claims it has
killed 17,000 Hamas militants
without providing evidence.
It does not provide an estimate
of civilians killed in Gaza.
And I think we all know why that is.
Now let's break the numbers down
even further.
Of the documents, 649 pages,
more than 100 are filled with the names of
victims under ten years old, and the first
adult names do not appear until page 215.
The identified people include
169 babies born after the Hamas attacks
of October 7th that began the war,
and a man born in 1922.
Because of the high civilian death
toll in Gaza.
Arab and Muslim Americans have
completely soured on Biden, who has shown
unconditional support for Israel.
But will Kamala Harris be any different?
Look, we can actually listen closely
to what she said recently
while speaking before the National
Association of Black Journalists.
Is there a specific policy change
that you as, as president of
the United States would say you would do
that would help this long?
Because, you know,
you've gotten a lot of credit for
emphasizing the humanity of Palestinians.
But what I often hear from folks
is that there's no policy change
that would that that either you
or the president, President Biden,
have gone and said they would do.
Is there a specific policy change
as president that you would do
in our helping of Israel?
We need to.
Get this deal done,
and we need to get it done immediately.
And that is my position
and that is my policy.
We need to get this deal done, but.
In the way that we send weapons and
the way that we interact as their ally.
Are there specific policy changes?
Well, Eugene, for example,
one of the things that we have done that I
am entirely supportive of is the pause
that we've put on the 2,000 pound bombs.
Well, according to Reuters,
between October 7th of last year
and June 28th of this year, the Biden
administration has transferred at least
14,000 of the Mk 84 2,000 pound bombs,
6500 500 pound bombs, 3000 Hellfire
precision guided air to ground missiles,
1000 bunker buster bombs, 2600 air dropped
small diameter bombs and other munitions.
The totals suggest there has been
no significant drop off in U.S.
Military support for its ally,
despite international calls
to limit weapons, supplies
and a recent administration decision
to pause a shipment of powerful bombs.
I mean, did the pores on the 200 0
pound bombs slow Israel down at all?
We clearly know.
And luckily, Kamala was asked
a follow up question at this event.
Let's take a look at that.
But what do you say to those
that say that's not enough?
That stopping the 200 0 pound bombs
the one time wasn't enough?
That this administration,
your administration, has to do more?
Well, we are doing the work
of putting the pressure on all parties
involved to get the deal done.
But let me be very clear.
Also, I support Israel's ability
to defend itself, and I support the need
for Palestinians to have dignity,
self-determination and security as we move
forward and get a two state deal done.
But right now, the thing we need
to get done is this hostage deal
and the cease fire deal.
We need a cease fire.
We need the hostage deal.
Look, I think it's pretty clear that
Kamala doesn't really plan to change U.S.
Foreign policy toward Israel.
That is the same garbage that we've
heard from Biden and Anthony Blinken.
And look, it's honestly, in my opinion,
the direction she's going to go in
regardless of what her Detroit ad buy
is trying to message to,
Arab and Muslim American voters.
In fact, even HuffPo admits that,
writing that Harris has not
broken with Biden's approach,
even if reports indicate she would
be willing to take a harder line on Israel
and its right wing Prime minister,
Benjamin Netanyahu.
So, look, I just I think we should
just see this for what it really is.
You have two dominant political parties
who are completely beholden to the moneyed
interests that want them to support Israel
regardless of what Israel does.
And that is exactly what I think
Kamala Harris is going to do.
There has been no real indication
that she plans on changing gears,
switching things up,
and actually using the weapons that we've
been funding for Israel as as leverage
to rein in their military operations.
And Netanyahu's behavior not just in Gaza,
but also now in Lebanon
and other countries in the area,
which he has had no problem bombing when
he feels that it's appropriate to do so.
It is incredible that we're
not currently in a regional war.
And, you know, one of our members wrote
in and said, you know,
you should stop saying that Israel is
going to end up dragging the U.S.
Into a broader regional war
because the U.S.
Government probably wants it.
And you know what?
Their actions make that clear.
You're right.
I mean, if they really wanted
to prevent a regional war, if they really
wanted to rein in the Israeli government
and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Yeah, they would use the weapons
as leverage, but they're unwilling to do
that, so nothing will change.
What we've heard from Kamala Harris
is what we've already heard
from Anthony Blinken and from Joe Biden.
There really hasn't been
a change in policy.
Maybe there's a little more emphasis
on how she might feel bad
about Palestinian civilians dying.
But again, talk is real cheap.
And unless there's specific policy
differences that she wants to highlight,
then I'm not going to believe for a second
that she's going to be better
toward Palestinian civilians or on U.S.
Foreign policy than what we've gotten
from the Biden administration so far.
Hey, thanks for watching the video.
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