Sep 6, 2024
JD Vance FLOPS On Georgia School Shooting Response
Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance said that school shootings are a “fact of life.”
- 13 minutes
What happened in Georgia
is just an awful tragedy.
And I know we've got a lot of parents
and a lot of grandparents in this room.
I mean, I cannot imagine, you know, little
kids so excited to go back to school.
God love them.
And they're at their first week back
from the summer, and an absolute barbarian
decides to open fire and take their lives.
And also a couple teachers.
We gotta we gotta think
about these people.
If you're the praying type and I know
I am, we gotta hold them up in prayer.
We gotta be,
we gotta be hoping for the best for these,
for this incredible community.
Because no parent
should have to deal with this.
So that is JD Vance doing the thing that
Republicans need to do 50 to 100 times
a year when there's a big mass shooting,
a big school shooting, they need to come
out and be seen to briefly talk about it,
as if it's a tragedy
that they'll do anything to stop.
But in this particular case,
JD Vance is actually getting
some backlash for his comments.
Others are saying the media
has taken him out of context.
We're going to evaluate all of that.
But first of all here is
what he actually said.
The Kamala Harris answer to this is
to take law abiding
American citizens guns away from them.
That is what Kamala Harris wants to do.
What is going to solve this problem?
I and I really do believe this is
look, I don't like this.
I don't like to admit this.
I don't like that this is a fact of life.
But if you're if you are a psycho
and you want to make headlines, you
realize that our schools are soft targets.
And we have got to bolster security
at our schools so that a person
who walks through the front door.
We've got to bolster security
so that if a psycho wants to walk
through the front door and kill a bunch
of children, they're not able to.
And again, as a parent, do I want my
kid's school to have additional security?
No, of course I don't.
I don't want my kids to go to school
in a place where they feel like you've got
to have additional security, but that is
increasingly the reality that we live in.
He does the thing there, in addition
to many other things that people have
a problem with, where he asks himself
a really easy question so he can answer it
and make himself look smart.
Like, do I want these things to happen?
I would love him to answer a question
when the the psycho the barbarian
busts through the door.
Do you want him
to have an AR 15 or do you not?
Would it be better
if he didn't have access to an AR 15?
Answer a question that you may maybe don't
want to, but the relevant phrase there
was fact of life and you've
probably seen this going around.
He said at least once, maybe twice,
that this is a fact of life
and that has been used in tweets
and in ads and in press releases
where Kamala Harris and her allies,
people who want to see her get elected,
are saying that he has described
what happened as a fact of life.
And now on the right,
they say that's not fair.
What he was describing is it's a fact
of life that some psycho wanting to make
a name for himself can attack a school,
but oh, he's saying he doesn't like that.
As if that changes that.
He's identifying that it's a fact of life
and also he wants there
to be more security.
So here's the thing that is being
described as taking him out of context.
And I don't think that's true at all.
It might have taken him out of
the specific sentence that it appeared in,
but that's not what context is.
Context is the remarks he was making,
what they're asserting,
Kamala Harris and the others, when they
say he's just saying it's a fact of life,
is he's saying, what are you going to do?
We're not going to change anything.
It's just going to happen the way that it
does 1 to 200 times a year in America.
And the right would say, that's not fair.
That's not literally what he said.
You're taking him out of context.
So what's the context here?
He said, I don't like it.
It's really bad. Let's pray for them.
Let's have more security.
Let's have a guard, let's lock a door.
Let's do X, Y and Z. The things they
always say, let's do the things we know
won't stop these things from happening.
So the context is he's doing
what Republicans always do.
He's pretending to have an issue with
the fact that people lost their lives.
He's proposing changes that protect gun
manufacturers and the NRA from anything
that affects their bottom line.
And doing nothing to actually stop the
next shooting, or the next ten shootings
or the next hundred shootings
from happening, that's the context.
The context is he believes
it's a fact of life.
The context is he's going to make sure
that it keeps happening.
So maybe Kamala Harris could have put
more words inside of the quotation marks,
but they're dead on in terms
of what the context of JD Vance was.
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Yeah. So let me take this one at a time.
First of all thoughts and prayers.
Has it worked yet?
Because we've had nonstop thoughts and
prayers about mass shootings, you would
think by now it would have worked right?
Oh, right.
Yeah, that's totally irrelevant.
And so, look, if you're a good religious
person out there, God bless you.
Thank you for caring in your own way to,
you know, when you do the thoughts
and prayers and you mean it.
I it's not going to prevent
the next shooting, but you're trying
to do the right thing as much as you can.
But remember, a lot of these politicians
are soulless and tons of them.
Remember that almost the entire Republican
Party wants Donald Trump to lose.
The politicians do. Right.
I just want to be rid of him.
That was a story that came out recently.
And so they're constantly lying in
when they're on TV in public
and say, of course, the number one lie is,
oh, my donors,
Joe Manchin said on The Young Turks.
I don't know who my top donors are.
So politicians lie all the time.
A lot of these guys are atheists,
so they say the thoughts and prayers line
as kind of an internal joke.
They think it's going to nothing.
And they're like, that way.
I could just keep taking the money
from the gun manufacturers and the NRA,
and I'll have these their own voters
they treat as suckers like,
oh, you had two thoughts and prayers,
NRA send me the check.
It's really gross.
Now, on whether he was
in or out of context I don't really care.
So in a place where you take someone out
of context and he didn't mean that at all.
If you add the last part, it turns
out it reverses what he was saying, right?
It was a joke
and you never got to the punchline.
It was sarcastic.
It was this or that, right?
In this case, what?
What's he trying to say?
He's trying to say like
this is relatively normal.
So I have a new plan
for so that it's not normal.
I'll give him the benefit
of the doubt there.
And my new plan is let's just turn
the country into a giant militarized state
where there's men with weapons
in front of all the doors.
And first we'll start with the schools.
And so we'll scare the crap out of all
of our kids, and they'll have to walk past
weapons every day like they live in some
developing country from the 1960s with,
you know, that at any point
there could be a junta, right?
And I've been I've seen countries where
there are men with weapons at the doors.
They are not pleasant countries. Okay.
And so the idea is, as usual,
let me help my donors.
And instead of having less guns, which
would actually help, let's do more guns.
And it's not.
And they always do this lie of, hey,
if you want to do any gun control,
like, hey, red flag laws,
if there's a mental health issue,
or if there was violence before
or somebody had posed a threat before,
they're like, you're.
Going to take away all of our guns.
No, no, no, brother, we're trying
to have a reasonable discussion here.
Which what amount of gun control
should we do?
So how about, just registering your gun,
which allows us to track
when a murderer uses a gun?
In fact, an overwhelming majority
of gun owners are in favor of that
because they don't plan
to commit a crime with their gun.
The only people that are against it is
the NRA, because they want the guns to go
to the bad guys and be unaccountable,
and then the good guys panic
and they buy more guns, etc.
So it's overwhelmingly
a favorable should we do that one?
- You're trying to take away all.
- Of our guns.
No, no, no. You're lying.
You're totally, utterly lying
on behalf of your donors.
And yes, a little bit of this gun,
culture that's lost its way.
But overall, the Republican solution
is either absolutely nothing or a moronic
ideas like teachers with guns.
Only one door at the school.
Like, as if doors are the.
No, guns aren't the problem.
Doors are the problem.
That's what the dumbass Ted Cruz
said last time.
Or was it seven mass shootings ago?
It's hard to remember and do.
Does it look like the Republicans
have proposed a single thing
that protects your kids?
So a lot of yapping about when it's, oh.
- I'm pro-life, I care so much about the.
- Kids.
Oh, they murdered your kids in a school.
Who cares?
I don't want to do anything about it.
Oh, I care so much about kids.
Well, how about the kids in Gaza?
Who cares about them, man?
I just want to control women's bodies.
Get out of here. They never.
How about mental health?
Always talking about.
- Oh, it's a mental health thing.
- It's not the guns.
It's not the guns. It's mental.
As if we're the only ones
that have mental health issues.
The entire world
has a certain percentage of people
that have mental health problems.
But okay, put that aside.
Did you propose to increase mental health
funding so we could fix the problem that,
as you claim, is the number one issue?
Good news. It did get proposed.
All the Republicans voted against it.
These Republican politicians
are 100% liars, so you don't have
to take them out of context.
You can put them in context
and they will tell you something vicious,
stupid, and a total lie.
I mean, I think that's.
Listen, here's here's my problem
with this context conversation.
Let's have a context conversation
around the AR 15 and why, while civilians
have access to it in the first place,
when the guy
who created who happens to be a marine,
just like me created it because he felt
the military, the United States military,
not United States regular citizens or
civilians military, needed a lightweight
rifle to make them more efficient at war.
At war.
So we continue to see people
being killed in schools
by a machine that was created to be more
efficient at killing, at war, at war.
And that's the context in which we
should be having this conversation.
But much like John said, J.D.
Vance said, no Republican
will ever ask them that question because
it will cost them the badge of honor
that comes along with being having
an A rating from the NRA.
The idea that people in this country
continues to blame people
with mental health issues every time
there's a shooting is dastardly to me,
just as you said we have.
I mean, we are one of 190
plus countries in this world.
There are people
with mental health issues all over.
They just don't have access
to guns like we do.
We don't have the goal to address
our gun problem and so we don't.
Australia had one mass shooting
and immediately addressed it
and they've not had another one since.
Sweden locks up.
You can own a gun in Sweden, but they
lock them up in a community center.
You cannot take it home overnight.
They don't have the gun problem. We do.
Japan don't have the gun problem. We do.
It's an American thing to own these guns
and kill other Americans with guns.
Because that too, is as American
as apple pie and baseball.
Yeah, you got into this.
I just I love that we continually act
as if we're the only country that exists.
There's no other society.
There's no examples we can learn from,
as if we are not surrounded
by close to 200 other countries, none
of whom have the sort of mass violence
school shootings and all that that we do.
And as you point out, you know,
they have music,
they have video games, they have doors.
Like, does anyone think
that if you were to go to Japan,
it's like to get into the school,
there's like a little tube like this.
That's the only way in.
And the rest of it's
just mithril all around.
Who thinks that?
What is the what is
the actual difference between us and them?
It's not mental health, as you said.
That's a human thing.
It's everywhere. It's just.
It's just the guns.
It's just the easy access to the guns.
If you can't get those guns,
you can't do the crimes
that those guns enable you to do.
This is the simplest thing in the world,
and so much money and effort on the right
goes into getting people who should
be thinking about the safety and security
of their kids and their loved ones,
to instead buy these lies, and to follow
a squirrel down to more doors or a
security officer or whatever, it's insane.
So, to be fair, John,
it might be the video games.
Japan doesn't have any video games. Right?
All right, I'm going to give you the last
word to Gary Cooper, one of our members.
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Be part of the show, Gary wrote
in on a much lighter note about JD Vance.
Vance always sounds like a squid
who's trying to imagine what life
for humans must be like, and giving advice
based on those assumptions.
That is like a really weird way
of putting it, but it's also hilarious.
And now I can't get the squid
out of my head after I read that.
So from now on, whenever I see JD Vance,
he's like, I'm going to be like
imagining the squid in his head going,
what would humans do?
Nice job. Way to be.
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