Nov 13, 2023
WATCH: It Doesn't Get More FASCIST Than This...
Former President Donald Trump used a term historically used by fascists in Italy and Germany at a campaign rally.
- 9 minutes
especially in honor of our great veterans.
On Veterans Day,
we pledge to you that we will root out
the communists, Marxists, fascists,
and the radical left thugs that live like
vermin within the confines of our country.
That lie and steal and cheat on elections
and will do anything possible.
They'll do anything, whether legally
or illegally, to destroy America
and to destroy the American dream.
Over the weekend, former President Donald
Trump suggested that the left, including
communists and Marxists in America,
are vermin and enemies in America.
Of course, he attacked his political
enemies and used the kind of rhetoric
that some would say
you should be careful and avoid using.
He doubled down on Truth Social,
saying that in honor of our great veterans
on Veterans Day, we pledge to you
that we will root out the Communist,
Marxist fascists and radical left thugs
that live like vermin within the confines
of our country, lie, steal and cheat on
elections and will do anything possible,
whether legally or illegally,
to destroy America and the American Dream.
What stood out to me about the video
that we opened this segment with was
the muted response from his supporters.
Using rhetoric like that,
you would assume that they would go wild
and crazy and love it, but they didn't,
which was good to see, to say the least.
But yeah, I don't know the relative
excitement of that crowd on other topics,
but okay, look, this is super dangerous
as usual with Donald Trump.
Vermin is a very specific word.
It's in the teleprompter.
Somebody wrote that. So it was.
They did it with forethought.
They did it consciously.
They wanted to use the word vermin,
which is kind of an unusual word to use.
And yes, it is the exact word
that fascists used
both in Italy and in Germany.
So this is now how many times in a row?
It's, it's it's kind of weird that they're
trying to tell us that they're fascist.
It's I don't know if it's someone
inside the Trump team that's like sending
out an SOS or something,
because earlier Trump had said immigrants
are poisoning the blood of our nation,
which is also a very specific Nazi quote
that literally no one else uses.
And so this is and Hitler also talked
about the enemies within.
And you have to target them
and you have to root them out.
And and then when asked about this,
Trump's team responded with, we're going
to crush their existence about the left.
So they're saying, yeah, yeah,
you're not wrong.
This is what we're doing.
What are you going to do about it?
And right now the Democrats aren't
doing much about it because he's leading.
Well, they're a little distracted right
now aiding and abetting the slaughter
of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
But let's get back to this story.
Ronna McDaniel, who's the head
of the Republican National Committee,
was asked about Trump's comments.
Let's hear what she had to say.
Are you comfortable with this language
coming from the GOP front runner?
Again, I am not going to comment on
candidates and their campaign messaging.
I will say this.
I know President Trump
supports the veterans.
Our whole party supports our veterans.
And I do think we're at a very,
very serious moment in our country.
Well, former Republican lawmaker
Liz Cheney didn't take kindly to Ronna
McDaniel just deflecting and refusing
to answer the question.
When GOP chairwoman refuses to condemn
the GOP's leading candidate
for using the same Nazi propaganda
that mobilized 1930 1940s Germany to evil,
it's fair to assume she's collaborating.
History will judge Ronna McDaniel
and every Republican
who is appeasing this dangerous man.
Naturally, Trump's campaign
has responded in their usual way.
You've got Stephen Chung, who is the
campaign spokesperson for Donald Trump,
saying those who try to make
that ridiculous assertion are clearly
snowflakes grasping for anything because
they are suffering from Trump Derangement
Syndrome and their entire existence
will be crushed when President Trump
returns to the white House,
thus proving the point that the critics
are making about the use of the word.
You know, the vermin word and the rhetoric
that Trump used during that speech.
No, they're trying to tell us,
look, man, we didn't.
It's not like we didn't warn you.
We used exact fascist terminology
that almost no one else uses.
And then when asked about it, we said,
we're going to crush their existence.
How much clearer did they need to be?
And let alone the fact that Donald Trump
has already had dinner with Nazis,
he said, there's very good people
on the Nazi side.
How much clearer did he have to be?
Currently, the Democrats
are losing to him.
And and I'm just going to say
one random thing about Ronna McDaniel,
because it bothered me.
She said, no, I'm not going
to comment about that.
But you know
that the Republicans love veterans.
Wait, we weren't asking about veterans.
We were asking about the lunatic thing
that Trump said on Veterans Day
and has nothing to do with anything.
You see this needless like the silly,
sophomoric distraction there.
But by the way, is it true
that Donald Trump likes veterans?
Not at all.
He once asked New York City
to clear out veteran vendors
from in front of his building.
He said they were ruining the the name
of the street that he was on
by being there and bothering him.
And then, of course, his charity
had to pay back veterans charities
for ripping them off.
This guy's a.
Gustin guy who never cared about veterans,
let alone the fascist propaganda
he's purposely using over and over again.
Absolutely. All right.
Do you want to get into violence?
And who perpetrates it?
Or should we wrap it up and move on?
- In terms of the terrorists.
- Yeah.
Like who commits more violence
in the country?
Look, if you're talking about
politically motivated violence,
according to the statistics,
in recent years, it's carried out
by right wing extremists in the country.
Okay. It's obvious.
I'll give you the numbers
in just a moment.
But I think there's a side of this
that can help you understand
why conservative voters think
that the left is supportive of violence.
Okay, I think we're
talking past each other.
And I'll explain what I mean
in just a moment.
So let me give you the details. Okay.
So in another point during his rally
speech, Trump talked about growing threats
of violence in America and pinned it
on a very specific political group.
Let's watch.
I will immediately restore and expand
the Trump travel ban on entry from terror
plagued countries, which was a big thing.
You know, we had no terror
during my administration.
The only terror we had was Nancy Pelosi,
who was a crazed lunatic.
This is a lunatic. She is a crazed lunatic.
What the hell was going on
with her husband?
Let's not ask. Let's not ask.
I'll withdraw that statement.
By the way,
she's got a wall around her house.
In that case,
it didn't work very well, did it?
- It didn't.
- Work.
So he's making light of the fact
that a lunatic attacked Nancy
Pelosis husband with a hammer.
He got hit over the head with a hammer.
And look, I. Regardless of where your
political loyalties lie,
you shouldn't be supportive of.
Or you should never
make light of violence.
I would not in any way support violence
against people I disagree with.
We're supposed to live in a country
that dukes things out at the ballot box,
not through violent acts.
And here you have Trump
totally minimizing that brutal attack
against Nancy Pelosi's husband.
I've got no love for Nancy Pelosi.
But again, that kind of violence
is unacceptable.
- There he is making light of it.
- No, no, he's a monster.
Paul Pelosi got smashed over the head
with a hammer and he's like,
what's going on with the husband?
That's he's egging on a conspiracy theory
that how his like his the Trump fan
that nearly murdered the guy
was somehow his lover or something.
Totally, totally mental
asylum conspiracy theory.
And then Trump's like joking around about
it, like, well, like he had it coming.
He's joking about how his
political opponents husband
was smashed in the head with a hammer.
What kind of a monster does that?
And, Matt, look, I don't even want
to put this thought into the world, but.
But I have to do a comparison.
Imagine if some psycho smashed
Melania's head in with a hammer
and and Joe Biden was joking about it.
Would be outrageous.
What's going on with Melania?
What's going on with Melania?
I bet she had it coming.
There wasn't work.
Hahahahaha a crazed lunatic does that.
Republicans, what's wrong with you?
What's wrong with you?
This guy's joking around about a guy
who nearly murdered
Trump's political opponents husband.
And you think that's okay? That's not okay.
This guy screams fascist
in everything he does.
Everything he says we cannot let.
Is he going to joke around more guys
getting smashed in the head
with his crazed supporters?
Ha ha ha ha. So funny.
And if you think that's funny,
there's something wrong with you.
You're sick.
Thanks for watching.
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