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Sep 2, 2022

Jay-Z thinks he is being victimized because of his success, equating being called a "capitalist" with racial slurs.
  • 9 minutes

The Young Turks: September 1, 2022

40+ House progressives asked Nancy Pelosi to not include Joe Manchin's fossil fuel pipeline deal in the next budget bill.
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  • 12 minutes
In an attempt to defend Donald Trump, his lawyer revealed he 'frequently' had guests in the office that held boxes of classified documents.
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  • 9 minutes
Sarah Palin lost Alaska’s special election to fill its only Congressional seat to Democratic challenger Mary Peltola.
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  • 9 minutes
Kristi Noem ran away from South Dakota voters who confronted her over her support of the state’s near-total abortion ban.
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  • 8 minutes
Is the U.S. ready for all of the bold claims about renewable energy in the newly passed Inflation Reduction Act.
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  • 11 minutes
A congressional candidate called out her centrist opponent for taking corporate money during a debate.
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  • 12 minutes
Tucker Carlson is regurgitating conspiracy theories about children's hospitals performing illegal experiments on minors.
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  • 12 minutes
Jay-Z thinks he is being victimized because of his success, equating being called a "capitalist" with racial slurs.
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  • 9 minutes
Dr. Oz said in a clip of leaked audio that abortion is murder, contradictory to comments he's made previously.
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  • 3 minutes
Leonardo DiCaprio has reportedly split with his girlfriend just a few months after her twenty-fifth birthday.
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  • 10 minutes
The Daily Beast offers an analysis on how the left wing should stand up to Ben Shapiro after a podcasting conference apologized for his being there instead of debating him.
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  • 8 minutes