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Aug 24, 2022

New self-reported data suggests that young adults are engaging in marijuana and psychedelic drugs more than ever before.
  • 9 minutes

The Young Turks: August 24, 2022

President Joe Biden announced he will forgive at least $10,000 in federal student debt for most borrowers.
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  • 49 minutes
Andrew Warren joins Ana Kasparian to discuss why he’s suing Ron DeSantis for suspending him from his duly elected position.
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  • 15 minutes
Hypocrites who have had their PPP loans forgiven are now incredibly upset about President Biden forgiving some student loan debt.
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  • 12 minutes
New research indicates that many recent homebuyers in the United States feel they overpaid for their homes.
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  • 11 minutes
Donald Trump's lawsuit against the United States government indicates that the documents in question were unlawfully in his possession post-presidency.
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  • 8 minutes
High profile celebrities located in California have received notice that they are engaging in excessive water use.
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  • 9 minutes
Dr. Oz and his campaign team have weaponized John Fetterman's recent stroke and tried to use it against him.
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  • 7 minutes
Laura Loomer didn't acknowledge the fact that she lost her congressional run in what was supposed to be her concession speech.
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  • 5 minutes
In the middle of an argument against Joe Biden's recent bill forgiving student loans, Jeanine Pierre admitted that she did not pay for her own education.
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  • 7 minutes
New self-reported data suggests that young adults are engaging in marijuana and psychedelic drugs more than ever before.
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  • 9 minutes