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Jul 29, 2022

A Vera Cruz grandmother on her deathbed at the age of 99 stated her last wish to the world: a huge monument depicting male genitalia erected on top of her grave.
  • 5 minutes

The Young Turks: July 28, 2022

In a complete 180 degree turn from late 2021, Sen. Joe Manchin has apparently agreed with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on a watered-down budget reconciliation bill that aims to combat the current effects of inflation and climate change. While no where near what is needed to truly combat any issue our country is facing, Manchin may be cracking a little bit under the pressure of being the villain of the Democratic Party...right?
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  • 19 minutes
During a House committee hearing with major gun manufacturer CEOs, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez brilliantly cornered the CEOs on their roles in perpetuating the gun violence epidemic in the country. AOC showed advertisements that featured white supremacist militia-branded weapons and a man with a tattoo associated with white supremacy, bolstering her argument that gun companies knowing pander to domestic terror groups, increasing the chances of another hate-fueled shooting happening in the future.
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  • 15 minutes
A 12-year-old went off on the West Virginia state legislature in an impassioned speech advocating for the state to restore and protect abortion rights for all women. Even more impressive is that the girl saw right through the Republican's hypocrisy on their "pro-life" stance and how the issue really isn't about saying unborn lives but rather just controlling women's bodies.
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  • 9 minutes
Senate Republicans have just blocked a bill that would expand healthcare coverage and access to veterans who were plagued by illnesses after being exposed to toxic waste burn pits while serving in the Middle East. Only eight Republicans sided with every Democrat in voting for the bill...so very pro-life of these monsters.
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  • 9 minutes
Donald Trump in a recent interview couldn't find it in himself to condemn the Saudi Arabians for their involvement in the September 11th terror attacks in 2001, a claim that most Americans take for basic fact.
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  • 9 minutes
Andrew Yang and Christine Todd Whitman have officially formed their new Centrist political party known as 'Forward', in response to their claim that most Americans believe that we are in need of a third mainstream political party.
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  • 13 minutes
As the monkeypox disease continues to make its viral outbreak, the Republican party is unabashedly correlating it to their 'groomer' narrative as they identify it as a sexually transmitted disease in the gay community and a tool of the 'groomers' they've been so concerned about.
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  • 10 minutes
A new study has found that most Americans who decide not to have children make this decision early in their lives and the majority of these people are found to never change their mind about the subject.
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  • 7 minutes
A Japanese city has come under attack by an especially violent and intimidating breed of monkey: the macaque, known to inhabit regions throughout Asia, North America, and Gibraltar.
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  • 4 minutes
A Vera Cruz grandmother on her deathbed at the age of 99 stated her last wish to the world: a huge monument depicting male genitalia erected on top of her grave.
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  • 5 minutes