Nov 2, 2023
Ohio Republicans LOSE IT Completely Over Stunning Voter Takedown
Ohio Republicans are in a complete panic after efforts to trick and persuade voters to go against abortion protection measures completely backfire with upcoming vote potentially enshrining protections in state constitution. Francesca Fiorentini and Rayyvana break it down on The Damage Report.
- 6 minutes
>> Speaker 2: [SOUND] I'm really struck by
the ballot initiatives that your voters
will be facing in November.
I'm struck because they're so
very different from the politics that
I covered for the bulk of my life.
I'm 54,
been covering this stuff since I was 22.
Most of that time, the debates that we
had in the political sphere were over
competing visions for
how to improve people's lives.
But when you wind up in an election where
the two top valid initiatives are, one,
encouraging people to kill their own kids,
and two,
encourage their kids to do drugs,
who's benefiting here?
I'm serious, the one unalloyed source
of joy in your life is your children.
The point of life is to have children and
to watch them have grandchildren.
Nothing will bring you joy like that will,
nothing comes close.
Would you trade your job for
your children?
Would you trade anything for
your children, of course not.
>> Speaker 1: Wow, wow.
>> Speaker 3: I've never regretted having
a child more in this moment than ever.
Like Tucker Carlson getting behind
kids I'm like, maybe kids are bad.
So what you just saw was
an advertisement put out by
the forces in Ohio that
they want voters to vote no
on issue one that would allow
the reproductive rights for
all people to be enshrined in
that state's constitution.
So at stake is that issue one,
it's a proposed amendment that would
insert language in the state constitution
codifying the right to one's
own reproductive medical treatment,
including but not limited to abortion, and
barring the state from burdening,
penalizing, or prohibiting those rights.
The proposed measure specifies that
abortion would remain prohibited after
fetal viability but includes exceptions
to protect the mother's life or health.
This sounds like Roe v wade codified
into a state's constitution.
This is a massive vote, and
there's been a lot of money on both sides.
Abortion is legal in
the state up to 22 weeks.
A six-week abortion ban previously
passed in the state and is on hold, and
it awaits a decision by the Ohio Supreme
Court, which has a conservative majority,
so the writing is on the wall here.
The state became a flashpoint in the wake
of the Supreme Court's decision to
overturn Roe v wade.
As you all remember,
when a ten-year-old rape victim was forced
to travel out of Ohio to get an abortion.
Just giving a sense of
the money behind this.
Since August,
the date after the special election,
which punted this to this
vote here on next Tuesday.
Groups supporting the November issue
one measure have spent $18.3 million,
compared with $7 million spent by
the antiabortion groups against it.
According to Ad Impact,
a firm that tracks political ad spending
public polling from July shows that 58% of
registered Ohio voters support enshrining
abortion rights in the state constitution.
So it's a comfortable majority, but
people have to get out and vote next week.
Republicans are scared, they're
trying to stop this however they can.
They've used their state positions
to try and influence the vote,
first calling that special election
like we just talked about, to try and
raise the threshold for
passing ballot amendments which failed.
And then now let's jump down to this.
Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose
has ordered the purge of
26,666 voters in late September but
didn't announce the move.
So quietly purging voters, about 4700
of them are from Franklin County,
which includes the democratic
stronghold of Columbus.
People who are purged can re-register,
but importantly,
not in time to vote on that ballot
measure the deadline was October 10.
So again, they've tried everything,
raising the threshold for
whether this will pass because they
see that 58% and they are freaked out.
And I hope and I know that the electorate
is active but Ray, your thoughts on this?
>> Speaker 1: They should be scared,
they should be terrified because there was
massive turnout for that special election,
and it was obviously not at the same time
as midterm election or a general election.
It was at a time where people don't
usually have to go to the polls again,
it was a special election and there was
massive turnout to thwart that that would
have raised the threshold needed
to pass ballot initiatives.
Which is something we have in
the state of Illinois it's horrible.
We were able, fortunately, to codify
abortion protections in our state
constitution, but that higher threshold
has thwarted so much progressive
ballot initiatives from passing even
in a very blue state like Illinois.
I also add that if you were disgusted
to hear Tucker Carlson's voice,
then see his face same.
But I will say that to anybody who
says deplatforming doesn't work,
when was the last time you
heard Tucker Carlson's voice?
When was the last time you saw his
repugnant face, it's been a while,
hasn't it?
And that's because he doesn't have
a show on Fox News that he gets
to do every night.
He doesn't have the white supremacist
power hour in the prime-time slot on
Fox News, so you don't hear him as much.
>> Speaker 1: Thats a good point.
>> That's significantly less reach.
>> Speaker 3: I mean,
that's such a good point, obviously.
And getting rid of Trump
on Twitter was huge,
even though he's invited
back whenever he wants.
But you're totally right, I mean,
we almost did a segment on Jesse Waters
talking about Halloween and
how dads shouldn't leave work early to
go help their kids trick or treating.
Sorry, that doesn't have the same
great replacement theory that
Tucker Carlson has but it is a desperate
move to pull him out of the archives for
these Ohio Republicans who want to
stop this measure from going forward.
Look, I don't put it past Ohio Republicans
even if this issue one is passed and
they enshrine this in the Constitution,
we will see more shenanigans.
We've always seen more shenanigans
from republican state legislators.
They always try and overturn the will of
the people, no matter what the issue is.
So, I think there's still a fight but for
now, we gotta get through next Tuesday.
Now Playing (Clips)
The Damage Report: November 2, 2023
Hosts: Francesca Fiorentini Guests: Rayyvana
- 3 minutes
- 6 minutes
- 10 minutes
- 6 minutes
- 6 minutes