Nov 9, 2023
Rep. Michelle Salzman Says All Palestinians Must Die During Dem's Cry For Ceasefire
Rep. Michelle Salzman Says All Palestinians Must Die During Dem's Cry For Ceasefire
- 7 minutes
In tears.
In tears, a Florida state Rep.
Angie Nixon begs for a ceasefire.
And says,
how many dead Palestinians will be enough?
Another Rep,
a Republican named Michelle Salzman.
This Rep, shouts out, all of them.
Here it is.
>> Speaker 2: We are at
10,000 dead Palestinians.
How many will be enough?
One of my colleagues just said,
all of them.
Wow, one of my colleagues said,
all of them.
One of my colleagues also
stated that this is gonna
dry up their fundraising if
we vote on this resolution.
That's what we've become in this state.
That's what we've become in this state
where we don't care about innocent
babies that don't even get the opportunity
to blow out their first birthday candle.
>> Speaker 1: This is so sad.
Representative Michelle Salzman, do we
have a picture of the representative?
According to the record,
this representative
shouted out that all
Palestinians must die.
Let me just provide this for the record.
I have to submit seemingly
this every time.
Once again, Hamas is not Palestine.
Palestinians are dying for
something they had nothing to do with.
Innocent children, innocent people,
humanitarian casualties are never okay.
They are not disposable,
they are human beings.
So, let's pose it this way.
All of this death, and
we have elected officials
literally saying, kill the rest of them.
Talking about babies, right?
We're talking about people waking up
in the morning, just like you and
I, Getting ready for
work because we have to pay bills,
take care of our families.
But they have the added
pressure of a random
bomb being dropped inside
of their community because
Netanyahu has used Hamas as
a proxy to kill Palestinians.
Once again, I submit to you,
anyone who believes this is the way that
Israel must defend itself,
either you are, A,
completely ignorant of
the reality before us, or
B, you believe in
supporting mass murderers.
Here's why I go with.
We can all condemn killing universally.
We condemn terrorism universally.
We condemn with what
Hamas did universally.
Then all of a sudden,
when Israel drops a bomb or
commits to a combat assault and
it kills children,
innocent, that's just collateral damage.
If Hamas was hiding in Israel,
Netanyahu would never kill Israeli and
simply say that is collateral damage.
He would have precision,
as I have said before,
he would have exacting precision in order
to go after those who attack Israeli.
The reason why he's willing
to kill every Palestinian,
the reason why people like
Representative Michelle Salzman
out of Florida are saying kill them all,
is because they
do not care about human life
that happened to be Palestinian.
We are all in this together,
ladies and gentlemen,
no matter what your belief system may be,
hell, even if you do not believe in God.
Guess what we all do believe.
We came from the same place.
All of us, every human being,
whatever our origin is,
we came from the same place.
Jordan, thoughts here.
>> Speaker 3: This is utterly disgusting.
This is not unique only to
the Florida state legislature either.
Over the past couple weeks,
we've seen Brian Mast in Congress
dispel the notion that there
are even innocent civilians.
Lindsey Graham said we should wipe them
out, referring to all Palestinians.
Max Miller explicitly called for
genocide when he said,
we're going to turn Palestine
into a parking lot.
Time and time and time again,
members of Congress and
the broader political world in
the United States have shown they
are completely indifferent to
the suffering and death of Palestinians.
And Democrats who are not calling for
a ceasefire right now are fully in
support of that because
that's where this is going.
Israel has made it completely clear
they do not care if people are killed in
this conflict.
They do not care if innocent
civilians die because they already
have a talking point for it,
the human shields talking point.
Well, we told them to get out.
They're being used as human shields.
Well, we can't help it,
Hamas is underground.
You can help it.
You can go about it in a different way.
The idea that bombing is the only
response to this is ludicrous.
And like you say, you're either
ignorant or fully in support of it.
I would argue that most members
of Congress are fully in support
of it because they simply do not
see Palestinians as human beings.
Their racist and jingoistic foreign
policy sees them as inhuman.
And that's how this manifests
in 10,000 people dead, and
we still do not have a complete
support of Congress for a ceasefire.
We have a handful of Democrats,
and that's it.
Despite an overwhelming majority of
this country supporting a ceasefire,
because we can see what's happening and
we're not taking donations from APAC.
It's easier for us to then go and
say, yeah, this should stop.
But when their campaign contributions
rely on pretending like this is working,
this is the result you get.
>> Very well said.
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