Nov 8, 2023
WATCH: Livid Manager Hounds Older Black Worker Over Clocking In
WATCH: Livid Manager Hounds Older Black Worker Over Clocking In
- 6 minutes
>> Speaker 2: I haven't cheated you on
anything, you were scheduled 29 and
a half hours.
Long as you clock in and
out on your time, you got your hours,
you were scheduled to clock out,
clock out.
Last week I told you we counseled
you about not taking your breaks and
me going over labor hours.
>> Speaker 3: Don't put
your finger in my face.
>> Speaker 3: Then get out of the store.
>> Speaker 3: You don't know who
you messing with, don't do this.
>> Annie, I'm not scared of you anymore.
>> Speaker 3: I'm not scared of you.
>> Speaker 2: Everybody's mad cuz I backed
up last time, I'm not back [INAUDIBLE].
>> Speaker 3: Just move out of the way.
>> Speaker 4: Both you all need to chill,
you all acting like a trivial,
calm down, go sit down, you both relax.
>> Speaker 3: No, I'm tired of her, she's
coming in here she's acting like I don't
know what,
I'm trying to do what I need to do.
>> Speaker 2: My boss is on the phone, I'm
not doing this with you anymore, Annie.
You want to do it in the back
when nobody's around?
I'm tired of it.
>> Speaker 1: Close the computer and
clock out.
>> Speaker 2: You know what, for you to
be a boss, you're not being very nice.
>> Speaker 2: I'm not, because I've
had her assault me before, ma'am.
>> Speaker 2: No, I didn't assault her.
>> Speaker 2: You need to
take this somewhere else.
>> Speaker 2: You're right,
I can't get her to go anywhere.
>> Speaker 2: Right?
>> Speaker 2: You're the one
being disrespectful.
>> Speaker 2: Right?
>> Speaker 2: No, no, no.
>> Speaker 2: Really.
>> Speaker 3: You all need to call cops.
>> Speaker 2: Give me the number and
I will.
>> Speaker 2: She's the manager?
>> Yes.
>> Speaker 2: Acting like that.
>> Speaker 2: Right?
>> Speaker 5: So insane to treat another
human being like that, put it up.
[COUGH] let me highlight a few elements
that I see in this moment of Karenicity.
Number one,
you see a manager who is obviously not
qualified to manage communication skills,
people skills, it doesn't matter.
She's willing to do this in front of every
customer, she's willing to do this against
an employee, not because they're not
working, not because of performance.
At least she did not cite that,
it was because she did not
clock out exactly when she told
her she needed to clock out.
Now, this is what we call
watching the clock, all right?
So managers would do this
watching the clock thing, and
I wanna highlight some other
dynamics because it's important.
So you have the manager, I'm guaranteed
she's middle management, okay,
she's middle management.
She's reacting in such an extreme way,
the woman that she's talking
with is an elderly woman.
This woman should not have to one,
she shouldn't even have to work,
number one, she should not be working or
have to, but she's in that position.
We live in a country where there's
a lot of our elders who have to work.
You go to work to get
cursed out by your manager
because your manager is
watching the clock, okay?
Because they don't want you, the manager,
to go beyond your part time hours,
but they worked you right
into your part time hours.
So that they can go back to the second
layer of middle management and
say, hey, boss, look what I did.
I kept all of the hours within one
framework that you told me that
I must keep them, and we still got
the job done, pretty much, okay?
This is all about how the upper
level middle management
will respond to her management.
Let me tell you something, while you're
cursing out an elderly black woman,
you've now been blasted on
national media because of it.
You know who's sitting back
getting none of this action?
The corporation and the country
that put you in the middle of it,
do you understand?
You're upset at the wrong person,
and because of that,
because of your lack of
willingness to engage
thoughtfully about the situation
that you're in and
the situation that she's
in now look at you.
All right, Mr. Mayor,
did I get that wrong?
>> Speaker 6: Man, you hit it, listen,
spot on, people want to know the problem
with capitalism, here's a video
of everything wrong with it.
This idea that we need to work and
monitor, watch, oversee,
oversee people doing the labor
to ensure that we can bonus,
we being middle management, upper level.
This is about, if you don't get those
hours, if you don't control your hours,
you won't bonus, you're out of whack.
This is absolutely disgusting, get as much
as you can out of these people, she said,
I told you, don't take a break,
I told you, go home, get out of my store.
None of that is correct, it's not your
store, this idea that you've made
yourself one with this entity
that could care less about you.
And what they're about to do right
now that you're going viral,
they're gonna down you, they're gonna
disown you, you're gonna be out of job.
The tragic part of it about is she
shouldn't be out of a job by herself,
because what that Karen said was,
my boss is on the phone with me right now.
That means that boss, whoever it is,
allowed her to walk through this entire
store screaming at this other employee.
Also, she said, I'm not afraid of you
anymore, they were mad at me when I bagged
down the last time,
sounds like an HR problem to me.
You are out here talking about
somebody's personal work, personnel,
problems with other people
not involved with the case.
All of this sounds like lawsuits,
just EEOC's claiming and
piling up on top of each other.
The lack of management,
all of this stress, like you said,
which should be aimed at capitalism and
this corporation.
Instead, you're taking that on your hourly
employees, probably making minimum wage or
something close to it,
you can't tell a difference.
It's definitely not a livable wage, and
it's causing you this unnecessary stress
where you show that you're not management.
You shouldn't even be managing yourself
if this is how you carry yourself.
>> Speaker 5: Yeah, well said.
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