Jun 26, 2023

The Republican party continues its cruel assault on the working class and workers' rights. Bernie Sanders is still fighting for working class as he has launched an investigation into Amazon that will focus on working conditions inside the warehouses and for it being "uniquely dangerous." Senator Nina Turner and Jackson White break it down on Unbossed.
  • 6 minutes

Unbossed with Nina Turner: June 26, 2023

Chris Christie gets booed at the Faith and Freedom Coalition after he criticized Donald Trump on the stage. Senator Nina Turner and Jackson White break it down on Unbossed.
  • 4 minutes
A Liberty University Representative uses dictators like Adolf Hitler and Stalin as inspiration for 21st century book burning. The Republicans are looking ban books from the lgbtq+ community and people of color. Senator Nina Turner and Jackson White break it down on Unbossed.
  • 5 minutes
Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley gets destroyed on Twitter for her flawed, terrible tweet about upbringing by a variety of people, including Dr. Bernice King. Senator Nina Turner and Jackson White break it down on Unbossed.
  • 4 minutes
Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill this week that significantly limits water breaks for construction workers. The measure will nullify ordinances enacted by Austin and Dallas that mandate 10-minute breaks for construction workers every four hours. It also prevents any other local governments from passing similar worker protections. Senator Nina Turner and Jackson White break it down on Unbossed.
  • 4 minutes
The Republican party continues its cruel assault on the working class and workers' rights. Bernie Sanders is still fighting for working class as he has launched an investigation into Amazon that will focus on working conditions inside the warehouses and for it being "uniquely dangerous." Senator Nina Turner and Jackson White break it down on Unbossed.
  • 6 minutes