Dec 20, 2024
Musk's Wild Tweets Unleash MASS CHAOS In Congress
Billionaire Elon Musk's rambling tweets about the shutdown are rife with misinformation.
- 19 minutes
Elon Musk has been absolutely instrumental
to bringing the Republicans to the brink
of a government shutdown
just in time for Christmas.
And one of his main tools in doing that
has been spreading
absolute mountains of misinformation
to his millions of followers.
And I want to run through some of
the things that if he actually cared about
what he was saying was true or not,
or had the intellectual curiosity
to actually check the claims that trolls
send him on Twitter, every one of these
things can be instantly debunked, but he
did not debunk them or prebunking them.
He just spread them.
And so the misinformation is now out there
and millions of people believe it.
So he started with, a statement
that the bill would include,
this is the plan, a version of the bill
from a couple of days ago that that would
include a 40% pay increase for Congress.
He posted that both to his personal
account as well as the Twitter account for
his Department of Government Efficiency.
And if it's just going to be him posting
misinformation on there, I don't know why
he needs to have two accounts for that.
It's just what he does
on his normal thing.
But anyway, he claimed
there'd be a 40% pay increase.
That was a little bit wrong.
It was actually a 3.8% increase.
But it's not like he's supposed
to be an engineer or anything.
And math is tough, so I understand
how he could make that mistake.
Anyway, the mistake seems to have
been founded in the belief that their pay
would be increased to $243,000.
That's not actually true.
That was pulled from a report on
the effect that the that we would have had
if they had been receiving cost of living
adjustments to their congressional salary
every year since 1992,
which obviously has not been the case.
Maybe like an easy thing to correct if you
actually care to look into the numbers.
But he just spread it.
So. Another claim amplified by Trump
by Trump.
Haha, sorry, I thought I was talking
about the president.
I'm talking about Musk.
People are getting
those mistaken these days.
Is that the bill would prevent
any investigation into the House committee
that investigated
the January 6th Capitol attack.
However, the bill's text
makes no mention at all of the riot.
Again, why it would be a problem
that the CR would stop you
from looking into people who are just
investigating a terror attack.
I don't know,
but for him that was unacceptable.
Also untrue.
He also alleged that the stopgap bill
would fund bioweapons labs.
That's because he saw
that libs of TikTok had said it.
It, of course, does not do that
because that's crazy.
It seeks to provide funds
for Biocontainment labs,
so lab laboratories that would investigate
the spread of disease and ways
to counteract it, not by weapons labs.
Obviously, he didn't apparently care
enough to actually look into that one.
He also reposted a suggestion
that the bill would pave the way
for a new DC football stadium that would
be a, quote, taxpayer funded playground
for NFL elites, lobbyists and VIPs.
The bill just transfers control
of the site, not actual funds
for construction of anything on it.
Again, like you could go on and on
and certainly on Twitter he did.
He posted in one span 70 times about it,
and much of it riddled with misinformation
that would be fact checked.
And he just left it up.
He didn't seem to care
if it was true or not when he spread it.
And that would all be well and good
if we were just in the hell of like 2022,
where he's a rich guy
who buys and ruins a social media site.
But since he now utterly controls
the Republican Party,
it seems like it's everyone's problem
when he tells these lies.
- Jake, what do you make of this?
- Yeah.
So first of all, I'm so curious if he's
doing it on purpose or he's just clowning.
And I think both are possible because he
could just be purposely spreading
misinformation to just get everybody riled
up and angry like that 40% pay increase,
as opposed to a 3.8%
increase is a perfect example.
So a 3.8%, you could still be mad.
And you know, these politicians
don't look like they need a raise.
Why don't you just go do
some more insider trading?
You'll be plenty fine, apparently, but.
But it doesn't work
as well as 40% increase.
What the hell?
You know, etc..
So. And maybe he thinks who cares?
Like the new media ecosystem
is you just spread a lie.
It'll go all around the world by the time
truth puts on its boots, you know?
It'll get, you know, a quarter of the way
around the world in a couple of weeks.
And by that time,
I've already gotten what I want.
Right? Well, the bill is already dead.
Yeah. And so.
And, by the way, could be greatly
insulting to the people who follow him
because he thinks these knuckleheads
aren't going to figure it out.
I don't know.
Or he himself is a knucklehead.
And he's like,
who cares about doing your homework?
Who cares about checking?
Who cares if it's 4% or 40%?
Well, brother, you got to care
if it's 4% or 40% and you got to care
if it's biocontainment or bioweapons.
It's kind of a giant difference, right?
So. But either one of those scenarios
is not good news.
Either he's purposely spreading
misinformation, or he's wildly careless
in how he spreads misinformation
without even double checking with anyone.
I mean, you're the richest man
in the world.
Presumably you could hire
a gazillion people to check for you.
Like, hey, I'm about to tweet this.
Give me an answer
in five seconds. 15 seconds.
Is it right or is it not right?
I tweeted it, okay.
Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.
You could do anything you want, right?
No. Not checking.
Just wildly throwing out misinformation.
Not off to a strong start, David.
I just want to say, regardless
of whether it's 40% or 4%, to me, the math
that is the real problem is something
that most of us learned in third grade,
and that is how to count to 51. And if you
I know, know anything about our US Senate,
you need 51 votes in order
to get something done in the Senate,
218 to get anything done in the House.
That seems to be too much for Elon Musk.
Not only is he a cloud,
or perhaps an idiot or deliberate, but he
has literally doesn't have any idea.
No idea how our government works.
He may be great about making trillions of
dollars, but he doesn't know a damn thing
about how anything gets
through the US House or the US Senate.
And I have a theory
that perhaps Donald Trump is deliberately
putting Elon Musk out there,
because maybe Donald Trump wants Elon Musk
to fail, wants him to fail right now
before Donald Trump actually takes office.
And Elon Musk is proving
that he is torpedoing
what the government is trying to do.
This is a very carefully crafted deal
between Republicans,
between Democrats, the House and Senate.
Elon Musk blew it up.
Then Donald Trump was late to the party
and felt like, well, maybe Donald Trump
has to blow it up as well.
And now you're essentially marching
towards a government shutdown.
This is the first defeat,
and Donald Trump's not even in office yet.
And this is his partner Elon Musk.
And I think I don't know,
maybe Donald Trump really wants
Elon Musk out there failing badly so that
Donald Trump can then get rid of him.
I think, we can obviously
have different interpretations.
You've laid out a couple of different
explanations, I think, and have felt for
a long time and have tried to get people
to understand for a long time.
He's both a liar and a moron.
That's what he is.
Not in an absolute sense.
It's not that he doesn't have
some sort of savvy.
As Schuster pointed out,
he's made a lot of money.
He understands some things.
I would also I would go further than
Schuster, and I would say he understands
some things about how government works.
He knows that you can just buy them.
You can just buy them.
Like he was super smart in buying Trump.
And he made, you know, like the greatest
return on his investment ever.
Following that, Tesla stock shot up
having nothing to do with the company
or the cars or anything.
It's now worth 70% more than it was before
the election, because he understands
that the stock market has nothing to do
with really anything except hype.
And he was he's always been
very good at that,
in the same way that Donald Trump is.
He knows that he can take the money
that he got by virtue of birth.
He can see in some cases.
And I'll give him credit for this.
A company where talented coders
and engineers are making good things.
And so he buys it and puts his name on it.
He's good at that.
He's good at hyping things up.
He's good at telling blatant lies
about his products, things that either
will never happen or happen years
after he says they will happen, or that
cost twice as much as he says they will.
And he knows that generally his fans,
they just trust him.
They don't care.
They're not going to fact check that.
And certainly the media,
the business media isn't going to check
any of this because they all want the hype
to work just as much as he does.
The stock market moving up
is just as good for them as it is for him.
And so he understands all of this.
That doesn't make him
an intelligent person about everything
or even about most things.
And that's where I think
people make mistakes.
And so in this, is he sort of lying?
Sure. Because he doesn't care.
He has absolutely no respect
for the people who worship him most,
no more than Donald Trump does.
Also, he's a moron.
He doesn't know how to fact check things.
He doesn't think that he should.
He's not curious fundamentally
about the world in that way.
And so I think that he's got
all of these failings and more.
So the second thing I'm curious about
is how are the people
who voted for Trump going to react?
So and there's two different sets
of folks I'm thinking about here.
I am not thinking about old MAGA,
which is Donald Trump.
And whoever we've anointed
like Elon Musk are demigods and they are
not to be questioned everything.
If they say 40% and the facts say 4%,
then they are right
and the facts are wrong, right?
So that's old MAGA in my opinion.
So now there's two other folks here.
Remember, a lot of moderates
and independents voted for Trump.
That's why he won the popular vote.
They voted based on simple things
like economy, crime, border, inflation.
ET cetera.
Right. So are they on board for.
Yeah. Let's lie about everything.
Probably not. Right.
And then you've got what I consider
to be new MAGA,
which is some right wing populist.
I know a lot of people
are skeptical about that.
Well, that's why I'm curious. Right.
So am I right that some of them
are going to go?
Yeah, but I don't really want
to be lied to.
That's kind of annoying, right?
Or are they like old MAGA
and like, yeah, we love lies.
Right. So I don't know.
I know everybody on the left says
they know they're all.
They all love the lies.
They're going to buy into it.
They're going to say it's 40%
from now till the end of time,
no matter how wrong it is.
And there's good reason for that,
because they did do that
in the first term under Trump.
Right? So are they.
But are some of those guys going to rebel
now and go, yeah, I'm now seeing Elon Musk
say things that are wrong.
I don't know, 12 times or 1200 times.
Maybe this giant donor
isn't telling me the truth.
Right. So I don't know.
And it's going to be super
interesting to find out.
I also wonder if there's an inherent
contradiction between Elon Musk
and Donald Trump that maybe even Donald
Trump's voters are going to recognize.
And it seems like this week,
like it's pretty simple.
Elon Musk wants to obviously cut the
government by whatever it is, $2 trillion.
And Donald Trump doesn't care
about about cutting the government.
He wants to increase spending.
He wants to blow up the deficit.
These two things
are at odds with each other.
And there's Donald Trump creating
this Department of Government efficiency,
which doesn't really exist.
And oh yeah, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy
and Marjorie Taylor Greene, you wanted
to be in the cabinet, but no, no, you take
care of this agency that doesn't exist.
It sort of gives them something to do.
But Donald Trump doesn't care
about cutting government spending.
What blew up the deal
was Donald Trump initially said,
okay, yeah, there's too much pork.
But then in the second round,
Donald Trump wanted to blow up
the deficit in the House, said no.
So you have these two things
that are sort of going against each other.
And I do think there's also a problem
with Elon Musk getting out
a little bit ahead of Donald Trump
in this whole process this week.
And that caught Donald Trump
by surprise and I think makes Donald Trump
look very small.
And if there's anything
that I think Donald Trump hates,
It's that he's looking tiny,
that he's undermined, perhaps by somebody
that's supposed to be a partner of his.
Yeah, well, look.
There's there are developments that we're
going to give you on the stopgap bill.
I just want to touch on one more thing
having to do with Musk and his effect on
all of this, and his effect on our country
going forward before we move to that.
So he had a little bit of an issue with,
a little bit of a speech
that one of the Democrats on the House
floor gave Representative Richard Neal.
Let's roll a little bit of that.
Can you imagine what the next two
years are going to be like
if every time the Congress works its will
and then there's a tweet,
or from an individual who has no
official portfolio, who threatens members
on the Republican side
with a primary and they succumb.
This institution has
a separate responsibility
based upon the separation of powers.
Members of Congress don't serve
under presidents of the United States.
So that performance was responded
to on Twitter by Elon Musk, who said, oh,
forgot to mention that I'm also going
to be funding moderate candidates
in heavily Democrat districts
so the country can get rid of those who
don't represent them, like this jackass.
There's a special sort of irony
to Elon Musk calling literally anyone else
in the world a jackass.
But so that's where I think
the future looks super exciting,
where he's now been threatening
this last week that he is going
to fund challenges to every Republican
that doesn't do anything that he likes.
Obviously, he spent a quarter billion
dollars to to buy Donald Trump.
He's now in the process of buying
candidates in the UK election as well.
So he's going to potentially he says
he's going to own the Republican Party.
He can fund, I guess, if he wants to,
with an amount of money that functions
as basically like a round off of,
you know, his investments on any given day
as many challenges as he wants.
He's also going to be doing it, I guess,
in the Democratic Party as well.
And so the reason I bring this up is maybe
he doesn't end up wanting to do this.
Maybe he gets bored with politics
and then gets really into Magic
The Gathering or something. I don't know.
He has a very hard time
staying focused on anything for long.
Maybe he gets super into Super Soakers.
I don't know.
But I wonder if maybe this is an
opportunity and I've been talking
about this for the past few days,
and I saw AOC had tweeted something
to the effect of like,
is there anything that provides more
of an opportunity, maybe for campaign
finance reform than this one billionaire
promising to buy both political parties?
And so do you think he's going
to follow through on this?
Because he could, in theory, just he could
involve himself in 500 races next time.
So first, let me explain the irony here.
Richie Neil is one
of the most conservative Democrats
there is in Congress.
He's a total crook.
He works for the drug companies.
I can show you many different bills
where he made sure that corporate America
one and the average guy lost.
He's one of the worst
corporate Democrats there is.
If there's a list of three people I'd like
to primary, he would definitely make it.
Okay, so but from the left, Ellen,
not from the right.
So if you think that guy
is not enough of a crook for you
and you want a primary from the right
and get someone who'll just do anything
that a giant billionaire donor wants.
My God, brother,
what you're missing is you could buy
Richard Neal for, like, a quarter.
Okay, like, Ellen,
you don't have to primary.
You just give him 100 bucks
and he'll work for you.
So he does for the drug companies
and all the other companies.
Can't stand Richard Neal.
So. And look at this pompous ass
giving that speech.
The rest of the speech I'm fine with.
But he was like.
And he has no official portfolio.
Like, yeah, this is why we lose.
What is that?
What what do you just talk
like a normal person anyways?
So Ellen wants to buy
all of the Democrats.
First thing is you say, yeah, that's
easy to do actually the AIPAC did it.
The crypto bros did it.
There's tons of Democrats
in the House now that are working for,
the crypto industry.
Because they spent
millions and millions of dollars defeating
their progressive primary opponents.
So you think they don't work
for the crypto guys?
You don't think
they didn't work for AIPAC?
No. Democrat. 95% of Democrats
and Republicans
will work for anyone who's a donor.
So now the problem with Elon is that if he
goes out and does it publicly and he goes,
I am now buying this Democratic seat,
everybody will vote against him.
Right. Who's a Democrat?
But the second problem is you can just do
through dark money then you have no idea.
It just seems like well, I tell you what.
Golly gee,
that Democrat race so much money.
And you know what?
The New York Times
and all the rest of the mainstream media
was like leading candidate in the race.
There is such an amazing job
of raising so much money.
They're number one. Right.
But you don't know the dark money came
from Elon, so can he buy the government?
Guys, think about this math.
He bought Twitter for $44 billion
because he thought that that microphone
and amplifier was that important,
even though he wildly overpaid for it.
He bought Donald Trump
for only a quarter of $1 billion.
So how much would it take
to buy the rest of Congress?
Just ask AIPAC. Not that much.
They bought,
I mean, or the drug companies.
The drug companies bought them
for about $400 million.
AIPAC bought them for about 100 million.
So 100 million would probably do it
for the almost all of Congress.
And you know how Netanyahu is a war
criminal and he comes to Congress
and 95% of Congress goes like as Bravo.
Standing ovation. Kilmore.
Kilmore. Here's money.
Here's money making it rain for Netanyahu.
You think Ellen can't do that?
All he has to do is buy them.
Bribery is totally open and legal now.
It's called campaign contributions.
And he could give a standing.
He will get a standing ovation
from both parties.
All he has to do is buy them.
That is why this system
is insane and super scary.
Okay, but Ironically, he might actually
expose that because he's doing it in such
a brazen way that at some point, maybe,
just maybe, the whole country goes,
wait, I see you buying them, and then I
see them doing exactly what you wanted.
Well, what's so ironic though also is
that I mean yeah I think he's raising
some attention to campaign finance reform
which is never going to happen.
But he doesn't even need to by Congress.
They will literally give him
the government for free right now.
I mean, there's Kentucky Senator Rand Paul
and Georgia House Republican Marjorie
Taylor Greene saying they want Elon Musk
to be speaker of the House,
that you don't have to have
an elected member be speaker.
Anybody could be speaker.
If I'm a Democrat and I am,
I'm like, yes, please make Elon Musk
the speaker of the House.
That would be the best thing
politically for Democrats in 2025, because
this clown show would go on and on and on.
It would destroy the Republicans.
And oh, by the way, the Republican House
would have all of their fingerprints
over Elon Musk as speaker.
So I say, yes, Republicans,
please make him the speaker of the House.
That would be awesome.
The country, of course, would suffer.
We might have more government shutdowns
and there might be a lot of misery, but
politically, it would be a gold mine for
people who do not like the Republicans.
One last quick thing.
You know, after he buys America,
maybe he'll go on a shopping spree
for the world, right?
Because he just endorsed
a party in Germany.
Let's just put it kindly
and say it's an anti-immigrant party.
Elon, I hate to break the news to you.
You're an immigrant.
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The Young Turks: December 20, 2024
- 41 minutes
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