Dec 5, 2024
Matt Walsh Makes ABSURD Claim About Trans Ideology
Right-wing commentator Matt Walsh made a wild promise at a SCOTUS rally about erasing trans ideology.
- 9 minutes
This case is just
the beginning of the fight.
It is not the end.
We are not going to rest until every
child is protected, until trans ideology
is entirely erased from the earth.
That's what we're fighting for.
And we will not stop until we achieve it.
That was conservative commentator Matt
Walsh outside the Supreme Court yesterday.
Inside the court, the justices were
hearing oral arguments over whether
Tennessee's ban on gender affirming care
for adolescents should be upheld.
And if the court sides with Tennessee,
it could have
sweeping consequences nationwide.
Should the court rule
in Tennessee's favor,
the decision will have widespread
ramifications for transgender youth living
in one of the roughly two dozen states
who have passed similar laws restricting
minors access to gender affirming care,
based on the court's heavy conservative
slant and lines of questioning
from the conservative justices.
It is expected
the court will do just that.
But outside of the court,
we saw with the right's rights
ultimate goal is demonizing, dehumanizing,
and erasing trans people.
In addition to Walsh, Marjorie Taylor
Greene spoke saying or sorry,
she also spoke over a loud chorus of boos.
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene
declared that the pro transgender position
comes from Satan.
What you're hearing is the outcry from
the demons in those that worship evil,
that are abusing our children,
brainwashing our children,
she said of protesters jeering at her.
Greene touted her efforts to pass
legislation that would make it a felony
to perform so-called gender affirming care
on any child in America in all 50 states,
as well as the support she claims
from the incoming Trump administration.
Greene recently sponsored legislation
that would ban transgender members
of Congress and other government employees
from using Capitol Hill facilities
that match their gender identity.
Now, I do want to point out
that while a favorable outcome
in this case is not expected,
history was made during the arguments.
The ACLU's Chase Strangio became
the first trans attorney
to argue before the Supreme Court.
Jake, have you been following this case?
What do you what do you think of it?
So what I think of the policy
is interesting and and nuanced,
and what I think about it legally
is interesting and nuanced.
But first, look, I've been trying
to find a word that is not, offensive for
the extreme ends of the spectrum, right?
Extreme radical, sound offensive.
So I've decided
whether other people use it or not.
I'm going to use Max left and Max right.
So this unfortunately is a good instance
of both of them having issues.
One issue being far, far worse. Okay.
So in this case,
the ACLU lawyer you're talking about,
I love that the brother, set history there
and is the first trans person
to argue in front of the Supreme Court.
That's a great day in America.
Just another step.
Stone in equality, right?
Now, at the same time,
he was on TV the other day saying,
two year olds know if they're trans.
And I'm like, that's that's nuts.
Totally nuts.
Two year olds don't know anything.
Two year olds
often don't know their names.
How do they know if they're trans
and ready for hormone surgery?
Are you nuts?
So I don't agree with him on that at all.
I don't know why he would say
such an absurd thing.
Okay, now let's go to the max. Right.
And the clip we just showed you.
Far, far worse.
Talking about what?
They're not going to stop
until trans ideology
is entirely erased from the Earth.
Now, when you talk with that kind
of language, what do you think
that trans people are going to think?
It sounds like you're trying
to wipe them off the face of the earth.
Like, don't tell me that this is
just about, hey, a disagreement
about puberty blockers because we're
about to have that conversation.
That's not the conversation you're having.
You and Marjorie Taylor Greene,
when you say it's satanic or having a
conversation about how we should all hate
trans people and we should wipe them out.
And so if you say, oh, no, no,
he has plausible deniability because he
didn't say trans people, he said.
Ideology. Okay.
Shoe on the other foot. Let's, try.
Oh. Yeah.
The left is not going to stop
until, Christian ideology
is entirely erased from the Earth.
Does that sound good? You like that one?
Until white ideology
is wiped from the earth.
Does that sound good?
No, it doesn't sound good.
It sounds terrible.
Why does it sound terrible?
Because you're obviously
attacking that group, okay?
And you're hiding behind one word,
pretending that you don't mean to.
But it's not.
You're not even hiding anymore.
Like Marjorie Taylor Greene is saying,
trans people are satanic.
So, I mean,
how is that not deeply, deeply hateful?
So right wing, if you want us to have
a reasonable conversation in this country,
I'm not going to have conversations
with the Max.
Who are lunatics on this? So sorry.
No, I'm not going to agree to taking away
people's constitutional rights, etc..
So now when you get
to the actual substance of it.
Look, my point of view on it is,
I think what the Supreme Court does
is it takes all courts do.
But here we are on the Tennessee law.
It says, does the state have enough
interest to take away individual rights?
Right. So that's the question at hand.
And where I would draw that line is
if you're talking about
irreversible physical surgery,
I would say that the state has enough
interest in that to be able to prevent it.
If you're talking about puberty blockers,
I say the state does not have enough
interest because remember what the state
is doing in this case Tennessee.
They're saying not just the kids, but and
not just the doctors, but the parents are
not allowed to decide that big government
is going to decide instead of the parents.
- And I don't agree with that.
- Yeah.
Well, I mean, I don't think the government
should really weigh in in any of these
circumstances if that's what the parents
and their kids want to do.
Even if you you're talking about
some sort of operation, I don't care.
It's not my business. It's not.
It's not my kid.
And those aren't my parents.
I and it's also why they're doing it,
which won't be part of the rationale, but
they're doing it because of the language
we're seeing outside of the court,
because this is part of a larger right
wing play to demonize and dehumanize.
And in their minds,
they think they can erase trans people,
but they're not going anywhere.
And we got to, you know,
we have to stand up for them
because I don't even think and I know
this the court is, you know, nuanced.
And they're going to look at the letter
of the law and consider whether or not
trans people or trans adolescents
are deserve quasi suspect class
classification stuff that isn't going
to really resonate outside of the court.
But it's just I can't I
this is the party for limited
or small government or so I thought.
And here they are yet again.
Whenever it affects a marginalized group,
whenever it affects powerless people,
then all of a sudden or something
they don't like, like abortion,
then all of a sudden they want the
government in your personal life because
they want to create a, you know, largely
white Christian nationalist society.
And anyone who doesn't fit within that
neat framework doesn't have rights.
It's not going to stop there.
They've done it with reproductive rights.
They're doing it with trans people.
They will wield the law to discriminate,
and they do not care if it doesn't mesh
with their limited government ideals.
So I like I said, unfortunately, I don't
think it's going to be a favorable outcome
because Trump has stacked the court
and the lines of questioning.
I listened to most
of the argument yesterday.
The questioning was not encouraging
from even from Roberts.
So it's just it's it's sad.
Here we are again.
We're going to see another attack
on on trans people.
- And it's just it's disheartening.
- Yeah.
So look last thing I'll
say here is that, look,
when one of the methods that I use
for trying to be as unbiased as I can
is I take the question out of its current
context and put it in a different context.
So if, for example, it had nothing
to do with trans issues,
but a religious group came and said, hey,
we want to do circumcisions and the family
wants to do a doctor wants to do it.
Should the government be able
to block a circumcision, I would say no.
Because that is not a permanent thing.
Well, it's permanent, but but it's
it's Arguably harmless, right?
And a lot of doctors believe
that it's harmless,
and at least there's a debate about it.
But if a religious group came
and said our religious practices are,
we just completely cut the genitals?
I would say no.
The state can step in,
has an interest in protecting that child.
You're not allowed to do that. Okay.
So just as a way of thinking about
how the state can and can't interfere
and what standards that you should use.
So but if we wanted to have a reasonable
conversation about where do we draw
the line, do we draw it in surgery,
do we draw it at puberty blockers, etc.?
That would be one thing.
But overall, I think Jordan is right
that that is not the conversation.
Matt Walsh
Walsh and Marjorie Taylor Greene
and the right wing are trying to have.
They're trying to demonize trans people
under the guise of a conversation
about puberty blockers to drive hatred
so that they can take advantage of that
hatred for their own political gains.
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