Oct 11, 2024
Barack Obama Has A Stern Message To Black Men About Harris
Former president Barack Obama chided Black man for their increased hesitancy to support Vice President Kamala Harris.
- 20 minutes
- My understanding.
- Based on reports I'm getting
from campaigns and communities, is that,
We have not yet seen the same kinds.
Of energy and turnout in all corners.
- Of our neighborhoods and communities.
- As we saw when I was running.
I also want to say that that seems
to be more pronounced with the breakfast.
Yesterday, Barack Obama spoke
at his first rally for Kamala Harris's
presidential campaign.
But just before he took the stage,
he suggested that black men
aren't supporting Kamala Harris
because they're misogynistic.
Just a moment.
We're going to hear about
how friend of the show, Nina Turner,
criticized Obama's comments on CNN.
But first, let's watch the rest
of what Obama had to say about black men.
He spoke for a while.
So let's start with Obama's argument
for why black men
should support Kamala Harris.
Take a look.
So if you don't mind, just for a second,
I'm going to speak to y'all directly.
And say that.
When you have a choice that is this clear.
When on the one hand, you have somebody.
Who grew up like those you.
Went to college with you.
Understands the struggles and pain and joy
that comes from those experiences,
and is putting forward concrete proposals
to directly address the things
that are vital in our neighborhoods
and our communities,
from housing to making sure
that our mothers and our fathers
and our grandparents can afford medicine.
And now let's watch Obama state
why he thinks men aren't supporting Harris
because of misogyny.
Take a look.
And you're coming up with all
kinds of reasons and excuses.
I've got a problem with that because.
Because part of it makes me think
when I'm speaking to men directly now,
part of it makes me think that,
well, you just aren't feeling the idea
of having a woman as president.
Anybody you are talking to in a barber
shop, anybody you are talking to in your
house, in your family, And a church
who is coming with that kind of attitude.
I think you have to ask them,
well, how can that be?
Because the women in our lives have
been getting our backs this entire time.
They've been raising us
and working and having our backs.
And so now you're thinking about sitting
out or even supporting somebody.
- Who has a history.
- Of denigrating you.
Because you think
that's a sign of strength.
Because that's what being a man is.
Putting women down.
That's not acceptable.
Now, like I said at the top,
Nina Turner disagreed.
So let's take a look and see
what she had to say on that CNN panel.
- Take a look.
- Why are black men being lectured to?
Why are black men being belittled
in ways that no other voting group?
Now, a lot of love
for former President Obama, but for him
to single out black men is wrong.
And some of the black men
that I have talked to have their reasons
why they want to vote a different way.
And even if some of us may not like that,
we have to respect it.
So unless President Barack Obama is going
to go out and lecture every other group of
men from other identity groups, my message
for Democrats is don't bring it here.
Two black men who, by and large, don't
vote much differently from black women.
And as a politician, we should be trying
to get all voters to vote.
And hopefully there are a few good men out
there who do care about the stripping away
of some of women's bodily autonomy,
but this is wrong for President Obama.
It is a wrong course
for the Harris campaign.
I want to open it up to you guys.
I'm curious how you both feel
about and react to what Obama had to say.
Yeah, I got strong feelings, but wise.
You go first.
I could probably come in on tight
for like, better part of three years.
I want to say something close to that.
Maybe even more than maybe four years now.
And I've watched, like,
police shooting clips and all kinds of,
like, racist stuff and all of that.
And I don't think I've ever seen a clip
that makes my blood boil as much as
watching Barry, sit up there and lecture
black men about why it's their duty to
vote for some freaking Democratic Party.
You know, basically black, right?
One. I hate just what this guy has.
He has.
I hate what he stands for.
I can't say I hate the guy.
I don't know him, but just this idea
that he's the all knowing,
he's the smart, noble genius.
And, you know, we don't know any better.
We needed direction from the great Barack
Obama because people are not smart enough.
Particularly black people
aren't smart enough to realize that he did
nothing for anybody while he was up there.
He talks about in the beginning
of that clip, he talked about,
it's not the same enthusiasm and turnout,
like when he was running and his campaign.
Maybe he should stop
and think that that's his fault,
like his administration was a failure
for these same people that he claims is
their duty to vote for Kamala Harris.
Like it's crazy.
That doesn't even dawn on this dude.
That part of the reason
people don't care is because you failed
this specific demographic.
So this idea that you need to come out now
and go test this, how could you ever not
vote for the Dems or Sister Kamala Harris?
You must be some crazy misogynist
or self-hating negro.
It's absurd.
And it's in line with a greater theme
in the Democratic Party
when they don't get things done,
when they don't win electorally,
it's no different than Hillary talking
about it was the Russian bots
and all of these other excuses
and misogyny that didn't get her elected.
The Democratic Party
somehow wants us to believe
that they themselves can never fail.
They can only be failed
by deplorables and black men
who don't want to vote for Kamala Harris.
It's not that they should be courting
the votes of these people.
It's not that they should be going out
and making an affirmative case
for themselves,
and then sitting and looking in the mirror
as to why somebody might not want to get
up and vote for some Democratic politician
just because they're black.
You know?
No, it's that like, these people are
failing the godly and saintly Democrats.
It's absurd.
So I want to look, I'm going to give
you numbers and receipts in a second
that prove that you're right was.
But let me make your blood boil a little
bit more, because whenever anybody says
something like what you just said, they'll
say, oh, so you're supporting Trump.
What do you say to that was.
Like, and if I were
and if and if somebody is okay and what.
Yes, I'm supporting Trump.
Like what was so great about supporting
Barry and his bank bailouts
and his indiscriminate drone war?
What was so great about that?
What was so great about his cozy ass
administration with Wall Street?
What was so amazing about that black
homeownership, black wealth plummeted
under this guy's administration.
And I'm talking just and I'm
not talking about all Americans.
Like what was so great
about the alternative.
That's what I would say to them.
What's so awesome about voting
for Democrats, specifically the Obama and
Harris brand of establishment corporatist
as hell Democrats?
- What's so great about it?
- Yeah, but you're not voting for Trump.
No. Come on, man.
Give me give it a rest, man.
Okay, so, look,
now let me give you the numbers.
So look, I on the one hand, I understand
that Kamala Harris is not doing as well.
It's just a little bit of a difference,
but a little bit of a difference
could make a big difference
in the swing states, etc..
Not doing as well with black male voters
as she is with black female voters.
It's, but and then there are potentially
positive ways to handle that.
And in fact, we always give
constructive critiques.
I'll tell you how I would handle it
in a second.
But I don't think that the way
that they're handling it is constructive.
I agree with was.
So it's one thing for Barack Obama
to come out and be this, you know,
the person leading the effort
to bring black male voters in.
There's logic in that,
and there's a reason why they asked him
to do it and not someone else.
But the way that he lectured them,
oof, yeah, it was super uncomfortable.
It felt like lecturing and shaming.
And Nina Turner makes a great point.
Oftentimes when Democrats do this,
the next stage of this
is after they lose the election,
then they turn around and blame them
and go, yeah, the black male vote cost us.
It's their fault.
No, listen to was you have
to earn their vote.
That sense of entitlement is maddening.
Okay, so but let me show you the numbers
as to why this idea that black males
are leaving the Democratic Party
because they're sexist is wrong.
Because we had another woman
run for president against Donald Trump.
That was back in 2016, Hillary Clinton.
So what was the vote back then?
Hillary Clinton won 81%
of the black male vote.
In 2016, Donald Trump only won 14%.
Okay. Now, how are they doing today?
Well, black male voters who think
Harris would make a good president
is down to 66%.
And percent of black male voters
who think Trump would make
a good president is up to 21%.
So what happened?
Did black males get more sexist
in these last eight years?
No, of course not.
It's not about look, it's I'm not saying
that there's no sexist guys out there
that are not going to vote
for a female president.
Of course there are. Right.
Are they largely in the other party?
Of course.
I'm not saying there aren't
any Democrats that it affects, but it's
that's not the thing moving these numbers.
The thing that's moving these numbers
is lack of delivery to this group.
And so what are they looking for?
Are they looking for extra rights?
No. They're looking for the same thing
everybody is.
Jobs, better paying jobs,
higher wages, better health care.
And for you to take care
of the average American.
So that's what they're
getting frustrated by.
And and we don't agree with that.
Hey you get so frustrated
you turn to Trump because that's
not going to help you at all.
It's going to make it worse.
We understand that the great majority of
black male voters understand that, right?
But they're saying, yes, but
how many times am I going to vote for you?
So last time, I mean, if you just look
at issues that are considered more African
American, that's already a bit absurd.
But in this case, I get it.
Voting rights. Right?
Well, you didn't deliver on that either.
You didn't even try to deliver on that.
Manchin said no.
And you said, yes, sir, of course, sir.
And you didn't think it was a big deal?
Well, filibusters,
there's nothing we could do.
Do you know that they got
rid of the filibuster to,
allow the the cap on on our debt to go up?
Because if they didn't,
that would have affected the stock market
and it would have affected rich people.
So when it affects rich people,
the filibuster is irrelevant.
When it affects voting rights
or health care or wages.
All of a sudden, no filibuster.
And so at this point, people are saying,
how often am I going to take your lies
and say, thank you, sir?
So having Barack Obama now enormously
elite, come and lecture black male voters
about how they're the sexist ones
and they need to do better.
That is not the correct strategy.
It does not sit well.
And you see it
in the reaction that was had.
So I do as I promised
that I would be constructive.
So one quick thing here, guys, even if
you're concerned about that demographic
and you want to improve the numbers.
They're a very legitimate goal.
Moving the numbers
in any demographic is a legitimate goal.
I mean, you could put it
in a completely positive way
so they don't feel like you're talking
down to them and blaming them, etc..
And so you can say, hey, listen, how many
times have black women delivered for us?
And you could make it personal
if you're Barack Obama?
They helped put me in office. Right.
And how many times
have they delivered in our lives?
Not necessarily black women, just women.
Right. And so let's do our turn.
I love being a community.
I love working together.
So let's all work together.
They had our back,
let's have their back, etc.
Put a positive spin on it.
Instead of like pointing your finger
or wagging your finger at them.
Why are you so sexist
if all the I don't know.
Okay, last thing here.
I'm curious about
what both of you guys think.
I think that if all black male voters
heard that message, they would
lose more voters than they would gain.
- What do you think was.
- Yes.
I think anybody who watched Barry lecture
people about why they should be shamed,
ashamed of themselves if they
don't vote for Kamala Harris is insane.
And another thing that folks got
to realize,
that doesn't really get talked about,
Barry and his campaign in zero 8 in 2012.
They put together one of the, like,
legitimately impressive grassroots
organizing situations that the country
has ever seen, legitimate work in terms
of on the ground knocking on doors.
This thing was a movement.
Both of his campaigns were movements,
and as soon as he got reelected,
he just threw it in the trash.
So this idea that that same Obama
campaign, that Obama coalition isn't
no longer there to support Kamala?
Well, Barry, you were the one that threw
it in the trash you wanted nothing to do
with grassroots organizing anymore,
and I think he's been unmasked
since he left the office.
Man, all this guy wants to do is be a,
you know,
a a movie producer, TV show producer.
You know, the Julia Roberts joint where
there was a black freaking banker who was
like a conductor in the Philharmonic.
Like, that's what he wants to do.
He wants to produce movies that,
like, you know, basically shine,
burnish his own identity
as a black elite and how great they are.
He wants to get, you know, hundreds
of millions of dollars from Jeff Bezos
to, you know, build a personal shrine
to himself, call the presidential library.
That's who he is.
He's not out there doing anything
for or with normal, everyday people.
He's done.
He just wants to be on Martha's Vineyard,
be rich as hell, hobnob with Hollywood
people and just be a celebrity.
And then, you know, every four years,
he gets the parachute in
and lecture the plebs.
Lecture the pause about how stupid they
are for not just going with
whatever cockamamie plan the Democrats
spring on people without actually courting
these folks and explaining to them,
this is why this,
our administration is going to be great,
despite the fact we sold you.
Sane people on the idea that a candidate's
blackness in the highest office was going
to make things so much better for you.
So that idea and did not deliver
you were a complete and utter failure
for black people.
He failed them.
There's no other way to put it.
So for this guy to parachute in,
you know, fresh off of his big ass yacht
in Martha's Vineyard and come
tell people like, you're so sexist.
If you don't love Kamala Harris,
It's insanity.
Yeah, I think we're at a time now
where you have a prolonged news cycle
around Ta-Nehisi Coates's new book,
and the interviews are contentious,
especially the CBS one,
because he talks about how he sees
the fight for Palestinian liberation
as an intersectional fight and, you know,
struggles for liberation are connected.
And I'm sure that's not the only reason
that some black men
are not supporting Kamala Harris.
But I think it wouldn't be a surprise
if that's one of the reasons,
one of the many reasons they might not be.
And I think for him to come in and say
hey, after to your point was he doesn't
just parachute in for the general.
He will parachute in
for the primary as well.
It's what he did in 2020
to make sure Biden got the nomination.
So Bernie didn't after Bernie was
gaining steam in the first few states.
So he he will do it to preserve
the status quo and and the issues
that both of you laid out.
How has that changed?
How has that materially and significantly
improved the lives of anybody,
especially black men in this country
over the past 12 years?
Maintaining the status quo
has not worked for them.
And if they're disillusioned
by the system, if they're cynical,
it's not that they're stupid
and don't recognize the risks.
I think that's insulting.
They certainly recognize the risks, but
they don't want to be part of the game.
They don't want to be part of this,
you know, emotional cudgel
that they're using that, oh, well, you're
a misogynist if you don't support her.
Would you say the same thing
if they didn't support Nikki Haley?
Is that why they didn't like Nikki Haley?
Come on. What are we doing here?
It's a lazy attack. It doesn't work.
People see right through it.
But also, I can't help but notice
he's doing this to what looks
to be a campaign office with just a maybe
a dozen black men who are on staff.
Maybe there's more behind the cameras.
I can't tell, but this isn't some rally.
This isn't out in public.
This isn't on a publicly facing event.
I would like to see how that line
to a larger crowd of black men
would be received.
I'm genuinely curious, because I just
don't think many people would like that.
I think it's insulting.
Last word goes
to one of our members on YouTube.
Bernie said Obama is going with the you're
not black if you don't vote for us gag.
So it it feels at least adjacent to that.
It's amazing how out of touch
they are with regular folks.
So, yes, the alternative
is monstrous and and worse.
But we keep asking
for the Democratic Party to do better,
and they keep saying no.
All right.
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