Oct 30, 2024
Steve Bannon Leaves Prison After Teaching 'Civics' To Fellow MAGA Inmates
Steve Bannon Leaves Prison After Teaching 'Civics' To Fellow MAGA Inmates
- 4 minutes
Steve Bannon out of prison just in time
to be possibly appointed by Donald Trump
if he wins, that's why he cannot.
Alright, I'll put him up for man.
He was teaching civics in prison.
They allowed him to teach a class.
On civics.
Steve Bannon released from FCI Danbury
yesterday where he was allegedly
teaching civics while incarcerated.
He was sentenced to four months
for contempt of Congress in 2022
for refusing to comply with subpoenas
from the House committee
during a Jan sixth investigation.
Most of the students in his class
were MAGA Trump supporters.
He has taught his class
every Tuesday this fall,
sometimes employing the Socratic method
to a crowd of roughly 50 fellow prisoners
at the suburban Connecticut prison,
multiple sources told the outlet.
Quote, everything you need to know
about business and politics can be learned
from Godfather one and Godfather two.
Bannon told his class, according
to the report, quote, Watching Fox is
like watching professional wrestling.
Bannon said, telling the inmates
how much he hated the Murdoch family.
They want you to focus on phony things,
the shiny toys.
Bannon, who is released Tuesday,
told the class that the nation's founders
had drafted the US Constitution
to guard against tyranny.
But the report states that many inmates
were attracted to the idea of a king
as the only way to get things done
that would be called a dictator today.
Although the Capitol rioter disagreed,
much to Bannon, surprise wasn't what that
what you were trying to do on Jan six?
Bannon asked, but didn't mention his
own role that day to make Trump king.
No, the inmate said,
saying that he believed Trump's claims
about a stolen election.
I was there to protest
the lack of an investigation.
Bannon led discussions about immigration
and a, and apologetically switched
to the term illegal immigrants
when an inmate objected to him
using the term illegal aliens.
They're better than you banning them.
And he attempted to console an inmate
who was unable to answer whether he was
better off with Trump as president
because he was selling drugs at the time.
Trump's 34 felony convictions have
taken him, have taken some of the sting
out of being a felon, being banned,
and told the man, I mean, cartoon man.
I mean, I and, you know, and, you know,
Bannon was getting paid commissary.
You know, he was making them guys
give him commissary every week
just to teach that class.
That's Bannon's way, man.
Bannon stole money from elderly people,
said he was going to build a wall
because Trump couldn't and then funneled
the money to another country
and back to his damn self the whole time.
All right, dear brother.
Thoughts here.
And you know, that's what this has
always been about at the end of the day
is just a big swindle and a big con.
I mean, the state of Oklahoma
is selling $3 million worth of Trump
Bibles to be in the schools.
It's in the contracts.
Like, that's that's just so emblematic
of what all of this is.
Steve Bannon has never hid the fact
that it's all about racism for him.
We gotta make this country more white.
Well, good luck with that.
You know what I'm saying?
Like, I don't really know
how what you're going to do about that.
And it's antithetical
to what America is in the first place.
This has always been a place
of immigrants, whether it was the British
who came over here first,
Germans coming over here,
and then don't forget, when Italians and
the Irish first came here, they weren't
white enough, you know what I'm saying?
So the goalpost
just continuously gets moved.
And now, you know, we got, like, light
skinned Cubans and Puerto Ricans thinking
they white like, no, y'all ain't white.
Not yet. At least you feel me.
But y'all y'all ain't white yet.
But, yeah, this this is just hilarious.
Steve Bannon teaching a class on physics
in prison where he definitely belongs.
Yeah. And, this is a funny story.
It is.
And once again, you know, well, he still
isn't complying with the subpoena, so.
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