Museveni Calls Last-Minute Meeting on "Kill the Gays Bill"
Ugandan LGBTQ+ Death Penalty Set to Become Law Unless Museveni Intervenes
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni at a July 26, 2022, news conference at the State House in Entebbe with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
(Badru Katumba/AFP via Getty)
With Uganda's anti-LGBTQ+ law about to take effect, Pres. Yoweri Museveni has called an 11th-hour meeting with members of his ruling party to discuss the bill, TYT has learned.
The bill was sent to Museveni's desk by the parliament last month, giving him 30 days to veto it or send it back for revisions. If it becomes law it will mean prison time for even supporting LGBTQ+ people or just identifying as LGBTQ+. "Serial offenders" and others face possible execution.
As TYT previously reported, the American organization behind the National Prayer Breakfast continues to support the Ugandan political network that's pushing this bill. Known as The Family, the group condemned the bill when it was first introduced in 2009 but its leaders have remained silent this time.
Ugandan Member of Parliament Fox Odoi-Oywelowo has publicly identified Uganda's spinoff of the National Prayer Breakfast as the motivating force behind the bill. And TYT reported that The Family's longtime Ugandan point man, Tim Kreutter, was at last year's Ugandan prayer breakfast when Museveni urged attendees to resist western pressure for LGBTQ+ acceptance.
The U.S. prayer breakfast split in two this year after congressional Democrats balked at The Family's secrecy around its guests and funding. (TYT previously revealed that until this year, anti-LGBTQ+ evangelical activist Franklin Graham was the breakfast's sole backer and that the breakfasts were key components in the building of right-wing networks opposed to reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights.)
In February, The Family and more than a thousand guests from around the world gathered at The Hilton in Washington, DC. Pres. Joe Biden and some members of Congress simultaneously met on Capitol Hill for a new event bearing the old one's name: The National Prayer Breakfast. (As TYT reported, every board member of the nonprofit running the new National Prayer Breakfast has ties to The Family.)
Biden greeted The Family's guests remotely, giving The Family's new "NPB Gathering" at the Hilton his presidential imprimatur and continuing to bolster The Family's efforts to build its global networks with the promise of access to American power.
This week, TYT discovered an online posting that appears to show Kreutter was at the Hilton event, one of the worshipers welcomed by Biden, remotely, at The Family's NPB Gathering.

Tim Kreutter, The Family's point man in Uganda, appears to have attended the 2022 Ugandan National Prayer Breakfast, left, and The Family's new "NPB Gathering" event in Washington on Feb. 2, 2023.
(Video screengrab from Ugandan television, left, and closeup, right, from uncredited Facebook photo)
When the Anti-Homosexuality Bill was first introduced in 2009, journalist Jeff Sharlet, author of "The Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War," reported that Kreutter was longtime friends with the Musevenis, especially the first lady. Earlier this month she came out in favor of the death-penalty bill.
Kreutter's longtime patron, GOP donor and longtime Family insider Mike Timmis, has also been connected to the Musevenis.

Michael Timmis, right, with, from left, his son, Ugandan businessman Gordon Wavamunno, and the Musevenis, in an undated photo published by Ugandan media.
(Uncredited photo/via NewVision)
According to Odoi-Oywelowo, it's not clear when the bill will take effect. Ugandan law gives Museveni 30 days to sign the bill once he receives it. The bill was passed on March 21, but it's not known when the bill actually made it to Museveni's desk.
If Museveni signs it, the law will take effect once the government officially publishes it.
In a notice sent Tuesday, the chief whip of the National Resistance Movement (Uganda's ruling party) summoned the Parliament's entire party caucus to a meeting 2pm local time Thursday at the state house. "The purpose of the meeting," the notice reads, "is to discuss among others, The Anti-Homosexuality Bill, 2023."
As CNN reported on Wednesday, 15 scientists from around the world released an open letter to Museveni asking him to veto the bill. The letter was in response to Museveni questioning whether sexual orientation is genetically determined or instilled -- much of Uganda's political impetus for the bill is premised on the canard that LGBTQ+ people "groom" children.
"[H]omosexuality is a normal and natural variation of human sexuality," the letter says. "The science on this subject is crystal clear and we call on you in the strongest possible terms to veto the bill in the name of science."
TYT has noted) Museveni's apparent grappling with the issue -- in ways that suggested he might prefer to reject Old Testament law and not risk alienating international allies. However, nothing about the Thursday meeting notice, embedded below this article, indicated whether Museveni wants to discuss a veto, revise the bill, or sign it as is.
Jonathan Larsen is TYT’s managing editor. You can find him on Twitter @JTLarsen.

Ruling-party caucus notice issued for Thursday meeting regarding anti-LGBTQ+ bill now awaiting Pres. Museveni's signature.
(Document screengrab/TYT)