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Alex Kotch

Alex Kotch is an investigative journalist, with a specialty in following the money. Besides writing for TYT Investigates, Kotch also writes for Sludge.

Previously, he was part of the investigative unit at International Business Times, where he won a Society of American Business Editors and Writers Best in Business award for his team's coverage of the Republican tax bill of late 2017.

Kotch earned a Bachelor's in music from Brown University and Master's and PhD degrees in music composition from Duke University, where he fused contemporary classical with electronic dance music. He wrote his dissertation on this marriage of genres after research fellowships in Berlin and London.

Recent Articles

GEO Group Federal Contracts Rise As Former Sessions Aide Lobbies DOJ
A former legislative aide to now–Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been lobbying his former boss’s Department of Justice on behalf of a private-prison giant that has seen its DOJ contracts increase under the Trump administration.
By Alex Kotch||
Who Writes the Checks for Ben Shapiro?
We break down Shapiro's web of alt-right financiers.
By Alex Kotch||
U.S. Rep. Condemns ICE Fingerprinting Policy As ‘Injecting Fear Into Family Reunification’
After TYT reported that a new policy requires all adults in households looking to sponsor immigrant children to be fingerprinted, U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wa.) told TYT that the Trump administration is “running our nation through fear and chaos.”
By Alex Kotch||
U.S. Reps Speak About Their Private Prison Investments, and So Do Their Critics
After TYT reported on the private-prison investments of three members of Congress, two are publicly addressing the issue.
By Alex Kotch||
Democrat Who Got $16,500 from Private Prisons Joins GOP in Vote Supporting ICE
On Wednesday afternoon, 18 House Democrats joined all but one Republican in voting for a GOP resolution in support of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
By Alex Kotch||