Sep 23, 2024
Trump Makes BOGUS Claim About Women And What They Care About
Former President Donald Trump wrote in a social media rant that women will not care about reproductive rights if he wins.
- 13 minutes
Donald Trump as a political candidate
is here for the women.
And if you didn't know that,
well, he is telling you
in a truly unhinged post on Truth Social.
Last Friday, Trump claimed that if he wins
in November, women will, quote,
no longer be thinking about abortion.
And that's so nice.
All I do is thinking about abortion.
And I, you know, I'm really happy
to not have to do that anymore.
So let's see what he had to say.
It's a lot, so just bear with me.
He said this on Truth Social.
He said women are poorer than they were
four years ago, are less healthy than they
were four years ago, are less safe on
the streets than they were four years ago,
are more depressed and unhappy than they
were four years ago, and they are less
optimistic and confident in the future
than they were four years ago.
I will fix all of that and fast.
And at long last,
this national nightmare will be over.
Women will be happy,
healthy, confident and free.
You will no longer be thinking
about abortion because it is now
where it always had to be with the states
and a vote of the people.
And with powerful exceptions like those
that Ronald Reagan insisted on for rape,
incest and the life of the mother,
but not allowing for Democrat
demanded late term abortion
in the seventh, eighth or ninth month,
or even execution of a baby after birth.
I will protect women
at a level never seen before.
They will finally be healthy,
hopeful, safe and secure.
Their lives will be happy,
beautiful and great again.
Okay, we're not going to break down the
whole thing because you know, you get it.
You know why? It's ridiculous.
You know, he's just talking
with the intention that someone will read
what he said and think to themselves,
oh, you know what?
So true.
I am a lot unhappier
than I was four years ago.
But he went on to evoke
the memory of Ronald Reagan.
He also mentioned
the thoroughly debunked claims
that Democrats want late term abortions,
including abortions so late that the baby
is fully out of the womb by the time
their mothers decide to get rid of it.
Trump then said he will protect women at
every level, at a level never seen before.
Which is funny because we know
how he deals with women.
And he closed his statement by saying that
women's lives will be happy and beautiful
once he is president again.
Women's lives.
We're going to talk about the quality of
those red state women's lives in a moment,
but we got to talk about the post.
What are your initial thoughts here?
Yeah, three parts that were crackups
that women are finally going to get
to feel happy, healthy and confident
because of Donald Trump.
Yeah. Okay.
- I mean.
- Look.
- Can't wait.
- Yeah.
If you're a woman who believes that there
was no way we could help you anyway.
So you were going to vote for Trump
because you believe in absurdities.
So we'll get to some of the things
that he's done to women in a minute
that has not exactly made them happy
or healthy or confident.
And then he says, but the political stuff
is even funnier in a sense.
Now it's exactly where women wanted it.
Abortion decided by the states.
That way half the states
can make it illegal and make sure
that you can't control your own body,
and that big government gets between you
and your doctor, and then actually
might do things where you know you die.
So aren't you so happy?
But he's used to it.
To be fair to Donald Trump,
he's used to with MAGA.
He just has to say something.
It doesn't matter what it is.
They'll believe it instantly.
So he thinks.
I don't know,
maybe it'll work with everybody.
I am a martian brought to you from
the past, and I am here to save Zagade,
which is the actual name of this planet.
And I'm a lizard person,
but I'm here for good.
MAGA is like, of course,
lizard people 2024.
So he says he's going
to make women happier
and that women wanted to be restricted
on abortion in all the red states.
I don't know, maybe some MAGA women
will agree and think, oh yeah,
that's the alternate reality I live in.
And the last one from the statement
is of course, they're executing babies
after they're born.
Name one.
Name one baby that has been executed
that has had a post-birth abortion.
There was a governor and he died.
And we're taking his quote
and misinterpreting it.
And then.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
You don't have a single case of it.
If you believe that there is
post-birth abortions
where they just simply execute the babies
after they come out, you're a lunatic.
So get counseling.
And that's one
of the presidential candidates.
That's not just like I know, but to be
fair, of course it's going to be crazy
people on either side at the extremes,
and that's part of his base.
But that's not fair. No, he's saying it.
He's the lunatic. All right.
Yes. Back to you.
All right, so let's see
how things are actually going
for these women in red states.
Texas was one of the first states
to implement sweeping
and extremely restrictive abortion laws.
The minute the Supreme Court
overturned Roe v Wade.
And they're trying to make things even
more miserable for women here in Texas.
This is from The New York Times,
and it says that the lawsuit that is being
brought right now by Attorney General Ken
Paxton takes aim at federal privacy rules,
including one enacted this year
that Ken Paxton called a backdoor attempt
at weakening Texas laws.
He's referring to Ken Paxton
is suing the Biden administration
because they want to be able to track
women who travel out of state
to obtain abortions and buy out of state.
I really mean, you know, out of the
Deep South, because I would have to travel
at least a few states over before I
could find a doctor, not limited by state
imposed restrictions here in Texas.
And traveling out of state
is really one of the only options
that many women in red states have.
Because look at what's happening in Texas.
This is reporting from NBC,
and it says that there has been
a dramatic rise in pregnant women dying
in Texas after abortion ban.
Exclusive analysis finds the rate
of maternal deaths in Texas increased 56%
from 2019 to 2022, compared with just
11% nationwide during the same period.
Wow. It's terrifying out here.
The analysis was conducted by the Gender
Equity Policy Institute, or GFI, using
publicly available data from the centers
for Disease Control and Prevention.
Nancy Cohen, the president of the GPI,
explained the findings, saying this.
She said there's only one explanation
for this staggering difference
in maternal mortality.
All the research points to Texas's
abortion ban as the primary driver
of this alarming increase.
Texas, I fear, is the harbinger
of what is to come in other states.
And just a reminder that in Texas,
the state banned abortion
at five weeks prior to the overturning
of Roe v Wade after the overturning.
Ironically, abortions are now only
permitted in extreme circumstances
when the mother's life is in danger.
Problem is, a lot of times women have
to suffer immensely before doctors are
able to claim that her life was in danger,
sometimes to the point of damaging
her reproductive organs,
to the point that she can no longer
conceive a child in the future.
And the reality of these abortion bans
that is less obvious in stats
and data points, is that plenty of women
who want to have children in red states
are now reluctant to do so,
out of fear that should something
go wrong, they won't have access
to the care they would need.
A doctor.
Leah Tatum, an ob gyn from Austin,
said that she's seeing many women
in their late 30s and 40s who, even though
they would like to have children,
worry they wouldn't have an option
to end the pregnancy if it turned out that
the baby wouldn't be born healthy.
What happens if I end up
with a genetically abnormal fetus?
Tatum said her patients have asked her.
They worry their options
are limited, she said.
But as I mentioned,
this is happening all over the country
and the dystopian red states in Georgia.
Similar stories.
Kandi Miller was afraid to seek care
amid Georgia's abortion ban,
so she stayed at home and died.
This is reporting from ProPublica,
it says.
Candy Miller's family said she didn't
visit a doctor due to the current
legislation on pregnancies and abortions.
Maternal health experts
deemed her death preventable
and blamed Georgia's abortion ban.
So, Jake, this one obviously
hits very close to home.
I am a woman in my mid to late 30s
in Texas who would like to have children,
and now I'm I don't know,
I just might not because unless I move,
which I don't think I will anytime soon,
it would be very scary for me
to have a baby here in Texas.
But I feel like a lot of those real world
stories, you know, we hear the really,
really scary ones about, you know,
this woman had to have a miscarriage
in the bathroom of an E.R.
Because the doctors
wouldn't see her here in Texas.
By the way, if a doctor is even perceived
to have been aiding in an abortion,
even if the woman technically
has a miscarriage or anything like that,
the doctor could lose their license
to practice medicine.
Or they could even be,
given a life sentence in prison,
they could go to jail for life if they're
even perceived to have aided a woman.
Which is why a lot of doctors, like,
even if they want to help women,
they just can't or they won't,
or a lot of them are leaving red states.
So women have even fewer options, even
just for consultations with their doctors.
So it really is a big scary problem.
I do not believe that Donald Trump is
going to help us at all, because I blame
Donald Trump for the fact that I lost
my rights to health care here in Texas.
Jake, what do you think?
Yeah, this 56% increase in maternal death
brought to you by the pro-life movement.
So, I was on a British show a couple
of days ago, and it was conservative.
And when we got to abortion,
they demanded that.
I say that abortion is immoral.
I'm like, brother, you're not getting it.
I don't think like you do.
I think these women dying
because big government got involved
and told them what they could, and
couldn't do with their body is Immoral.
I don't think a zygote in a petri dish
is a human being.
I know, like the pro-life movement
goes women?
Nah. Who cares about their life?
Oh, my God, a zygote in a petri dish.
Oh, that's a life. That's a life.
But this one.
Yeah. Oh. She died.
Who cares?
Okay, don't tell me you don't. You care?
What are you guys increase?
Demanding an increase
in funding for maternal care.
Are you demanding an increase in funding
or any other kind of care for women?
How about increase in in funding to help,
babies after they're born?
Because you're so pro-life? No, nothing.
Who cares? Who cares, who cares?
Republicans vote no
on all of those things.
I just want to be able
to control the woman's body.
You finally go back
to doing what I told you.
I mean, I'm pro-life. Are you?
Are you? Because it doesn't look like it.
So you could tell
all the pretty little lies you want.
It doesn't matter.
70% of this country gets it.
We think freedom means the freedom
to control your body and not to have some
sort of Taliban figure come in and go,
Oh, the Lord disapproves.
You are immoral. Okay, now you have.
You're getting.
It's going to be a miscarriage.
There's a an ailment
where a baby's bones are so brittle.
There's so many different diseases, right?
This is one of, like, thousands
that the bones break within the body, and
then they've got to take the fetus out.
Otherwise it's going to die.
And then when it does,
it's going to create an infection.
And then sepsis is very deadly.
And that's one of the common things
that happen.
But now doctors across the country
in the red states are like,
sorry, we're not taking anything out.
I don't want to spend ten years in prison.
So. But wait, it might kill her.
Yeah, it might, but I'm not going to do it
because I'm not going to.
Because these are actual like.
And I don't mean like, normal mullahs.
I mean fundamentalist lunatic Taliban
mullahs going, no, no, let her die.
Who cares about your
stupid medical opinion?
Stupid doctor. You don't.
You're not in charge.
My ancient texts are in charge.
Okay. And that's not even true.
And then I told the host.
Hey, do you know
that the abortion is pro Bible?
I'm sorry. The Bible is pro abortion.
That was funny. Okay.
Numbers 511 through 31.
God, if you think your wife is cheating
on you, take her to a priest.
The priest will do the abortion
and God will decide upstairs.
Oh, she did cheat.
And then God says, okay, that's it.
The Bible is indisputably pro-abortion.
Oh, but my priest told me.
God breathing life into.
Oh, interesting. And every life is sacred.
What does that have to do with abortion?
Does it have anything to do with abortion?
Whereas numbers five, 11, 31 directly
says God will do the abortion for you
if you think your wife cheated on you.
Don't believe me?
Go ahead, pick up any Bible. Not my Bible.
Pick up your Bible.
Read numbers 511 to 31.
So the whole thing's a lie.
It's the religious leaders invented
this lie that is not at all in the Bible.
In fact, the very opposite is
in the Bible, because religious leaders
were all men who wanted to make sure
that they could control their chattel,
because back in the day, women were
property and they were like, we don't want
this property getting any ideas.
So we're going to tell them the opposite
of what the Bible says, and we're going
to control every part of their lives.
This is the so-called pro-life movement,
and it's killing women across the country.
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