By: Zachary Shucklin

Each year Trump has been in the White House, it seems like the concept of “truth” has become a lot more subjective. Whereas written statements, recordings and video documentation used to serve as evidence for stuff happening, nowadays, the truth is whatever Trump feels like at the moment. Here’s some 2019 logic we’ve learned almost 3 years into his presidency—if Trump says something, believe the opposite.

This week, for instance, Trump changed his tune on replacing the ACA with a Republican healthcare plan after having a private discussion with Mitch McConnell. Despite the fact McConnell went on record with the New York Times saying he counseled the president, Trump later took credit for the move, saying he was postponing the vote until after 2020 when the House supposedly (hopefully not) will have a Republican majority again. “No one is writing legislation to replace the Affordable Care Act,” Ana said. “No one has a robust plan, or is working on a robust plan to replace the Affordable Care Act.” While some Republicans are tinkering with the idea of lowering drug prices, “they never actually do any of those things,” Cenk added. “All they do is talk about it.”

America has become desensitized to this sort of rhetoric, partially because of the mainstream media. “They are the Republican Party’s best friend,” said Cenk. “They help them in every turn.” Conservatives say whatever they want and avoid accountability because major news networks maintain a false sense of impartiality—which comes with a cost. “People can’t tell what’s what because the media constantly does political correctness and lies on behalf of the Republican Party,” said Cenk.

Not every story has two equal sides. It’s time for the media step up and call out this administration when it lies and walks back on its promises. Don’t trust anything Trump says—your gut knows better than that.