President Joe Biden has floated the idea of passing a $15 an hour minimum wage as a standalone bill since corporate Democrats like him think they have to listen to the Senate parliamentarian if she alleges that it can’t pass through the reconciliation process.

Bernie Sanders pointed out that was impossible.

“The only way that we are going to raise the minimum wage,” Sanders said on MSNBC speaking with Chris Hayes, “is through reconciliation or ending the filibuster. In my view, I do not see in the foreseeable future getting significant support from Republicans.”

"He’s absolutely right about that," says Ana Kasparian pointing to Sen, John Kennedy who asked asks Jerome Powell why there’s any need for covid relief when GDP is doing well.

But the GDP is not a good indicator for how the people are doing.

"10 million people remain unemployed. Nearly 40 million are being threatened with eviction as they brave the biggest housing crisis since the Great Depression. More than 79 million Americans say they can’t pay for electricity, water or heat," a report by USA Today states.

"And 50 million people are going hungry – up from 35 million before the outbreak. Families across the country, especially those of color, report a devastating reality: there isn’t enough food on the table," and "nearly 80% of adults said they need another economic assistance package, according to the Pew Research Center."

As Pramila Jayapal states, the parliamentarian is an unelected person who should be ignored.

"It's been 12 years since we've raised the minimum wage, and if we're going to make those promises, we have to be able to deliver on them," Jayapal said. "Because, I'll tell you what, in two years... when people vote in the midterms, you're not gonna be able to say, 'Well, I'm sorry, we couldn't raise the minimum wage because the parliamentarian ruled that we couldn't do it.' That's not gonna fly."

But Cenk Uygur agreed, saying the parliamentarian is actually advisory and should be ignored. "You could overrule the parliamentarian. Kamala Harris could do it in 10 seconds flat," he said. "When Joe Biden says we’re not going to overrule the parliamentarian, what he’s saying is we lied to you. We could easily do it, but we’re not going to, but we never had any intention to," he adds.

The parliamentarian in question, who is not an elected member, is named Elizabeth MacDonough. She was first appointed to her role in 2012 by then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). She ruled on Thursday that the minimum wage increase does not qualify under reconciliation.

"Did we hear about the parliamentian once during the Trump Administration?" asked Kasparian. "No, because when Republicans want to do something, they get it done, they lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% and they did not get rid of the coroprate tax loopholes which means that the effective tax rate is much lower," she added.

"$15 minimum wage can happen. It needs to pass through reconciliation. And democrats need to give the parliamentarian the middle finger because her existence is undemocratic," said Kasparian. "If Democrats wanted to pass $15 minimum wage they could overrule her."

"If you got something that's super popular, and you said it was a top priority, and you couldn't do it unilaterally, and you don't do it, what does that tell us about you? Probably that you’re a liar," Uygur concluded.

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