Trump Brackets Reference LIE-brary

Orange Jesus comforting disaster victims in Puerto Rico with...paper towels

Associated Press

Group 1

  1. Called for "the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles in the Constitution" (

  2. Not calling off supporters from the attack on the capitol and Congress & the VP (

  3. Equated neo-Nazis with counter-protesters at a rally (

  4. Said "grab them by the pussy" (

  5. Moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem (

  6. Praises authoritarian leaders (

  7. Glorified violent insurrectionists as heroes (

  8. Said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave (

  9. Keeps Hitler’s speeches by his bed (

  10. Buried his ex-wife at his New Jersey golf course (

  11. Said John McCain was not a war hero (

  12. Told Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by" (

  13. Altered a hurricane forecast map with a Sharpie (

  14. Cleared Lafayette Square for a photo opp with a bible (

  15. Was laughed at during his speech at the UN General Assembly (

  16. Gazed directly at the sun during the 2017 total solar eclipse (

Group 2

  1. Engaged in a scheme to use fake electors (

  2. Claimed the election was rigged during and after the voting process (

  3. Impeached for pressuring Ukraine to give him dirt on his political opponent (

  4. Said he would act like a dictator on his first day in office (\_source=copy&utm\_medium=share)

  5. Separating families at the border (

  6. Gave Presidential Medal of Freedom to a donor’s wife (

  7. Dismantled Obama-era environmental policies (\_story.html)

  8. Misused foundation funds (

  9. Claimed that Mexico sends criminals and rapists to the U.S. (

  10. Said Kamala “all of a sudden” “happened to turn Black" (

  11. Appointed three conservative Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe v. Wade (\_trumps-lasting-legacy-conservative-supermajority-supreme-court/6199935.html)(

  12. Took Russian oligarch money (

  13. Defrauded Trump University students (

  14. Claiming to be the least anti-Semitic and least racist person (

  15. Threw paper towels into the crowd after flooding Puerto Rico (

  16. Described physically cleaning coal (

Group 3

  1. Endangered Vice President Pence on Jan 6 (

  2. Sexually assaulting and defaming E. Jean Carroll (

  3. Threatened to target political opponents if re-elected (

  4. Suggested dangerous treatments like injecting disinfectants for Covid (

  5. Said 2nd Amendment support could counteract Clinton's judicial appointments (

  6. Suggested shooting BLM protesters in the legs (

  7. Said Barack Obama was not a natural-born citizen (

  8. Advocated for killing innocent family members of terrorists (

  9. Removed over 300 classified documents from the White House (

  10. Gave his own family jobs and pressuring intelligence for clearances (

  11. Weaponized COVID-19 (

  12. Feigned ignorance while disagreeing with Project 2025 (

  13. Told supporters to get over a school shooting (

  14. Failed to reimburse cities for campaign rally expenses (

  15. Claimed that windmill noise causes cancer (

  16. Called a hurricane 'one of the wettest we've ever seen from the standpoint of water' (

Group 4

  1. Refusing the peaceful transition of power (

  2. Convicted of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to affect an election (

  3. Praised Jeffrey Epstein as a terrific guy (

  4. Implied Kamala Harris exchanged oral sex for career favors (

  5. Said there were "very fine people on both sides" about neo-nazis (

  6. Implemented policies that have been criticized for harming children (

  7. Called captured and fallen military members 'suckers and losers' (

  8. Villainized immigrants (\_story.html)

  9. Received a possibly fake diagnosis of bone spurs to avoid the draft (

  10. Profit from his business interests during his term in office (

  11. Claimed millions of immigrants took jobs from Black and Hispanic Americans (

  12. Filed for bankruptcy more than any major U.S. company (

  13. Advocated for increased oil and gas drilling (

  14. Said he is a very stable genius (

  15. Mocked a disabled reporter (

  16. Used charitable funds to purchase a personal portrait (

BUT WAIT... There's more...

Used the alias 'John Baron' to deflect criticism (

Tweeting Covfefe with no explanation (

Referred to Apple CEO Tim Cook as 'Tim Apple' (

Hired paid actors to supplement the crowd during campaign announcement (

Contributed to the demise of the United States Football League (

Sharks, Boats, and Batteries, Oh My (

Fired FBI Director James Comey (

Suggested that the F-35 is literally invisible (

Referred to a supporter as 'my African American' (

Misrepresented inauguration attendance (

Implementing tariffs on solar equipment (

Enforcing loyalty oaths (

Denied knowledge of father's arrest for property neglect (

Demolished valuable artifacts despite promises to preserve them (

Claimed Hillary started birther movement (

Stole artwork replicas from the US Ambassador's in France (

Financial losses and a multi-million $ settlement for investors in his casinos (

His campaign of public pressure for the dismissal of Andrew McCabe (

Endorsed a trucker campaign to halt deliveries to NYC ( )

Claimed to be a self-made billionaire despite inheritances, etc. (

Claimed the Kurds didn't help in World War II (

Said an American judge not be impartial due to his 'Mexican heritage' (

Said his building was the tallest - it is not (

His business certificate was cancelled for committing fraud (

Said Nigerians would never 'go back to their huts' after seeing the US (

Questioned the motives of fallen soldiers (

Made lewd comments about women to Billy Bush ( )

Criticized the Emmy Awards process after his shows failed to win (

Mocked Arianna Huffington's appearance (

Sued a tenant for not paying rent even though he did (

Claiming to be worth $10 billion (

Claimed 'total' authority over states regarding lifting coronavirus restrictions (

Said Jeb Bush has to like Mexican Illegals because of his wife (

Provoked North Korea with a tweet (

Insulting the appearance of women candidates (

Gloated after they executed Michael Reinoehl without a trial (

Halted a study on the health risks of mountaintop coal-removal sites (

Publicly discussed North Korea missile test (

Called some places "shithole" countries (

Defaulted on a $640 million loan and then sued the lender (

Involved in over 4,000 lawsuits by 2016 (

Denied a loan by Deutsche Bank after history of defaults (

Bankrupted the Taj Mahal Casino in 1991 (

Tried to buy Greenland (

Alienated Black communities during a convention center project proposal (

Advocated for killing families of terrorists (

Refered to political opponents with racist language (

Made xenophobic remarks toward The Squad (

Ignored expert warning about COVID-19 (

Halted US financial support to UNRWA in 2018 (

Claimed the 2016 Iowa Caucus Was Rigged (

Took Hundreds of millions of dollars from Adelson (

Underpaid undocumented workers during the construction of Trump Tower (

Sides with Russia against FBI at Helsinki summit (

Expressing racist beliefs about Black employees (

Easing sanctions on a Russian oligarch's business (

Proposed the use of nuclear weapons to disrupt hurricanes (

Made disparaging remarks about Haitian immigrants and AIDS (

Rode with secret service while contagious with COVID (

Repeatedly criticized mail-in voting as corrupt (

Made inappropriate comments about daughter Ivanka (

Said he would accept election results "if he wins" (

Trying to defund the EPA's Office of Environmental Justice (

Approved a raid that resulted in the death of an 8-year-old girl (

Appointed Kevin Harrington to the National Security Council for money from Peter Thiel (

Said people should stay on a cruise ship because they had covid (

Made inappropriate comments about his infant daughter's body (

Inciting violence contibuting to the death of families at a Walmart in El Paso (

Excluded military amputees from a 2018 military parade (

Escalating drone strikes (

Encouraged Russian aggression against NATO allies (

Emboldening far-right Christian nationalists (

Tried to end DACA (\_law/supreme-court-rules-against-trump-administration-attempt-to-end-daca-a-win-for-undocumented-immigrants-brought-to-us-as-children/2020/06/18/4f0b6c74-b163-11ea-8758-bfd1d045525a\_story.html)

Significant tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy (

Promised to build a 400-mile wall funded by Mexico (

Pressured the Georgia Secretary of State to find votes (

Lied about the 2020 election (

Unfounded claims of voter fraud (

Demanded the death penalty for the Central Park 5 (

Allegedly assaulted a 13-year-old girl at a party (

Withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal (

Muslim ban (

Attempted to dismantle Obamacare during pandemic (