Progressives Launch Bid to Weaken Biden Hold on DNC
DNC Delegate Liano Sharon, right, on the Every Damn Day show with Jerry Norris, right, Sept. 7, 2021.
A group of Democratic Party reformers is seeking support among party members for a resolution that calls on the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to act in the interest of the entire party, and not that of Pres. Joe Biden, other elected officials, or their donors.
The proposed resolution comes less than a month after TYT reported that DNC Chair Jaime Harrison allegedly said his job is to “protect the president.”
The resolution also calls on the Democratic Party, its staff, and officials to be “neutral and independent” when it comes to party business involving potential or current party candidates.
Michigan Delegate Liano Sharon said party progressives will pass around a draft of the resolution during the DNC’s bi-annual meeting taking place Thursday through Saturday in St. Louis, MO, and urge members to take a survey to gauge how many would stand behind the resolution next year.
Sharon told TYT that the survey is part of a broader project to get Democrats focused on growing a culture of neutrality within the party so that the DNC doesn’t favor party donors or anyone else.
“We're asking for democracy,” said Sharon. “The fact that democracy favors the people rather than the wealthy – that's the benefit.”
The survey is also meant to create a method of clear and direct communication between the grassroots and party leadership, according to Sharon. Sharon says that the group of progressives, called People for Democratic Party Reform (PDPR), is asking DNC members both whether they support the resolution and whether they want to propose any amendments. He says once PDPR and those who weigh in on the resolution vote on a final version, it’ll be submitted for consideration at the next DNC meeting.
“We wanted to find a way around the morass of the party infrastructure before that dilutes our votes and effectively eliminates grassroots sentiment from the upper echelons of the party,” said Sharon. “We want to find a way around that morass that allows members of the party to speak loudly together, you know, and actually put forward proposals that actually get voted on.”
The draft resolution opens with a reminder of some of the tenets of the DNC’s charter. The resolution asserts that if the DNC wants to lead, it has a responsibility to listen to and trust all of its members.
The resolution also states that, per its charter, the DNC must be responsive and live up to its pledge of conducting business open and honestly. It also calls for all party members to get the opportunity to fully participate in decisions around candidate selection, crafting policy, and other party business.
As TYT and others have reported, the Biden administration wields a great deal of influence over the DNC, including who gets pegged for committees and which resolutions get adopted. And despite recent polling that finds 67% of Democrat voters want an alternative presidential candidate to Biden, the DNC refuses to allow presidential primary debates with Biden and other Democratic and progressive challengers.
This resolution seeks to undo that dynamic.
But Sharon insists that the resolution is about having a “fair and democratic process,” not about Biden.
And the PDPR is looking for support across the Democratic Party coalition, not just from progressives.
“Do we want to have a Democratic Party where the members of the party get a choice about who represents them?” Sharon asked. “In 2024, the Democratic Party, because of the way that the DNC has acted, is not giving the members of the party of choice. And there's nothing democratic about that.”
Sharon says that regardless of how many members support the resolution, the PDPR will introduce it during the next bi-annual meeting, likely in the winter of 2024, and during the national convention next summer.
TYT Washington Correspondent Candice Cole was previously a correspondent and senior White House producer for the Black News Channel and has worked at a number of local news outlets. You can find her on Twitter @CandiceColeNews.