Closed 5071 Signatures
The Hateful Eight

About This Petition

I, the undersigned, will never donate, volunteer or vote for anyone, Republican or Democrat, who votes against a $15 an hour minimum wage.

That includes these eight Democratic Senators who have already voted against it:

Joe Manchin (WV), Jon Tester (MT), Jeanne Shaheen (NH), Maggie Hassan (NH), Angus King (ME), Kyrsten Sinema (AZ), Tom Carper (DE), Chris Coons (DE)

Posted by TYT Staff on 3/5/21
Recent Signers
Mary C.
4 days ago
Larry L.
1 month ago
Fuckyo U.
5 months ago
American Samoa
Dnc S.
5 months ago
Kathleen B.
10 months ago
Grace C.
10 months ago