Closed 348 Signatures
348 Out of 3,000 Needed
Collected Signatures
Democrats Need to #BootTheBreakfast
No More Extremism. No More Hate.

About This Petition

On its face, the Fellowship Foundation (aka "The Family") claims to have goals like “walking with others in peace” and “melting the walls of division through unconditional love.” But behind the facade is a sinister plot to gain political power.

This plot is brought to fruition through an event known as the National Prayer Breakfast. On the surface, the breakfast presents itself as a way for lawmakers and others on Capitol Hill to pause, reflect on, and pray for the nation.

But in reality, "The Family" uses the breakfast to make activists and policies opposed to LGBTQ+ and reproductive rights mainstream and even secretly allows anti-LGBTQ+ officials in other governments to invite guests of their choosing to the breakfast.

This year, those same groups led by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, are asking elected officials to once again give up the National Prayer Breakfast.

This is where you come-in. These organizations need your help.

Sign our petition to demand that Democrats to #BootTheBreakfast!

Posted by TYT Staff on 1/22/23
Cenk Uygur
The Young Turks, The Conversation, Bonus Episode
Recent Signers
Paul V.
3 weeks ago
Leticia S.
3 weeks ago
Larry L.
1 month ago
Carol S.
1 month ago
Caroline W.
2 months ago
Danielle M.
2 months ago