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Moving Forward
Populist Plank
We want to form a populist voting block that insists on these basic minimum policies for the average American. At least two-thirds of the country supports all of these proposals. They would pass if we did not live under corporate rule, where all of our politicians are controlled by their corporate donors. Left-wing and right-wing populists can negotiate what exactly would go in these bills. For example, is higher minimum wage enough to push up all wages or should we do some other measures as well? The overall point of this is clear – we will vote for anyone, in any party, that actually gets these bills passed. If you pass them, you deserve our vote. If you don’t, we will vote for someone else. It’s a promise.
Operation Hope Discussion Board
Join the discussion with other TYT members! You can create topics, ask questions, connect with other members and talk directly with Cenk and other TYT staff.
Pup-ulist Plank - only the pets will save us.
Disappointed about the results of the election? Concerned about the future of the country? Need some joy? The Pup-ulist Plank is coming to our rescue. Post a picture of your pet and we will select pets to show during the Operation Joy segment on Tuesdays. Just pets, no politics.
Operation Hope Events
The Operation Hope Working group meetings are open to the public - but be prepared! This is where we are working hard to plan the populist revolution.
Operation Hope: Chat with Cenk! is a live forum broadcast on TYT. This is your opportunity to chat with Cenk and hear updates about Operation Hope. All are welcome!
Check out the Operation Hope Discussion Board (below) and sign up here to be a part of this movement.