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Save Us, Kamala!

About This Petition

One of Kamala Harris' top priorities is to pass a $15 an hour minimum wage. There's great news for the Vice President - she has the power to include it in the Covid relief bill! In her role as the Presiding Chair of the Senate, she has sole authority to decide whether the minimum wage provision can be included in the bill as part of the process called reconciliation.

So, the Vice President can single-handedly save the minimum wage increase and save millions of people from a life of poverty. So, we, the undersigned, ask you, Vice President Harris, to rule that a minimum wage increase is allowed in the Covid relief bill.

Posted by TYT Staff on 3/2/21
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Deborah D.
5 days ago
United States of America
Laura K.
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Angela P.
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Stanley G.
5 months ago