Black Lives Matter!

As the number one progressive news network, TYT doesn’t downplay the tragedy of police brutality or systemic racism in the United States. These stories are essential, and we’ve been covering them for years in hopes of making an impact toward positive change. While racism in America will never go away quickly, we hope our coverage, while shining a light on injustice and uplifting Black voices, will help take us toward a brighter future for all, no matter the color of your skin.

TYT Was One of the First Networks to Cover the Murder of Trayvon Martin
Fighting No Knock Warrants, Interview with Benjamin Crump
George Floyd
Breonna Taylor
Sonya Massey
This Is Why We Say Black Lives Matter
George Stinney’s Execution
Emmett Till
Daunte Wright
Ahmaud Arbery
Alton Sterling
Freddie Gray
Cenk Goes Off On NYPD and Eric Garner's Killer
Tamir Rice
Michael Brown
Philando Castile
Former Cop Reveals Racism & Violence Within The Force
Road Raging Cops Targeting Innocent Black People
Racist Exposed After Calling Cops on 9-year-old Black Girl
Video Captures EXACTLY How Cops Treat Black People
Black Undercover Officer Beaten By White Cops