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Why This Matters Massive Government Handouts to Billionaires Musk and his companies have received at least $5 billion in direct government subsidies (Forbes), and that doesn’t even count the billions in indirect benefits, and tax breaks. Tesla, SpaceX, and other Musk ventures are propped up by taxpayer money, yet we—the ones footing the bill—see no benefit. If this were truly capitalism, these wouldn’t be grants; they’d be investments, and investments come with ownership. Musk is the richest man on Earth, but where’s our share? Where’s our stock? Where’s our free Tesla? Where’s our ticket to the moon? The US taxpayers involuntarily invested in his companies, the least they could do is give all of us a return on that investment. Socialism for the Rich, Rugged Individualism for the Poor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. put it best: America has socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for the poor. Time and time again, we see billionaires bailed out and boosted by public funds, while working people are told to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps.” The system is rigged, and it’s time we expose just how deep this injustice runs. The Billionaire Tax Scam This problem extends far beyond Musk. Under Donald Trump, billionaires got a $2 trillion tax giveaway, signed into law in 2017. And now, he’s continuing to push for more tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy. Where does that money go? Not to higher wages, not to better schools, and certainly not to working families. Instead, billionaires use these tax breaks for stock buybacks—a sneaky way to inflate their own wealth even more. They avoid taxes, then use our money to make themselves even richer. This is theft in broad daylight. Corporate Welfare While Workers Suffer Meanwhile, Musk and his billionaire buddies are actively working against working people. Take driverless cars: while raking in billions in subsidies, Musk is developing technology that threatens the livelihoods of millions of truck drivers, taxi drivers, and delivery workers. Teamsters pay dues, they fight for fair wages and benefits, and they work hard—only to have their jobs erased by a billionaire who’s already taking their tax dollars to fund the machines that will replace them. The Broken System That Lets This Happen Why does this go unnoticed? Because billionaires and their allies in Congress and Musk-simping media control the narrative. They distract us with culture wars while they rob us blind. They tell us we can’t afford universal healthcare, but somehow, there’s always money to bail out big corporations. They convince us that welfare for struggling families is a problem, but corporate welfare is just “economic development.” This is by design. The Solution: Demand a Return on Our Investment If billionaires are taking public money, we should see public benefits. That means: End corporate welfare unless companies give back to the people. Tax billionaires fairly—no more tax loopholes, no more stock buybacks funded by tax breaks. Invest in us—better wages, better infrastructure, better schools, and a real return on our money. Sign the Petition: Hold Elon Musk & Billionaires Accountable! If billionaires want our money, it’s time we get something in return. No more blank checks for the ultra-rich while working Americans struggle. It’s time to demand what’s rightfully ours. Sign the petition and tell Elon Musk and Congress: WHERE’S OUR CUT?!

Where's Our Cut?

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[ENGN] Live Blog Test

Our mission statement at TYT is to boldly pursue truth, challenge the establishment and drive positive change. We have never wavered from that. It’s not easy to state the truth when lies help the powerful retain their power. It’s not easy to challenge the establishment when the establishment has all the power. And as we’re all aware, it is very difficult to drive positive change in a system meant to continue the status quo so that the powerful can stay at the top. But we have decided to go on this path with our viewers because it is the only decent and sane path. This means we don’t do blind partisanship. We don’t follow antiquated ideologies because someone said we’re supposed to. We also don’t bow our heads to any political leaders or parties. We believe in independent thought. We’re for open-hearts and open-minds. This is a unique experiment in American media. We’re going to try to build a community around being honest and fighting for the average person. TYT has a bright line rule that we never play with the facts. Our unflinching honesty for over twenty years has made us the most trusted show in digital media and earned us the title of The Online News Network. The idea that the news is supposed to be neutral and dispassionate is nonsensical. You’re supposed to care about the news! We do and our audience does. That means we report the facts, we analyze the context and then take action to make the world a little better. We believe in hope. We believe that we can work together to make a difference. We hope you join us on this journey.

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