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June 9

Notice: YouTube $1.99 Membership

We have an announcement about a change in YouTube membership. To help make our membership offerings more consistent across different platforms, we’ve had to remove the $1.99 membership option on the YouTube Main Channel.

If this change affects you, don’t worry, we have options to help keep your TYT membership going. First, if you want to retain your YouTube membership, you can upgrade to either the $4.99 or $9.99 a month level.

Or, if that won’t work for your budget, we’re offering a new feature on that allows members who can afford it to generously provide funds to allow others to retain their memberships for as little as $1.99 a month.

But since we’re only able to offer a limited number of these subsidized memberships, you’ll need to check in at to see what’s available.

On the other hand, if you’re one of those generous folks who can pay a little more to help others in our community maintain their memberships, please do so by going to