Oct 5, 2022

Without avail, Piers Morgan used logic and common sense to try and teach Andrew Tate about misogyny.
  • 12 minutes

The Young Turks: October 5, 2022

Amazon suspended Staten Island workers after they protested working in hazardous conditions caused by a fire.
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  • 9 minutes
Just about every conservative is totally fine with Herschel Walker paying for a girlfriend's abortion in 2009.
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  • 10 minutes
Media Matters recently unearthed Matt Walsh's questionable commentary on calling for violence and teenage pregnancy.
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  • 12 minutes
Republican gubernatorial candidate, Heidi Ganahl, thinks that children are identifying as animals and using litter boxes at school.
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  • 6 minutes
Alex Jones "boycotted" his second defamation trial by fleeing in a private jet.
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  • 9 minutes
Republicans are blind to the fact that overturning Roe v. Wade is the opposite of freedom, as they've been forcing their beliefs onto others for years.
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  • 5 minutes
We're all just as confused as Pete Buttigieg after Marjorie Taylor Greene said he's trying to "emasculate" the way we drive. Marjorie Taylor Greene, saving the environment that humanity destroyed isn't masculine.
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  • 7 minutes
Republicans are heavily pushing their anti-crime messages, an issue they really don't seem to care about at all.
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  • 8 minutes
Thin-skinned Kanye West has been receiving backlash (as expected) after displaying his "White Lives Matter" t-shirts, and Gigi Hadid had some words for him.
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  • 6 minutes
Without avail, Piers Morgan used logic and common sense to try and teach Andrew Tate about misogyny.
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  • 12 minutes